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The world needs America back.
The world needs a nuclear catastrophe.
Christ'Ameriga nun esiste cchiu
the world needs a morgenthau plan for "america"
Racist chud picture think about how bad the LGBTQIA BIPOC had it during those times.
This is what America would look like today if the Zionists didn't take over....
Nice to see protestants are dying out rapidly. The world doesn't need their culture of gas chambers and death camps.
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The father was a closeted homosexual
The mother was addicted to barbiturates
The son is likely suffering from autism
And the girl probably has lead poisoning

Stop glorifying the 1950's
...or if Germany won.
Maybe they'd be having border skirmishes with Japan somewhere in the Rockies. Oh what a world that would be.

The 1950s in America are on a par with the 1990s in Americafor objective peak human civilizational development, for different reasons. The culture of war rationing disciplined the population, and people ate pretty healthy and didn't turn into fatasses. America began to enjoy a hegemonic financial largesse, which the boomers in particular, who were being born at the time, would enjoy throughout their lives. Pax Americana reigned as Europe rebuilt and Japan opened up. The sexual revolution and the other rotgut of the 60s had not yet occurred. Technological development made all the creature comforts that make life worth living (car, laundry machines, etc, yes, you read me right, having access to these sorts of devices makes life worth living) available on a widespread basis. Information technology was developing, but still crude. People still had to socialize normally.

The main thing about the 90s that was so wonderful is that the commie states largely failed and collapsed in on themselves. The internet was widespread but the ability to put stuff on it was still largely limited to a technical class of nerds with various niche interests, which made it more interesting. The ISS, which was getting assembled and put into space circa 2000, is itself emblematic of apex human civilizational achievement thus far.
1945-73ish (maybe a bit later) was a decent time. Strong unions, low inequality, stable families, improving living standards, relatively few homeless people, a legal system that wasn't infiltrated with fundamentalist schizos, and a functional and affordable education system.
It wasn't paradise but it had things worth emulating.
Pure leftist projection.

Silent gen homosexuality rates ranged around 1-3%.
Drug use was nowhere as prominent as today.
Autism rates were less than 0,5% of present ones.
Scientific knowledge and public healthcare were improving.
Shut up evanjegue
Idealisation of the past is by the far the most retarded thing on this world, it gets even dumber when the people idealising it didn't even lived during that time
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being gay was literally illegal and no one had autism because the diagnose didn't really exist yet
>Scientific knowledge and public healthcare were improving.
we're talking about a time when lobotomies were seen as a valid treatment to cure the gay
>The use of the procedure increased dramatically from the early 1940s and into the 1950s; by 1951, almost 20,000 lobotomies had been performed in the United States and proportionally more in the United Kingdom. A large number of patients were gay men.
lol. lmao even.
>what's historiography
>what's literature
>what's collective memory
>what's physical heritage
Smartest evanjegue
The 50's weren't amazing because everyone who mattered was white.
It was because we were literally, actually, factually the ONLY developed country that had not been bombed back to the Stone Age. Everyone had to buy from us, and we were 5% of the population but had FORTY-FIVE PERCENT (45%) of the world GDP.
Retards blame DEI and woke and IDK WTF else for the lack of prosperity, but I can guarantee you that no statistics anymore will show that any more than a marginal amount of the prosperity was transferred from whites to non-whites.

No. Rather it was the boomers, who coasted through the most prosperous time in modern history, and then immediately closed the door behind them once they had used each opportunity granted to them.
They let foreigners speculate in real estate, making housing unaffordable.
They slashed public spending, all the better to hoard their ill-gotten gains.
They sent jobs overseas to Asia.
They infected their cancerous culture-war bullshit into everything, until I can't get a fucking Star Wars moving that doesn't look like they used the original cast of 12 Years a Slave.

We don't "need America back" or any gay shit like that. America is waiting in the wings, ready to re-assume her position in world affairs.
What we need is TOTAL BOOMER DEATH.
Day of the Pillow, can I get an Amen.
You made cry... Out of joy :D
Yes, everyone knows evangelicals rent free in your head. Cope and dilate.
A lot of people who would today be diagnosed with ADHD or ASD flew under the radar 50+ years ago because they were of normal intelligence. People just called them quirky.
Autism was known to medicine but we knew much less about it.
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>The 50s were NOT like this
>No one has EVER owned a house
>No one has EVER owned a car
>No one has EVER had a good family
>No one has EVER been happy
>looks around
It'll be believable by 2030.

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