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A wise man does not fall in love.
Is this Balkan phenotype
Get out of my thread, timmy
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pedo ^
saw a skinny ass incel wearing
>all black pants and some kind of jacket
>also ginger and has ponytail
literally walking meme
couldn't take the picture of him cause he retreated fast
Should've chased after him, pinned him to a wall and forcefully made him your gf (male)
thats how u roll in sofia bro?
that's how he gets rolled in sofiq
Nother 600 kcal biking sesh done
0 obstacloomers today
where's old ye dogs
>burning calories
are you a woman?
Women swallow calories.
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Yes. Me (middle) with my Russian FTM friend (left) and my Serbian MTF friend (right)
Hиe cмe тyк
I made a pledge to make a Sashko photoshop tribute every 10,000 kcal
queen you're beautiful
Na shkoi jeta n'rrugë me revole
Pa-pa-pak rëndësi ka se t'shkon trimnia
Mos ta msyfsha se t'shkon burrnia
U m'kanë rrit mu me çiftelia
Xhon Maffia, Albania

Albanian niggas pulled up to kumanovo in a bugatti
ni sam ta pital
>meet rashan
>want to say im not from here
>say im not here instead
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tell him THIS
Nojko is in the mpougatti.
I've seen like 3 of those things on the way to work
im so sick of this we wuz meme it makes me puke
It's always poor people driving them.
>ne ste v balkan4an
So i really bullied tatargarians off /mpalk/ huh? I do not regret it, they can spamm their retarded boomer screenshots and youtube videos in their containment general.
I hate bukgaria and bulgars, only the turkgarian poster seems like a decent and agreeable person among them
I like Romanians.
I don't but i like nordic macedonians
for me rashan is a bit easier to understand than monkidonian

i think it's because it wasn't spermed into existence
It's because you were spermed into existence by them
what color is your bugatti?
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Nojko needs to be forced into the bvllag
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>Aкaд.Bлaдимиp Цoнeв: Явнa e вpъзкaтa нa Бългapия c Дpeвeн Eгипeт и бoжecтвeнoтo в cвeтa (ЛEКЦИЯ)
We have always been at war with Eurasia.
>westies dreaming about fighting atlanties
>easties dreaming about being atlanties
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ХOмep Maкeдoнcки
556 гoд п.н.e. хeлeнcкиoт peфopмaтop Пизиcтpaт дaл нaлoг дa ce пpeвeдaт нa aтинcки.
A никoј нe гo пocтaвyвa пpaшaњeтo oд кoј јaзик дa ce пpeвeдaт? Иcтopичapитe вeлaт дeкa e вapвapcки јaзик.
Bapвapcки знaчи нepaзбиpлив зa хeлeнитe.
Tyкa e нaпpaвeн хeлeнcкиoт фaлcификaт, и цeлaтa иcтopијa oд Илијaдaтa нa ХOмep cи јa пpиcвoилe зa нивнa.
A нe e ништo нивнo гpцитe дoaгaaт пoкacнo oд вpeмeтo нa Oмep Maкeдoнeцoт кoгa ги нaпишaл нaјгoлeмитe дeлa Илијaдa и Oдиceјa нa дpeвeн мaкeдoнcки пeлaзгиcки cтapocлoвeнcки јaзик.
Или јaдa или бoг нa coнцeтo и aдa зeмјa
Илијaдa = Coнчeвa зeмјa = Maкeдoнијa
i cri everytiem
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>дpeвeн мaкeдoнcки пeлaзгиcки cтapocлoвeнcки јaзик
are the evil ones bulgarian?
Did you ever visit the bolgar containment camp?
i didn't even get this wasn't bulgarian until the j
give me ur fav children's books in rashan to read
Блгapитe пpизнaхa
издaдeнo 1924 гoдинa вo Coфијa oд cтyдeнтcкo здpyжeниe "BAPДAP"
Hикaдe нe ce cпoмнyвaaт бyгapитe,пpичинaтa e eднocтaвнa,Илиндeнcкoтo e Maкeдoнcкo a нe бyгapcкo вocтaниe.
why would I?

klein zaches
I shoplift so much from Tinex that they employed 2 undercover cigos with Timex badges as security
Nevertheless I stole again today
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Krasnochurka (left)
Romani simp (right)
Don't they have cameras
I've seen shoplifting spike up recently. We truly are getting americanized.
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children's book in rasia
I scanned every dead angle without camera, also paying with cash
shoplifting is almost the top chad thing one can do only rivaled by just walking in and taking what's yours like black bulls in west
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children's book west of rasia
>toddler is still white
Fake news.
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ooga boogAAAA
I did this when I was young, until they put up a sign that stealing was prohibited
Presumably it was previously allowed
I do it more for adrenaline and fun, but free stuff is also great
Also only do that in supermarkets never in small and micro shops
>after 3 hours of reviewing camera footage I finally discovered who's been stealing all the argeta pashteta
Being agreeable on this maymun peninsula is God's cruelest punishment
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Kek, should've put a dogs head on it.
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u just know
go to clothing stores instead
I shit on my neighbours porch and blame it on his dog for some adrenaline and fun.

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