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Ok but seriously
How walkable are the cities of your nation
I am getting worried about America
What will Europeans do when their walkable cities become MORE unsafe because of non-Europeans committing violent crime? There will be no escape.
We will have our own 2nd ammendment but only for non browns.
>non-europeans commit violent crimes
Explains why the US is so fucked up since virtually every one there is a non-european
is Project 2025 Qanon for leftists?
I’m coming to Norway to fuck your women.
At this point I don’t know if posts on that sub are real, or /pol/ trolls.
Too late already went to Spain and fucked cute Spanish men
>be something moderately popular on the internet
>change your entire branding to be aggressively gay
I don't get it, I am not a homophobe or anything but I don't understand the obsession with gay flags
Jokes on you, the government has fucked them already
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>be me, last White man in America
>drive to work (walking and taking the bus leave me vulnerable to brownoid depredations)
>get run off the road by a road rager after I honk at him
>while I try to repair my car, it's stolen by urban youths
>start walking back home
>get hit and killed by an intoxicated Latinx
>Urban youths
Just say black teenagers because we are all thinking it.
Uhm sweety we say troubled teens. Calling them black is a mircoagression.
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>Calling them black is a mircoagression.
They are “People of Color”
But don’t say “Colored People” as that is extremely racist
He also literally said no one cared about trannies 5 years ago and he doesn't care either but he has to get votes
The more I read shit like this, the more I think that people should need a license to not be a ward of the state.
Our larger cities have a lot of suburban sprawl. The downtown areas are absolutely walkable (or at least easily transit-able), but this only benefits people on the gibs - everyone else down there can afford to own, park, and drive their fancy new auto-mo-biles, and they don't want to mix with the poors lest poverty prove to be contagious..
I'd say call them Canadians, but when we're not Indian, we're Chinese.
>How walkable are the cities of your nation
If you don't mind the garbage, the broken sidewalks, the dirt roads and the risk of getting mugged they are very walkable.
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Why would anyone do this?
For internet points! If you get enough, you can get out of jail free when they arrest you for vehicular manslaughter/assault/second degree murder.
Cool going to kill as many leafs as possible
Bring a rake!
And a camera, or you won't get any points
the average american city is less safe that the worst slums of europe
Yeah, because of non-Europeans specifically the browns and blacks.
Idk if you guys know this, but we probably have more walkable cities than any one European country. People just choose not to live in them. They love to Arizona and complain about how unwalkable the Mojave desert is.
Ironically, it’s the only reason why Americans think we don’t have walkable cities. Boston, Providence, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Pittsburgh, Columbus, Chicago, Charleston, St. Augustine, Miami, the literally dozens or maybe hundreds of smaller towns and cities like Santa Fe and Lancaster that are walkable. All of them are perfectly physically walkable. It’s probably more walkable city space than any other nation on earth. But Americans you talk to online don’t live in them because non-white people live in them and so they think none of our cities are walkable. No, it’s just the exurbs and Western patch towns they grew up and moved to get away from black people that aren’t walkable.
Why are lefties like this? This is nuts. The crazy thing is people will believe this.
I want a nuclear war with Russia and China so that our cities filled with non-Whites are obliterated.
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The non-Whites in Maine are more violent than the ones in Europe.
The whites in Maine are more violent than the nonwhites in Europe.
Incorrect, pajeet.
Absolument vrai, Kyle. Absolument vrai.
To be fair the UK has low homicide numbers even by European standards. New Hampshire for example is about the same demographically as Maine and has extremely lax gun laws but a lower homicide rate than Finland
Ok... but, to be fair, if either of us lived in Finland, we'd hunt people for sport.
White flight was orchestrated by the cia in order to protect the white race in the event of a nuclear barrage destroying its key cities. It is much quicker to evacuate the danger zone from the outer edges of a metro area.
That there are still white people living in Detroit tells me that the white race does not want to be saved.
>non-white people live in them and so they think none of our cities are walkable
I don't think this
I know this
America has been trying to be us for many centuries now.
I am all for cyclists having bike lanes, and if they don't use them they should have their bikes confiscated and also given a fine.
I also am a cyclist and hate delivery cyclists acting like retards on the road.
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European still have a chance to bring down their governments in a popular protest. Imagine trying to do this in the us. You simply would be able to gather enough people to barricade the 10 lanes avenues in most cities.

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