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Why do Americans hate Amtrak so much?
i didnt even know it exists
Amtrak failed to lobby the govt.
it slow. it stops for freight trains, so its often hours behind outside of a few high-traffic areas where people actually rely on it. to add insult in to injury, it's expensive.
Flights are cheaper, faster, and easier here. Our trains are shit.
>price: 100 dollars
>time: 10 hours

>price: 250 dollars
>time: 1 hour

It's just maths bro. Our time is literally more valuable than yours, that's why we get paid so much more than you and why everyone is obsessed with us. Don't hate the player, hate the game.
when are americans going to realise that "going back to tradition" means going back to public transport and building cities as they were before cars?
i just looked up amtrak ticket prices for a trip im going to take by flight soon and it's more expensive while taking two days for a plane trip that's three hours
this is why american city nerds are special kinds of lefties who constantly harken back to the old days as if they wouldnt hate the social values of the people back then who were forced to live in cucksheds downstream from a toxic facility
We don’t
It takes 6 hours to drive a car from my city to a city 400 miles away
Both are connected by Amtrak
The train takes 13 hours.
All our rail was built by private companies. One of the terms of letting Amtrak use their rail is that the companies get right of way. Amtrak often has to go very slow to give other trains time to make their route. You'll find yourself rolling along at 20mph for 45 minutes. Sometimes it'll just stop on the tracks for an hour.
On top of that, the gas to drive 600 miles is cheaper than the Amtrak ticket.
Could you try making this word salad convey some sort of information
It needs to be nationalized.
love amtrak, rode capitol corridor all the time
the wolverine line out of Chicago can eat a fucking dick though
But you have to be in a car the whole time which is not ideal because you could be killed at any moment and the person who killed you would be out of prison in 2 years or less.
Passenger rail was dying before Amtrak, that's the whole reason it was nationalized. Unfortunately for socialists nationalizing a failing service doesn't magically make it viable.
its one of the few instances where leftists look longingly into the past, even if that past would rustle their jimmies in every other way. theyre still seething mad about suburbanization. at the same moment that counter culture (see: leftist) ideas were breaking into the mainstream, the middle class was fleeing the cities as fast as they could and forming their own communities outside of the centralized control of cities. they never fully recovered from this and theyve been coping ever since.

I have purposely wanted to travel by train instead of driving or flying but the price for a train ticket is surprisingly much more expensive
There are like 5 trains in the entire US and 80% of them are late

That being said within 5 minutes it should be not considered "late"
Railway-dominated USA is the alternate reality wherein America is a role model to the world, every citizen is white and high IQ and their lobbying for Israel isn't based on oligarch greed but on doing right by God's chosen people. I would give my life for such a country, but alas, the closest we have to that in our reality is China.
"nationalizing a failing service doesn't magically make it viable." That's why Amtrak, which was set up to save the crumbling passenger rail system private companies couldn't handle, is still running today. Clearly, letting private railroads go bankrupt and end passenger service altogether was the genius solution, Nixon should've thought of that one.
It depends too much on which route you're taking. It's still really slow at connecting coasts compared to planes, so trains are for those not in a rush and willing to trade time for staying on land and not being packed like sardines. I tried looking at the fares for a random route and it doesn't seem too bad.
I'm unironically a lover of amtrak and I use the san joaquins route to get to the bay area very often.
For me, amtrak is way more enjoyable than an airline or a car, I can plop my laptop and use free wifi to work on things or just shitpost without being shoulder to shoulder with some stranger

The main problem with amtrak is that outside of a few corridors amtrak is too expensive relative to flying. Perhaps if it was a lot cheaper people wouldn't mind it taking a bit longer, because it sure as hell is way more comfortable. It's unviable for longer routes because amtrak competes with freight traffic (and chud states like texas and the midwest just let freight companies cause massive delays)
basically this pretty much >>200185464
Although I've used amtrak to get to LA from norcal and it takes 10 hours and I preferred it. It's way more scenic, no airport stress, and I get free wifi and a table to work on stuff
oh and american cities obviously have the problem being that once you get to a city, how the fuck are you supposed to get around if the public transit is so shit? May as well drive. And a lot of american cities aren't very noteworthy in general. Why would you go from colombus to indianapolis, really? It's not substantially different in culture or scenery, like taking a train from berlin to munich would be. Same old suburbia mostly
Our Jewish masters tell us to hate trains, especially high speed rail train.
Spread your ass open for more gasoline, goy and don't forget to pay your $1k car payment
without doxing myself i live in a /literally who/ midwest town that happens to have a train connection to a major city, but its one of the few places where amtrak owns the rails outside of the east coast, and they fixed them for higher speeds. from my town to the city center is faster than driving, except when you want to go somewhere further out into the metro area, then driving still beats it. i regularly travel to the city and tend to jump at the opportunity to do so, half of the reason being i enjoy the train so much. i feel like i lucked out
I always vgh thinking about how if just a few different decisions were made the US would be the world role model in nearly every way
It’s slower than driving and more expensive than flying.
I can literally ride my bike faster than amtrak. It's embarassing how slow it is.
I live in one of the few cities with Amtrak and it's actually cheaper than flying, at least for the route I've used.
>they never fully recovered from this
They have actually. In fact older suburbs are starting to decay as people move out of them into newer/better homes in other siburbs/urban areas so a reversal sorts is occurring.
Im from Wichita (Kansas) and it has always baffled me how the Amtrak line goes to the little town 30min north nobody cares about instead of the state's biggest city
>every citizen is white and high IQ
But the ones NIMBYing or pushing for expansion of housing into farmland are that exact subset of people currently.
Are you pretending to be retarded or do you not know that Amtrak has never had a profitable year. Also how fucking new do you have to be to not know how quoting works?
They're not that high IQ if they can't see the bigger picture, ie working towards a cvmmvn gvvd greater than themselves
how much do highways make a year in profit? None, it's just a 100 billion dollars black hole per year

If amtrak was subsidized as much as cars we would be in a utopia
Amtrak is fucking nice, I wish I could get to more places via train. I fucking hate flying and would rather spend a whole day on a train than four hours flying (which also ends up taking a whole day from all the bullshit at the airport)
the people here saying "oh it's the same price as flying why would I take the train" have no idea
the airlines you see that are the same price as amtrak are fucking spirit and frontier
You're not gonna be able to bring any luggage without paying 100 dollars more
Amtrak lets me bring as much as I can carry
And I get my own seat with a table with free wifi
Wayyyy comfier
>Amtrak is expensive
Nigga, no it’s not. I regularly buy an Amtrak ticket for literally $11 that takes me 300 miles to see family. It takes the same amount of time as driving (or less, depending on time of day) and is cheaper given the gas costs. What’s the secret? You have to buy in advance. OF COURSE it’s going to be expensive if you try to buy tickets right before your trip; the supply of tickets/space is lower and the demand is higher.
Check what the cost of an Amtrak trip to a different state is this week vs two months from now. I guarantee you it is 90% cheaper. >>200187642
I like Amtrak :D
My brother in Christ, what line do you take? I used to go to nyc from here in Maryland at times and I would look for in advance for a ticket and they were always around 100-120 one way so over 200 for roundtrip. Instead I would always take a bus like Greyhound and it was 30 dollars one way so 60 some roundtrip. As much as I would love to take the train, the city is expensive enough and the bus is so much cheaper. I am >>200185464 btw
I sure don't hate it. I live in a small town in central north Illinois (pop 2000) that has has regular passenger rail service through it, and a station from which you can take trains to Chicago's Loop. It's really the easiest way to get there unless you can charter a private turboprop, since there are no real commercial airports between O'Hare and Quad Cities Iowa.
amtrak could be faster but from my experience it's more reliable and affordable than most of europe. amtrak you regularly arrive 10-15 minutes late which you half expect on trains anyway but across europe I'd consistently be at least an hour late, miss connections, have trains break down, or just not be able to get tickets for days and have to resort to a bus.
though amtrak has american demographics riding it so I still prefer europe desu
*Midway is pretty damn convenient if you live in the City. My favorite stretch of Cicero Avenue is the one where you see jets just overhead, looking pretty big in your windshield, coming in for landings.
I'm looking at year out and I see $90 ONE WAY to get to Chicago on a 10 hour train ride. So $180 total.
The delta flights aren't scheduled that far in advanced, but looking at a few months from now I see $200 round trip for a flight that takes 1 hour 35 minutes. I guess airlines have checked baggage fees, which would make the cost closer to $270 if you have luggage, but I always travel out of a backpack anyways. I don't like lugging around suitcases.
The plane wins me for me. At least the Amtrak route is an overnight train, but I'd be sitting upright in the chair for 10 hours overnight vs a one and a half hour flight.

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