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File: americansoldiers.png (565 KB, 864x567)
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565 KB PNG
Are you willing to sacrifice your life to defend freedom and democracy abroad?
already have my dd214
No, I already barely have any faith in democracy at home
File: Flag_of_Luxembourg.svg.png (1 KB, 1920x1152)
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dont do it anon
no country is worth dying for
(except Luxembourg)
>defend freedom and democracy abroad
Ah, the democratic practice of propping up ex-generalissimos against a popular revolt
they are no where near black or short enough to be the modern american soldier
half of them should be brown and 5'2", also morbidly obese and sprinkle in a couple trannies who transitioned so they didn't have to do pull-ups anymore
i love israel so fucking much bros
no way Fag
If China ever invades Taiwan I would likely try to find some way to help Taiwan in some capacity
Army infantry is 80% white males.

t. former 11B
Wait. You actually thought infantry was full of brown women? Holy shit you're one big retard.
it's full of brown "women". being a metizo manlet wearing a wig to get out of duty is considered a very unique social privilege

"white" males
You're pathetic. Embarrassing.
no im not retarded
what color was your wifes boyfreind, or should i say boyfreinds
Don't worry, we're going to be doing most of the dying for you.
>white males

Yeah, like the pic from the OP. You can tell that they're infantry because of the blue cords on their dress uniforms.
Aboard? No, I don't give a fuck.
If brown people deserved equal rights and votes they would have invented those themselves.

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