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A lot of third world entertainment and more specifically animation industry tends to fail because of three things;

first is that the goverment is extremelly over-protective of it and the blind funding tends to cause extreme corruption and complacence

secondly is that it is absurdly hyperfixated on being patriotic and obsessively revolves around just a couple national legends, folk stories and historic propaganda

thirdly is a result of the previous two, that they tend to adopt extremely shitty artstlyes and use very unnapealing or ugly designs and when the animators are confronted with this they just claim its a national or cultural choice when in reality the corruption and poverty has led to a complete failure to recruit skilled artists

these aspects combined tend to hamper not just media but pretty much every aspect of third world projects. I've seen it most brutally in my own medium of animation but obviously this applies on every pseudo-socialist third world country with autistic protectionism like india or iraq
>I've seen it most brutally in my own medium of animation
you're bitching about le cultural marxism as a fucking animator in a third world country, be grateful you can at least work in these shitty projects you dumbass spic
You two should hold hands NOW
>you can at least work in these shitty projects
i cant
i will leave the country after my studies are finished but all my teachers, most of wich either returned from the US or got frustrated with trying to find a stable job, they all tell the same story; it is fucked, most projects are just glorifyied money laundering scheemes
maybe you should've studied a normal career instead of being a retarded manchild, oh well
invader zim was made by a chicano and was kinda based
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that's the thing
he was forced to not animate his retarded aztec wewuzzery and make an actually entertaning story

if he stayed in mexico televisa would make him animate a morbillion miguel hidalgo cartoons each more soulless than the other untill nobody cares anymore
>i will leave the country
It doesn't get better on this side of the border
what about huevocartoon or la familia del barrio, they were very popular at some point
third world?
this is true of media production everywhere in the world that is not London, New York, Los Angeles, Paris, Tokyo or Osaka
I think using national legends and folk lore is a good way to get your culture's media started in a new medium but it should be done with a lot of care.
If it's low budget and poorly done, that is the impression your entire county's media will get.
I think also getting artists who are talented and well rounded (IE writers who are well read) would help too, both in writing and animation.
When creating something new you need to respect the way art and writing were done for centuries or you risk creating some edgy "deconstruction" or cookie cutter plot.
Nationalism in the ex colonial world is not quite similar to the nationalisn in the core capitalist countries, the latter tends to be outwardly oriented and agressive, while the former is oriented inwards and does not profess expansionist ideas (generally speaking)

The masses of the ex colonial world see the nation as a lever and a shelter against what they perceive as abusive intromission from core capitalist countries

In reality, such "intromission" is just the unequal and uneven forces of different capitals concurring in the world market. The more advanced capitals end up imposing over the weaker ones.

Of course, believing that the capitalist nation state is some mechanism through which the masses can defend themselves against the tribulations and miseries imposed by capitalism is pure delusion, the capitalist nation state is nothing more than a taskmaster for global capital
However, some times under some circumstances, the apparatus of the nation state can actually benefit the masses, while still being capitalist, we have seen this under different regimes such as under Chavez, Lazaro Cardenas, Hussein, Kadaffi, etc
yeah this
also el chavo animado
yes I know it's retelling old stories but they are not patriotic or historic.
I've always wondered if el chavo animado resonates with zoomers or late milennials like it did for their fathers, because some stuff you see there no longer exists I'm guessing.
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>the CIA made me animate bad cartoons

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