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Are there any non muslim/religious countries that have hard stances on drugs? Here in the US people with seethe about illegal drugs coming over from Mexico but then say nothing about all the corporations making billions selling alcohol, nicotine, and marijuana to people. People here even seethe about their favorite brand of liquid degeneracy "going woke". Why do so many non religious countries tolerate degeneracy?
we passed contradicting laws recently about harsher sentences against drug uses and another about decriminalizing weed, so idk
Just legalise everything. If it's so terrible, then unrestricted cheap access makes it a self-solving problem.
having meth heads everywhere in addition to alcoholics sounds annoying
>and another about decriminalizing weed, so idk
This never happened.
Stop being retarded
yeah dude, tobacco obviously is the exact same as heroin
that's why smokers invented nuclear power while junkies invented sleeping in underground stations
What about cocaine then
Whatever useless legal word you want to use, they still made pot smoking more legal which is a direct contradiction of what the senate passed like 2 or 3 months before it. Read the OP next time faggot.
i tried both
there is something in cigarettes that isnt just nicotine
there is something more evil than heroin
only vice worse than smoking cigarettes i can think of is gambling
something changed in 1955, my approximate estimation of the era when it changed, im not too smart but i can feel evil approaching or leaving a trace, seed
you sound annoying sober and capable more than a meth head or acoholic could even if they tried
its the haaynyaghynnnyaa eeichhhnyyhanhhnya sounds you make when quetching about a breeze of air blowing upon moles and zits popping upon your synagoge of satan skin every time you express the slightest discomfort as your dna erodes trough punishment of God Himself or if you dont believe in Him, then nature itself telling you you are something so unholy reality, mathematics and physics is telling you you must perish by turning into dust upon a ghast of wind but you have to take young life, real life, goy life in shape of newborns (that is why so many babies go missing upon birth world wide) so you can dice, slice and extract Gods perfection and essence to keep your unholy curcimcised faggot inbred schizophrenic stain of a life form alive
Cocaine is bad for your body in general
so is olive oil, butter, lard and wheat flour
Nicotine still kills a lot of people every year
Bruh olive oil in small quantities is good for your body, it just doesn't have to be of shitty quality/mixed batches
Tobacco contains lots of MAOIs which act like short acting antidepressants, that's why tobacco is so addictive
idk man, i use olive oil only when i dont have to fry anything when i eat, meaning i splash it on salads and on pizza pan edges to loosen it up and give it that mediteranain...
also i rub it on my skin when i go in summer heat upon rivers to have fun to not get sun burnt
and on hair, prior to having deep cleansing shower or bath, i still have a lot of hair despite being 33, my dad and all males in prior family are and were bald, even women in my other family went thin haired
but as i see it, people use it as an elixir, as a way to substitude shit you cannot
you cant fry things you love to eat on olive oil, it has a tolerance of some temperature, nowhere near it is exposed in cooking or frying or whatever
it becomes dinosaur oil and tar
i know what im talking about

hard drugs are more dangerous and/or more addicting than the legalized ones, plus the legalized marijuana can get it's THC tuned down by the government to be less addictive
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I really don't understand why there are so many addicts in the USA, ok we send the drugs but if there was no market for them no one would send them, why are there so many addicts?
its the smoke thats addictive, not the effect
Lack of walkable cities
that's why it should be legal and given out for free on designated methhead reserves, where no one can enter unless they're a methhead, and no one can leave unless they go through detox and rehabilitation. I believe this would both destroy the black market for drugs, and the population of addicts as they have no opportunity to introduce newbies to drugs.
Life is hard in america
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you guys are literally the world empire how the hell are you depressed?
dont replicate it, have your own thing
here the kultchur is have a vice, be it gambling, substance or harmful habit
you switch between those as life goes by
unless you die
for 6 years i kept it only alcohol and tobacco and have never had a more harmless life
i was younger, had other vices
you just juggle them until you die
thats the curse here at least
in america, from what ive seen its instant coffe, instant nesquick coco powder, instant gggnoogdles (i hate asiatic slurping of faggot spaghetty type they call hayyaaaaaaaaah chong pong gknoooodles saying its kultchuroooh hayyaaah gnougneee hosenotoroooh hyhaaaaaaaaaaaa cheng pong) instant entertainment, instant that, instant those, whatever
theyve lost the plot and im not even talking abouit 1997 ffs
and youre the ones that are supposed to be gnative to your own fucking sand and cactus
There's a saying "supply creates its own demand". This is especially true of drugs. They're addictive so once people get access to them it creates a market. If there were no drugs there would be no market, because there would be no addicts.
But what you said is also true, so it's a chicken and egg problem: what came first the demand or the supply? One of the reasons for demand is the loss of manufacturing/energy jobs in America, that's probably why the epidemic is the worst in the Rust Belt: the "mid-west" states that lost a lot of jobs in manufacturing, steel and coal mining. These are also full of shitty towns with nothing to do except work, and now that they don't even have work they have more time for entertainment: but the only entertainment around is drugs
Retarded namefag.
retarded green headed newfag
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map of Opioid-related deaths compared to a map of the Rust Belt States
once I overdose upon olive oil and I had a extrabody experience seeing my ancestors in ROMANZ republic
>amid protests and growing international attention, Singapore executed another man on Wednesday for a drug offense. Tangaraju Suppiah, a 46-year-old of Tamil descent who had been on death row since 2018, was hanged at dawn in Singapore’s Changi Prison after being convicted in 2018 of abetting the smuggling of 1.02 kilograms (2.2 pounds) of cannabis back in 2013.
Why didn't you include coffee in the OP since it's a drug?

OK, for a real answer, alcoholics have culture. Thousands of years of wine / cider making, whisky, rum, ect, all with historical significance and stories about them, alcohol has always been there. Name pretty much any alcohol and it has deep history and cultural roots behind it.

This doesn't go away just because you call it "degeneracy."

People don't even drink like they used to either, now they drink because it makes it easier for them to talk and socialize. It's pretty much just used as a socialization drug for the majority of people who drink it.
>Why not socialize without the alcohol?
Why not socialize while lifting weights and sunning your balls and eating antioxidant powder? Because not everything has to be min-maxed to offer health benefits and you're a living, breathing human who won't live forever anyway.
It's everywhere now
Usually a mix of fent/nitazene analogues, RC benzos and xylazine
Tbf. Psychedelics have a long history across Europe as well, and I reckon cocaine leaves were used for a long time as well where they grow, even if they are weaker than the processed stuff
The US is flooded with drugs, but Mexico is flooded with illegal weapons from the US. I think Mexico suffers most from the war on drugs.
Only regulating drug use can put an end to the organized crime of drug trafficking, no other criminal activity is as profitable.
The complicated thing is that people always invent stronger things that completely destroy users like crack and artificial cannabinoids like K9. The only effective thing is damage control unfortunately.
Yeah, I have nothing against people using psychedelics in some traditional way. I also have no problem with people chewing on coca leaf. I wouldn't do coca leaf but I don't really care if someone wants to chew on a leaf or whatever. That one is pretty much only banned because people can make real drugs out of it.

Psychedelics are generally banned because of boomers, that's pretty much it. I really don't care about people using them responsibly, just like I don't care if people drink as long as they don't get drunk and annoy me.
Wonderful drug

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