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Toot edition
Why would you take me to that?
It's a good track.
I don't know that they are saying
me neither
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Do you have this playlist? I'll add it to my Christian tracks.
sure man here
You've bamboozled me.
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It's gunna hurt when someone steps on those Legos.
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>town is two hands away from goatse
why were the guidestone struck by lightning
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Woke up like this
Soviet city design really is something
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>Woke up
grim x20 but same
sleep all fucking day edition
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Meds time
So you aint dying?
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Med* time
Nah, but if I neglected it for too long I would have to start radioactive iodine therapy and possibly remove the thyroid
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It's that time again
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Is it?
is it ever not?
lil bro clicked the link
lil bro does not have 4chanx
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Based I want them all
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Why are people afraid of wasps again
Just swat it they're slow as fuck
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burgers sleepin or what
niggas be lazy
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How is life in Uruguay? I know the country exists, and that's all I know about it.
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176 215 km2 and only 3,4mil ppl, sounds comfy to me
But, Cerro Catedral, only 514m... It needs hills of at least 1000 - 1500m
its chill
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Obviously you're not poorfags, but you're not rich either. So you don't have boats full of NAFRIS.
Are you hiding a nice country away from the world?
Do you have pictures of any big rivers or RĆ­o de la Plata estuary?
yeah. i just wanna enjoy the sunshine. best latam country imo
I'm fascinated by latam presidents' habit of taking pictures with those ribbons.
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Cool, thank you. Unfortunately, we don't have big rivers or seas. This fact makes me sad every day.
that's so sad
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The President of Uruguay is not a crazy socialist. I'm even more impressed.
Tell me that you don't want to be a member of the BRICS club, and you'll be my new emigration destination in the event of a major war in Europe.
fun fact if you zoom in you can see the skyscrapers in buenos aires >>200198336
Kek, you are right.
We don't have skyscrapers in Czechia either. But I'm not sad about it, on the contrary. Unfortunately, the tallest building in the whole country is about to rise in my little town, and since it's lowland, it will be visible in a radius of more than 100km.
damn that shii insane
Ok I'm awake. I'm making coffee too.
The tallest things in Europe are cathedrals
God bless
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>Warsawā€™s Varso Tower has become the tallest building in the European Union after reaching its full height of 310 metres (1,017 feet) over the weekend. The skyscraper eclipses Frankfurtā€™s Commerzbank Tower (259 metres), the previous record holder.
I want to go see cathedrals
insanely messed up
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Post cathedrals
I meant overall, country's highest building is the main cathedral
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France's smallest cathedral
Looks sturdy.
The cringethedral
this europe shit is fireee
I don't like it.
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Look at that thick base! It's ready to take on a battering ram from the 1400s. Nothing will break those beautiful walls!
Those narrow windows would be good for shooting arrows at pagans while staying safe.
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Well fortified churches are actually a thing
Well when you consider the history of France, that makes sense. Yall had to rough it for many centuries. Threats both internal and external. Why not make the church extra S T U R D Y?
Looking at the link, France and Portugal have the most strok looking fortified churches.
All things considered I think we had it alright
We had infighting and conflicts with Euro neighbours but eastoids had to deal with the fucking Mongols, Ottomans and other steppe barbarians

All we had post-Roman times were the vikings and even then they didn't do as much damage as they did Britain (reminder that Normandy was offered to the Norse AFTER we defeated them in battle and they were vassals to the king of France meanwhile Britain had the Danelaw and Norwegian kings claiming the throne of England)
>meanwhile Britain had the Danelaw and Norwegian kings claiming the throne of England
They really had a awful time early on. How did they even become an empire? Doesn't seem logical.
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>eastoids had to deal with the fucking Mongols, Ottomans and other steppe barbarians
Take a look at this old ass fortified church in Iran. They weren't playing around for nothin'
Muh ships + it's not like there is a logic behind empire birthplaces back in Alexander's time if you had told him the Romans were going to rule the Mediterranean he'd have laughed at your fucking face
Or Islam flooding the world from the Arabian desert
Or the Aztecs going from refugees swamp dwellers to empire
Or the USA actually

Even now we can make all the predictions we want about China but for all we know 300 years from now unforeseen events will have catapulted fucking Argentina as the global superpower
looks like a kleenex someone jizzed in
That's my place of congregation
Watch your language big guy
Nah looks like those solid mushrooms that grow on trees those you can kindle fire with
>for all we know 300 years from now unforeseen events will have catapulted fucking Argentina
Yeah I get that aspect. They have been a lot of wild card empires over the centuries. Honestly, for me the US and France makes sense because we're surrounded by mountains and oceans with tons of resources. UK and Japan don't make sense. Other places without resources or a huge population to dominate with, just strike me as odd. >>200208012
It looks like if a cicada and the pizza hut restaurant had a baby.
We're considering TLM in picrel church bc this one is neocathecumenal cringefest
time for the early afternoon coffee to avoid getting a caffeine crash from all the coffee in morning
my favorite coffee of all

fine I apologise
it's the sydney opera house with an erection

>mistaking churches for kindling
It's fine. I think it can be fixed. Just need to open up the front and put some large stain glass windows there. Maybe some saint statues built into the sides..?
Why was that opera house even built
When has a single person in Australia ever gone to see an opera
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Idgaf 2bqh about the looks but the mass is neocatholic bullpoop with guitars and mandolins.
TLM would be great but it's an hour drive so we need to achieve a strong state of willfulness to ascend lmao
I failed to see which post you were quoting
The second one is cool and very traditional
The first one is googoogaga children mass
Now I'm confused too. But I will post another fortified church.
Not even hungry but I'm gonna fry onions and garlic in olive oil just for the smell
I can just incorporate it into a meal later anyways
i dont visit this hillbilly gen often why are there so many euros?
Cause people like us and we're chill.
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did you take a screenshot of an image on facebook
I source all my memes from myspace
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Please don't point out my flaws. I have to live them.
That's preferred.
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Face reveal
I don't believe you.
One of these will be my face reveal and you'll never know which one
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I expect the inside of your home to look this way, round about.
Went to the dentist this morning. Now I'm waiting on the novacain to wear off so I can eat something.
I'm on vacation
Grandmas home yes
My home no. I live with gf so it's 50% pink and 50% white
What did they do for you to need anesthesia
why do you care about BRICS, it's 0% relevant


least mediterranean man
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face reveal
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face reveal
where'd you find this picture of me
Lol that's cute
They just numbed my mouth to do a few fillings.
Wouldn't mind filling someone's mouth rn
it came to Charles Bukowski in a dream of how based you'd be as a professional alcoholic
So you're saying Bukowski was a prophet who foretold of my arrival?
he's the Elijah to your Elisha
go, proclaim the word of alcoholism to all the land
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I disapprove of this message.
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Let's go boys
I thought that was Pringle chips in the back for a few seconds.
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No. But I just ordered a small pizza for lunch/dinner. It will be acceptable.
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Did you go read Bukowski like I told you to
I was working on getting my laptop set up and then I forgot because I was sleepy. Let me go open a tab for it. Thanks for reminding me.
He's got a lot of short form poetry that's pretty easily digestible if you've only got a limited amount of time, but otherwise I'd recommend Factotum
The yacht scene is skippable and lame but other than that it's a good book
Post Office is good too
Nooooo Hinds don't read it you'll become boat
Very honhonhon image
Thats not possible
ok I was about to ask what I should try to read because I see multiple books
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Me and Hinds
I'd definitely say Factotum or Post Office to start with.
The rest either require some familiarity with him, or you just wouldn't like.
"You Get So Alone at Times That It Just Makes Sense" is a good poetry compilation
looks like Factotum can be downloaded as a pdf for free.
there's also some pretty good audiobooks on youtube
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Me when Bukowski and also ate a lot of gouda the night before
me when i poop
ill use them both for optimal clarity.
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very cute
That certainly is NIN.
Correct, yes
I did not claim otherwise
I agree.
what the fuck music do you even listen to
Nah it's sharp goat cheese
The "party" is taking place at a goat farmer's
My playlist is just a long list of songs I thought sounded good the moment I heard them. So what's there could be anything at all because I'm not going for one band or theme.
Just 3 random songs from there.
Oooohh. Then the cheese is good yeah?
None of this music is angry
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face reveal
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Goodness, I miss her big fat titties; why'd she have to move back home?
Ass status?
Tasted normal
>eating ass
nigga you gay
what's your logic behind that, Ghengis
men have asses
so homo
men have lips too
does kissing a girl make you gay
Oh, that's true. I'm one of the least angry people I know. Let me see if I have any angry music.
The sun is really aging you, bud.
I'm going to kick your yellow ass (with love and kindness)

fuck off, flaglet
My muscles ache
My skin feels too tight
My brain presses against my skull, begging for a out of which to leak.
I won't give in--not for you.
Get away from me
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Dear God, please help me.
I love her, and she'll never know
i dwell in the caves, i am only outdoor for 20-25 days per year
took an edible
will be settling down to some pbrs and various snacks tonight
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horny and angry
people are born into their religions you can become whatever goofy snake dancing shit but if you were born a spic you're a mackerel snapping papist and it's that simple
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looks like it kicked in
ever had an arkansas possum pie
people who're big into relgion,, um erm red flag much?
urufaggot's reddit account score is probably high like several thousand or whatever
lol so true
>finn will stop arguing just to scream at a random person who walks through the /dixie/ door, unsuspecting.
I hope that's enough
Are you batman?
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Just doing my job
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/dixie/ is a cheese nip supremacist general
It's just entertaining. You're like the general's white blood cells. You hardly react to anything internally but let one foreign body appear and it's ww3. hahaha.
what body part is pole
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yes and it is a 10/10 pie
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joe ray does not value material wealth, nor does he value people, nor does he value the sky
only solitude, the caves, and the precious crystals wherein
bought some shaved beef and a nice cheese, gonna make cheesesteaks tomorrow
Bolshevism? Not a fan.
also this country is a genuine nanny state shithole
Uuuh, probably the butt. Kind of rude sometimes, though you'd know if he was suddenly missing because things would feel off.
He better not doing magic
That almost looks like a dream pie
it's divine
graham cracker and pecan crust, layer of cream cheese(sometimes with vanilla pudding mix added), layer of chocololate pudding (made normally, then whipped cream on top
it's sad to see how the empire was dismantled over decades by (((bankers)))
how much can he deadlift?
no self-respecting adult male diddlies less than 500lbs
you can't buy tylenol or basically any OTC drug in packs of more than 16 and have to show your ID for them, bong's dad was shocked when he saw the bottle of aleve I brought
probably not much, he's like in his 60s
>now i am become ibuprofin smuggler
They're not allowed to do anything. Their mommy gov said be back when the street lights are on.
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I am WHAT?!?
The buttocks. The bottom. The behind. Why are you so angry? It's very important.
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Okay in that case I hereby declare that we as /dixie/ are starting nopoop
It means that only quality posts are allowed from now on
kekekekeke, what about NO
We failed.
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Praha pÅÆlnoc, Prague midnight
>what's going on on /int/?
more like more dawg slick skin.. hmmm... no
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Praha Poledne, Prague Midday
Yeah, normal
Do you know what ass tastes like?

>where eagles dare
>it isn't Iron Maiden
Why do Poles call north as midnight, and south as midday?
I am the iron maiden
You're Czech
Yes, I am Czech citizen. But I identify myself as a Silesian.
I'd presume ass tastes like ass

I mean
but no
I want to feed the fish and talk to them in an unknown language
Uh pfft...
The metal torture device?
It tastes like fucking nothing it's just skin like on your wrist
I mean dick just tastes like skin
licking my wrists rn
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I don't know why but this made me laugh.
Pussy is spicier
fucking nothing
No I'm a lady made out of processed ore
My pronouns are Fe/Her
Yeah but the texture of the skin on your wrist iis different than the skin of an angus
Also there's a musk that is only obtainable by being a literal ass

Thinking bout the time I was like 17 and found out my gf had a yeast infection because she tasted real funny
you like butt jokes huh
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Do you know what a panda does in a burning forest? Burning too.
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wouldn't know
I'm not uhhh

I thought you said you were licking your wrist not your butt.
If you look like a ma'am I'll call you ma'am
yes but I am the butt you forgor
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Is that the dude from dungeon meshi

It was a metallurgy joge
Fe is the designation for iron on the periodic table
What is a silesian doing in a collapsed mine?
Not sure what that is but I don't like the tone of the text.
Oh you're right, it is. That's clever.
me and hinds
I don't think you should let hinds grab you like that
Hinds and I*
pole son or finn daughter?
finn daughter of course
I didn't forget. What part of Dixie would you like to be?
I'm just holding him up so he doesn't fall into oncoming traffic. We was walking like he didn't see the sign was red.
Finn daughter.
I do.

You use the article "I" when you are performing something.
>"Hinds and I are friends."
>"Hinds and I are eating dinner."
Since in that post I am not implying that I am doing anything, it's "me"
It's a picture of me, not a picture of I
Also you're French
conway son or boat daughter?
what the fuck is dungeon messi
idk it's just an uncomfortably smug expression

>metallurgy joke
I got it bb, don't worry
>it's "me"

Pubes, I am the first line of defense for dixie's most sensitive parts
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I'd marry this fucking dumb tiktok lesbian
My sister married a lesbian
I'm starting to think she's gay
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You posted anime congay
Prepare for annihilation
ay cuh u know u aint talking to me with that herault ahh bull
is she hot
It shall be done. The change request is being processed.
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Spares me from being horny during family reunions
Oh thanks I must have dropped that
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you could make the pasta prego and cover it with your white sauce too albie
I wish I had a mouse lemur
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for me, it's the pygmy marmoset
don't worry, the pasta is past al dente its fully cooked
I'm going to go eat poke with a friend. Someone thought to invite me
Pasta is a pure kind of joy plantman
Do not sully it with your innuendos
I love you
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The word enjoyment implies the existence of a kind of exjoyment
What is something you exjoy, /dixie/?
How is that different from enjoying alcohol
Back from getting food and chitchatting
Love you too.
Nature walks. Feels like going on an adventure.
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>go to bed at 2am
>wake up at 10pm
well fuck
so much for all the running around I was going to do yesterday
Hush puppies
had some beers out with some amigos now sitting here on \dixie\
you black african swahili clicking blue lipped baboons
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honey whiskey
busch light
busch light
<---- i am here
honey whiskey
busch light
honey whiskey
honey whiskey
jagermeister + peach snapps
plus some edibles
that's it I think also had a gyro and am about to have some meat pies
this election is cringe
I agree.
they all are
I can't disagree
eating a meat pie
cut up some chicken and marinated it for tomorrow's curry
I'm the john crichton of /dixie/ thrown onto a strange general, a living general, with strange alien virgin freaks
are you talking about dixie? there are many non virgins in dixie. I'm pretty sure.
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t. virgin freak
me? why, I am eating candy
/dixie/? a strong suspicion is held that they are most definitely seething
you're a petulant child
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t, seethign
might take a snooze soon.
Do negrooes wear timbs
I thought it's a white girl thing
yes niggerfolks popularized the trend
there's some stupid shit about it being associated with drug dealers during the winter but that's probably some jew record label shit I heard third hand or whatever
I don't associate it with "white girls" are you think of uggs?
Before uggs the timbs were hot shit and every whie woman between 16-30
no it's definitely a nigger thing
Love waking up drunk before the sun comes up
>love waking up
don't quite agree
I'd go so far as to say that I always regret waking up
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it's so fucking over for turd worlders
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good thing the poster who will not be named left
the danger of oldfags returning is that we might have a repeat of /dixie/'s g*ng*rp*d* arc
the what
Come on
Say it one more time...
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Only oldfags will remember the real castropost
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scrambled eggs
and toast
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Yea boii
Young people have taken to drinking and smashing shit every saturday in my town, whats a good method to stop vandalism or at least protect my home?

Just buy a GunĀ®
My work here is done.

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