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Irish pondering edition
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join a hiking club
rather just hike alone thanks
Join a kiking club
me back left
thought as much
don't approach women or use dating apps so that;s a non-starter
don't drink wine, read, run or hike
In bed wanking
why do you enjoy killing /brit/
>i dont do these things that will allow me to make friends
ok, start doing them
you dont get it
It is astounding how negrified and hibernicised our runt class is
basically just millions of Jamal O'Pressed wannabes
stop samefagging so much you fucking cretin
don't want to
Someone asked about finding redditers in the wild. Here's your answer. Every single one of them is a redditer, and they all fucking love immigrants and trannies
Round em all up and send them bloody well home
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my friend everything broke
why is there no english keith woods?
why is the british right non-existent?
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Had a wank earlier and feel drained. Vital life force gone.
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hope that copper had steel toe caps on
I swear to God rightoids just invent the most retarded shit and then immediately convince themselves to believe their own lies without ever stopping to actually check reality
Their weird fantasies about gay Jews running the world work fine in their heads because they never go outside or read a fucking book, they have no understanding of how to cope with basic reality proving them wrong
60IQ fucking planet right here
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Darth Vader had to modify his lightsaber technique after he ended up in the suit.
He still used primarily Form V or Djem So, the style that he mastered as Anakin, but he mixed it with elements of Makashi (Count Dooku's style), Soresu, and Niman.
thats fine, you just wont be making any friends though
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maybe stop being a boring cunt then
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A clue lost
Stop shagging kids, leftypol

the only inaccuracy is there being so many whites in the schools

what's the percentage at now 60%
get them safely escorted across the channel
I used to think revenge was a dish best served cold
but then I realised it meant getting back at somebody
t. gay jew with 60iq
Star Wars lore is incredibly lame
that's the first post I've made today, thicko
not my fault you're a bogtrotting burundian berk of biblical proportions
done him
What so I can spend my weekends with these freakazoids? No thanks!
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Mad how there’s 6 young slim lasses in that photo and not one is fuckable. At a push I’d do the one kneeling on the rock
to me walking and running is also boring
alright shlomo shekelstein
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ok heathernonce
Get this. The Irish. But abroad.
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england has rorke
your life is boring
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>Charles finally becomes King
>Gonna put him on all the money
>Treasury says don't even bother making them
*raises paw*
Saar wars
tacky gauche rich Arabs will be the powerbrokers of the new age. i don't believe the hype of a Chinese century or an Indian superpower. i think new money, unsophisticated, Andrew Tate-vibed Muslims is the burgeoning dominant culture. Traditional, but only superficially in the ugliest aspects. Capitalist in its most ruthless nature. Socially decadent to its worst qualities

I see bright neon lights in shisha bars, dessert cake shops, soulless skyscrapers, "i swear bro", Saudi/Dubai/Qatar cyberpunk future as the real vision of the future
done him
Ahh, but alas adding blacks and trannies has ruined this masterpiece of storytelling
reckon that's worth just under one thousand posts over two and a half months that
2016mong style post
had no idea sean lock was still alive
Bradleyposter ripping the arse out it now
I'd shag them all rotten
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despise this bright red box BBC website has switched to
white and delightsome
Hopefully the last
driver faster uncle
haha this rhymes
Gonna deed change my name to White Delight
nappy left his vpn on
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get them read
Easier than I thought
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This sceptic isle
everything good and nice costs more money than i have to spare
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Time for bed. I don't want to toil tomorrow. It's a long shift. It's bad for my mental health. I want to cry. I'm not a weak person but I get worn down.
wahey lads helo its me white delight wahey alright lads hell
leftypol: get out of your smelly bedroom rorke, join a hiking club

rorke: ok!
I only like heather on the yorkshire moors actually
Kind words and supportive comments are free, you fat yank CUNT
How does one become a paralegal
whys there a wog in the middle of the sign
>switching from lower-case to using caps
only wronguns do this
you’re definitely heathernonce
might look into joining a pro-white group like this
feel like it's about time cunts are starting to cop on
mad how 99% of england looked like this in the mid 18th century and then everyone get funnelled into urban shacks to toil in factories making pig iron and milk chocolate
this place is your only outlet and everyone here wants you to kill yourself lol
who is this stunner?
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The stabbed lad has released a statement about his alleged snitching. To translate he is saying despite telling the driver to go the police station and then phoning the police to say he was being chased by a car and had been stabbed several times, he is in fact not a snitch.
I think if you break your back or something?
is that Arthur’s seat
YouTube has become almost unusable on desktop
Aye climb a remote mountain instead of marching up a busy street
daily i find myself falling further and further into the inescapable wormhole of humorous sci-fi audiobooks on audible. i am a fucking sad nerd and would bully myself if i met me.
oooh get a load of grammarnonce and his degree in /brit/postology
Mad how badly normies shill shit programs. Watched like 4 episodes of Mr. Robot and it was absolutely shit
the absolute fucking state of that shit culture, somehow more pathetic than when they are eating dirt cookies
actually hurts to try and read this nog babble
rorke used to mean British Empire enthusiast

rorke's drift, the raj, general gordon, George V, Cecil Rhodes, Sharpe, etc

a redcoat/khaki aesthetic
Just because it’s true doesn’t mean you have to say it, lad.
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Darth Bane also used Djem So mixed with Makashi, Soresu, and Juyo.
Darth Bane was a massive hulking brute of a man, so Djem So naturally lent itself well to his physical strength, and Juyo lent itself well to his cunning, sharp, unpredictable mind.
blud is cappin
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Nobody is native to Europe because all humans come from Africa
how cultural and enriching
aye cause cunts in glasgow would batter them right? mate your average cunt up here hates muslims as much as the english do
mousenonce went woke
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Well team. Looks like I'll be off to bed now. Wish me luck and support.
My name is Rorke and I like to party.
how shit are they if they have him surrounded and only manage to nick his shoulder
ben nevis
I thought it was a portmanteau of 'raw carrots'. Big fan of night vision, me.
Hope you don't wake up
Think I lost 10 IQ points reading this yankified street drivel
And criminals putting out statements like footballers when they’ve done something wrong?
Absolute state of it all
Hope you get better one day, lad
I know mate, I live in Glasgow
tinto hill
begging to be bred by white gentlemen of Nordic stock
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hope she enjoys the olympic village
climbed that last week lol
Irish diaspora, I’ll wager
>these skreets
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We are a Belgae people
olympic village is a euphemism for getting blown out by bbc
so yes, she will enjoy it
no been up it in a good wee while
last time i went was with ma da a few year back

need to go up it and smoke a joint
So is that his actual uncle
because it's hilarious if his uncle was more concerned with the state of his car
oh my fucking god hahaha
Need a poo but can't stand fucking wiping
you don’t see vimto much these days
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Boomer New World Order

It's called that because they own all the houses in this country.
>So is that his actual uncle
omds rorke
what's the latest with poleaboo?
"What are you going to do, ban me?"
- Quote from man banned
I went up with my dad, could have powered ahead but didn't want to leave the old man behind. Good chippy in Lanark as well on the way home
You do if you go to a shop and look at the soft drinks you cunt.
its only smellz
>Googled Olympic Games babies
>They're all mixed-race with white mums
honestly even the labour voting irish diaspora here dont like muslims

nobody in the UK seems to like them it feels
what chippy
been thinking about developing a personality and interests so i'm not miserable but idk...
why do the darkie fellows like to say “we outside” all the time
joined isis
don't be googling that again son begorrah dey'll have ya guts fer garters ta be shure
got his head kicked in by some copper
imagine actually being a wog
horrid state of consciousness
>google incel olympics
>you won every event
Haven’t seen it for a while
false. both of my local cornershops stock not just your classic vimto but vimto still, and the gay willy wonka varieties involving guava and dragonfruit and such
it’s not about “Muslims”. It’s about cleaning europe from all wogs, including jews
he sounds like the belgian poster bbc posting
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will need to give that a try
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Bring back the Hull Bee Lady!
google again fuckhead
>the Bradley poster is here
Odd as Abdul working in Abrakebabra is every bit as “Scottish” as your wee Liam Duffy when you think about it. No difference between them to a real Scot.
I already have interests, namely browsing anonymous incel imageboards and masturbating to pornography
Yes, I might be unemployed, but I cleaned my disabled Gran's entire flat today (4 rooms) like an autist. Spick and span, sparkling, even.
Olympic baby born to a Ugandan father and Polish mother
Sure a knew a cunt called Liam Duffy once

Anyways you're wrong
Mental how Chick-fil-A has tried twice to launch in the UK and both times they've backed out because of seething trannies on twitter
Why are they so scared of our trannies
get her shagged
Raped to death by you know whos, I’ll bet
Irish diaspora moment

New installment of "women get owned and made to look ridiculous
It's actually 'Latinx and Span', Rorke.
ahhh, it's heathermong
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Another mulatto child future bbc so same result as bmwf
it’s not the trannies it’s the media shitstorm and all the other pressures. no one cares about trannies obviously they care about the tranny promoting establishment
Why? Neither belong here. This is not their
Don't think I will mate.
Albeit she did tell me to take off my shirt which was weird (hot in her flat so not that weird)
All of Gaul is divided into three parts. One part is inhabited by the Belgae, one part by the Aquitainians, and one by the people who call themselves Celts and whom we call Gauls…Of these three, the Belgae are the bravest
Poles are slavic version of Irish Diaspora
I like to park at the loch while I'm eating it
7 fucking hours
who watches this shit
she wants her little man's little man
They don't care about the American media establishment clearly though
what gave it away?
Why do you have to make it weird? Go have a wank ffs you odd little bastard
the only people here that know what chick fil a is are terminally online virgins
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going to cycle to my local takeaway to enjoy some ground up white girl kebab and chicken wings
they were founded in 1946
I fucking knew it was asf spazzing out all day lmao. Retard got Gaels and Gauls confused one day and created a brand new world history about how all Celts are Belgian out of it lmao
Just enlisted in the War on Woke
does she have false teeth? if so, get her to give you a gummy bloz
apply to be her carer. you don't have to live with her and you get free money
No false teeth. Mate, you really need to get a job.
Scotland was literally founded by the Irish diaspora
Both were incredibly linked throughout all of their histories
Scotsmen and Irishmen are about as close as you can get between two nations. Even the Irish Catholic immigrants from the 19th century, its rare to find someone by now who would be pure Irish and not intermarried into the "native" Scottish Protestants at some point. You literally cant tell where if someones ancestry is from here or 200 miles to the west unless they have a distinct Irish Gaelic surname.
olympics is supposedly starting soon but if that were true I think I would have heard about it
a few years ago my nan had some friends over for a 'games night' and she wanted me to wear a pair of tighty whities and a dickie bow and serve them drinks
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Mad how this kind of thing gets so many viewers. Reckon there might be some truth to this incel thing I’ve heard about.
Hey now
You're Rorke's daa
Legend :D
well one of them is trying to blow up white children and the other isn't so no they are quite a bit different you stupid muslim cunt
>Polish mother
many such cases
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I hate it when I get a hair on my phone screen.
Corr, than what happened? Might stick on a granbang video now
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Mate, fuck off. You chat so much shit.
She fit?
i have a job it's 11pm dipstick
what's you job? shagging granny? grim
can we stop obsessing over interracial relationships
this isn’t 2018
One’s blowing them up, the other is raping them and covering it up. Neither are welcome.
to my eternal shame I said no and threatened to punch her for being sick in the head
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Dadberg is such an absolute boomer oh my DAYS
polish women are only good for cleaning
grow up, fat cunt
I'd consider going to a chick fil-a if they opened here
but I've been to five guys after it being declared god's gift to fast food and found it just ok and very overpriced
nah mate it's the same group doing the violence and the sexual perversion mate, muslims dont belong in europe.
don't think i will actually
They have weird noses. They look Jewish. Other Slavs don't look like that.
This is the world they took from you
How old are you cunts that you have boomer parents? Surely they’re gen x?
This hun is properly rattled
chinese women really not a fan of chinese men
70% of Irish are in inter ethnic relationships? Do they mean with English people?
poland had the most jews in europe so there was probably mixing
sup zoomie
This is the world they took from you
The Irish diaspora are here
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>Wojciechina Alkoholowicz
Nice restaurant there too
the price puts me off before even stepping foot inside
there's a spoons across the road that sells a burger and chips for the same price but you get a pint as well
Yes British is counted as separate
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Good? It was shit
too much sovl for one picture
most people here are in their late 20’s or 30’s. insanely grim if you’re posting here as a zoomer
don't know why floppy disks are included here
I recognise most of these from my childhood but floppies were always dead and gay
Haven't tried it lad
20, me
dad was born in 67
for me? it's the humble doner n chips
>This will always be so.
not anymore
thanks to woke
just blew my nose into some soiled boxers
And that would make their parents gen x, boomers are well in to their 60s and 70s
chips cheese n donner
when watching shogun with the japanese gf she had to put on subtitles. simply couldnt understand the old style traditional japanese language

this is what the modern japanese and their education is like
they can only speak and understand street slang & regional dialect japanese
have major problems understanding formal/textbook version of the language. their kanji knowledge is also terrible

very strange no?
grim honestly
life only gets worse btw
Nothing wrong with getting some tight zoomer bussy
donated blood and a kidney but never no humble mister
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It's kind of sad she's lost her entire career over this

especially when you know they are all clearly beating the shit out of the horses just like she did
Dogshit show
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Bedtime, kiddo. Finish your juice box. Mummy will tuck you in.
was shogun any good? watched the old 80s one with toshiro mifunu and john rhys davies, thought it started well but got a bit boring towards the end.
i’m 31 and my dad is in his 60’s and my mum is almost there. and no one cares about “gen x”. you see a 50 year old they are a boomer. simple as
just saw a girl I know on a 4k walk video on the youtube
my dad had loads of floppies
horse girls are all mental anyway
Mad how Ava Kris Tyson just perpetuated the stereotype that all transgender people are mentally ill paedos. Actually, it's not mad, it's fucking hilarious. Wonder how many more tranny pedos will need to be outed before leftypol wakes up.
That right Abdul?
A typical irish diaspora
you would honestly think she was sadistically abusing it or raping it with a spike or something
I knew a horse girl who phoned me whilst I was on a night out and claimed someone was stalking her home so that I would get a taxi to meet her. It worked
>very strange no?
They call it "Character Amnesia" they can't remember any of that shit if they don't spend their entire lives handwriting it every single day
Bet your mums had a few floppies in her time an all
mate leftypol called george floyd a hero unironically, left wing cunts will never wisen up
yeah its good

honestly tho the real life story is interesting enough without dramatisation. the first englishman to ever step foot on japanese soil. originally a prisoner but rose to become the shogun’s primary minister on foreign affairs. must have been an extraordinary person

You smashed her?
Who we sending home after the blacks, Irish and Muslims are all gone?
There are genuine trans people who have went through gender dysphoria, then there are the degenerates who do it for a fetish.
The latter hate the former for daring to assert that you actually need to experience gender dysphoria to be trans.
no blacks
No mate we played uno
yeah mum was basically his PA so she handled them most of the time
surprised they didn't make half the jesuits black or something
indians, jews
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The bloody state, browns arguing? Absolutely NOT my problem
*plays a Draw Four*
>begging for shadman to draw more porn
>buying his work and hanging it up in your house
>going to shadman's site while streaming
it's amazing he had a wife and kid at all
>The people of this Iland of Iapon are good of nature, curteous aboue measure, and valiant in warre : their iustice is seuerely excecuted without any partialitie vpon transgressors of the law. They are gouerned in great ciuilitie. I meane, not a land better gouerned in the world by ciuill policie. The people be verie superstitious in their religion, and are of diuers opinions.
first weeb perhaps
We'll be sending you back to the mainland, anglo. these are Celtic islands
daft bastard couldnt even spell japan
would not cross the road to piss on these people (were they on fire)
get the shadman drawn
Pretty much all modern asians know maybe 10-20% of their language
what’s a modern asian
There’s a 5 year old boy with an unshagged arsehole over there, Séamus. Go get him lad!
i keep one in my shed he's a sound guy
rorke spotted
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what does "uncle" mean in wog speak
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found the gf’s cursory understanding of japanese bizarre to say the least
*falls off the back of the thread*
Like one of them K-pop singers? They seem quite modern and trendy
life's a treat with shaun the sheep
Fuck sake, bastard.
There's no real limit to how many sheds you're allowed in your garden
I might get two more
Nobody could stop me
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heathernonce is arguing with himself on an irish vpn
Having a cheeky pint
No limit? Ok, put 33 quadrillion sheds in your garden then, smartarse.
Stacy Solomon will be on your case soon if you do sort your life out
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Kevin McCloud is gonna have a word with you mate
leftypol putting on an extra nasally voice when he says "yaxley-lennon"
get the sheds built
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still can't believe May actually did this

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