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Do you hate dogowners in your country?
I do. Dogs belong outside and in a kennel. Dogs are animals and soulless biological tools whose only use is to hunt or do specialized tasks like herding. Dogs as a pet is the dumbest thing in an urban enviroment. And the way people worship dogs is downright satanic.
Dogs smell fucking foul. How do they smell so bad? Other mammals don't smell as terrible
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if "pitbull" was a country wat country would i tbe
>Other mammals don't smell as terrible
I can think of an invasive species of mammal in Canada that smells pretty bad.
t. Mohammed living in Malmo
That's the correct stance on dog ownership thoughever
No one kept dogs inside until 1990.
1 dogs life is worth like 50 nonwhites as far as I'm concerned
chucky ahh girl
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according to who? To a brown hairy warlord living in Arabia? Who cares lmao
That's what the Indians thought of you before you genocided them off. Just saying. Haha woof
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I hate those who don't pick up their dog's poop and those who keep them in apartments
Cool story mohammed.
Did you fap to this pic you pedo dolt?
You don't have to be a sandnigger to hold the correct opinion on dogs, smoothbrained anon
Mohammad was just a cat guy its not that deep
I hate dog owners a lot more than I hate dogs. Dogs are more or less predictable. Owners are just shit.
Mohammad was just a catgirl
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I don't like dogs but I don't hate them the way dumbass mohamaddens do. I simply think that cats are cuter and sooperior
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We all think so but they both have interesting sides
Most of the "Indians" you were defending just seconds ago are "mutts". That's the reality of genocide.
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nope. cuteness is all that matters. I think that bong cats with boba eyes are the cutest
>Most of the "Indians"
Yeah, "Indians"
Humanity for millennia has had both cats and dogs on every farm, I think they are creatures that complement each other despite the dualisms created by city people
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i like dogs and cats, but i hate dog and cat people
that soulless normie stare
All the people who complain about declining birthrates in first-world countries need to take a hardline stance against dogs. So many people are using dogs as a substitute for children, not just the obvious ones who do shit like call their dogs "fur babies". If a law was introduced that made dog ownership only legal for people with at least 2 children, first-world birthrates would increase dramatically.

It's annoying that even the chuddiest of chuds who pride themselves on being edgy and unafraid of offending every group under the sun still give dogs a free pass.
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>Conclusion. It is not permissible to keep dogs except for hunting or guarding livestock and crops
why do you muslims hate dogs so much?
cocker spaniels can be aggressive with children, They look cute and innocent so most people disregard the risks. If I was the father and also owner of the dog I would have to put it down, with a machete or hammer perhaps (not in front of the kids though).
I like dogs. I usually don't mind their owners, and I'm all for population control and post-natal abortion, especially as it applies to that Kuato looking thing.
If something comes near me demanding affection, I'll probably pet it. Devon Rex? I'll crease that ugly bastard right up. Muscovy duck? I'll caress the weird shit on its face if it's gonna come up to me doing that tail wag/panting duck-puppy thing. Fat chick with a moustache? I'll hug her, and then stroke her hair while I wax that angry caterpillar right off her upper lip.
You sound muslim.
Bro if I ever see a fucking any animal bite a child that small in front of me, i'm chopping it's fucking head off
Based animal toucher. I have always wanted to feel the leprosy elbow skin on a black vulture's head
Lol at all the "whites" getting upset at OP.
You're literally advocating for keeping shit around that will snap on your children and mail them, then complain about the lack of white children in the world
Fuck dogcucks
Calm down buddy, why do you want to join it into beating up a kid?
I meant the dog, you dirty little dog fucker
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I like dogs but I hate shitbulls. Kill all of them.
because dogs snitched on mohammad raping aisha
Anon he probably is an Indian. He’s just of the poo variety which makes him calling dogs smelly that much more ironic.
The story goes that the angel Gabriel didn't show up to one of his meetings because there was a dog there, so he ordered all digs be killed to ensure he doesn't stop Gabriel from coming
No Arab would care if Mohammed was deep into cunny back then, and they all knew and were ok with it, so no dog could snitch on him with that
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Aren’t those the pugs of the cat world?
>10 years dog
>10 years relationship
>bf confirmed dealing with its shit
>snapped after 2 months with no male in the house
>OH suddenly
>SO unprovoked
... ... picture perfect dumbassery. Also dude dodged big time.
>dogs not allowed in the house
>dogs only allowed for herding and hunting
>general fear and loathing of dogs
Damn, aren't these the exact commands of that rapist pedophile bandit grifter Mutthammad?
Nice flag btw.
I didn’t mind dogs until I took a delivery job. Now I can’t stand them. Dogs bark and growl at me while their owners just ignore them with no shame
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He's right you know.
i absolutely hate them

they get their dogs in a parks to shit and doesn't even care about it

it especially bad in russia because commieblocks and dogs barking in empty aparts

And I especially hate them because sister of my gf always going with her bf in another country and her retarted little russian toy terier stays with us.
Yeah I hate most dog owners
I'm a dog owner and I love dogs (and cats) but most dog owners are sick people
Anyway since it's not a pit bull I imagine the kid was picking on the dog and upsetting it and it snapped at her although the damage does seem a bit significant
If it's the girls fault then I'm not sure that I'd want the dog anyway because that's not a recipe for a happy dog and if it's the dog's fault then it sucks that the parents chose the dog over their own daughter
Exterminate all pit bulls
Also a reminder that taking your dog for a walk is not a special treat or a way to reward your dog, it's the bare minimum that you're expected to do as a dog owner
You should be taking your dog for a walk once a day, the length depends on the breed of dog
Remember that the dog you have didn't just suddenly appear in your life, you specifically chose the dog and the dog breed and so you're responsible for it getting the bare minimum it needs
Also fuck people who walk their dog off lead in a lead only area and then don't pick up any of their dog's shit
Having a big yard is not a substitute for walking your dog
Btw I have a small dog but small dog owners are the fucking worst behind pit bull owners
Also most collie owners are shit and have high-strung crazy dogs
>soulless biological tools
>downright satanic.

Dogs exist and are lovely creatures with soul. They're fun, happy, caring.

You're an evil superstitious subhuman freak. Your god doesn't exist. Your religion is made up. There's no satan.

You have less soul than a dog.

You should be forced to live outside you evil psycho subhuman cunt.
Mentally ill as fuck. People shouldn't be forced to reproduce or be banned from owning pets. There are other ways of improving birth rates you freak
Poor kinder what the fuck
Doghunting must be legalized
you're just saying that because you're hungry
My geodesy teacher told me that he ate dogs in 90s and people in villages were always hiding dogs when geodesist were coming to work there
We're going to give out social security numbers to dogs soon, take that chuds.
We might not care in the past but today we're surrounded by untrained furbaby mutts.
Kid trying to play with a dog and not understanding its body language. Parents look on equally not understanding its body language, because to them it's just a pretend human baby and a toy. Putting them together in the same house to begin with even though all dogs are potentially dangerous especially with kids, especially untrained which almost all dogs are despite what retard owners think. A dog only qualifies as trained if it obeys you without fail and doesn't do things you don't want it to do, since you've thoroughly trained it not to.

Any animal that harms a human, especially a child, should be killed immediately. No human is ever to blame except the owner, because no one should have to fear being mauled by some untrained mutt, no matter their actions. Humans are more important. Domestic animals should conform to us, not the other way around, or die. It's intolerably to have to treat it as a wild animal, when you enter its habitat, when you're on your own street or in your own home.
Dirty dumb muslim detected.
A dog that bites its owner automatically gets a shotgun shell in the head where i come from.
City people are weird.
>even dog dominates a sweede
how did these people conquer us
cats are braindead, dogs are clearly superior as a pet and companion
funny how muslims hate dogs, they must subconsciously feel that dogs are a better species than them
>once a day
dog owners here would call that animal torture
i kneel. Dogs are stupid dirty animals and should be genocided together with their mentally ill owners. China is once again showing the right way.

>I like dogs but I hate shitbulls
you sound racist. Why are you racist? I hate all races of dogs.
Those parents should be put down, not that dog.
I agree 100%
Good post.
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>downright satanic
Why are Muslims like this?
Why do muslims hate dogs/womens/music/good food/books/religions/freedom/paying taxes/being normal/not fucking your cousin ?
Genuine question btw
both should be. i love dogs but once it bites a child it's over
they can show distress and discomfort in many ways like showing teeth, snarling or giving a light bite as a warning. but the girl in the op vid got really badly fucked up, that's an out of control dog
Why do you hate dogs so much? I’ve noticed that Muslims hate a lot of animals in general for some reason. Like even lizards and shit.
>white woman
>defiled by a dog
like clockwise
what do muslims have to do with it? i hate both muslims and dogs. Lizards live in the wild, idc about them but dogs are in our cities so i have good reasons to hate them.
No islam book ever said that. Just let ppl live their lives without stupid dog
I really cannot believe that webm
asalam aleikum
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My parents dog.
She loves me, goes crazy every time I come to visit.
Dogs are the ultimate NPC pet
what does this even mean
Good to know, now I'll always have a dog protecting me from Satan covered up as angel Gabriel
>before you genocided th

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