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2 astronauts, 1 American and 1 Indian are stuck in the ISS. Boeing's capsule is broken and they can't come back home to earth. They were supposed to be in the ISS for 7 days, but they've been stuck there for 50+ days.

This seems like a pretty big /int/ernational incident. Who can rescue them?
>stuck in space with an Indian
American decline on full display
ISS has emergency reentry capsules if they really need them. Fun fact, they say CCCP on them because they were made before the Soviet Union collapsed.
Cant they just send another capsule but is probably too expensive so is cheaper to let them die and send another couple astrounats
The worst part was that one of the cranks on the piss/shit receptable was broken, so for weeks they had bags of Indian piss and shit floating around.
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Just jump dude lmao
It's like the God punishes them in every step
they're in fact creating too much dramma so its *better* for them to die

their italian mafia boss will approve
its time to science the shit out of this bros
I looks like the 5.1 BILLION Dollar space capsule from Boeing is going to be a total writeoff. Thanks for another piece of "quality engineering", Boeing.

>Who can rescue them?
Not Boeing obviously, and not NASA either since they don't fly anymore. Can't go to the Russians because of the war. So the only ones remaining are Space X and ESA.
Should've flown Airbus
>Cant they just send another capsule

That's what Boeing's been trying to do. For the past 2 months, they've been trying to get another Starliner to them. But all the tests they've done, their boosters fail or their thrusters just shut off. Pretty much the same thing as their 1st one.

Meanwhile, the 2 astronauts have been making daily videos, saying they're "happy" and "completely fine". Boeing has come out and said that the longer the 2 astronauts are in space, the better it is, because it means more time for Boeing to perfect Starliner and make sure everything is 100%.
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They should come up with better ways for these astronauts to pass time in case of this
The Chinese space station is about 10km away. So it could turn out to be a Gravity situation where the US astronauts could just strap on their spacesuits and thrust themselves towards the Chinese one.
Not my problem
in boeings defense, this isn't even remotely the longest astronauts have been on the ISS. they could stay for an entire year and be fine.

it would be sweet irony if boeing had to ask SpaceX to send a supply ship to them, tho
post the videos if true, I havent heard anything about this, you would think that would make bigger news. If true is actually cool how mundane space travel became that astronauts are just another expendable wagie
>they could stay for an entire year and be fine
At the cost of osteoporosis and the litany of other health issues, sure. Astronauts are told and trained for months ahead of time for the duration they're in space. It's like throwing you to the bottom of the ocean and told you'll be there indefinitely inside a submarine because you'll have enough food and water. There's also that woman who went insane in the ISS scratching and punching holes in the ISS.

Here's a long video from a few days ago. They talk about the flying piss bags somewhere in there.
>Boeing's capsule
russian overstayed in space very often

its sort of okay
Why not ask SpaceX to send their dragon capsule? Though I suppose that will be humiliating for Boeing.
Could you make a movie about being stuck in a space capsule with an indian for 100+ days?
What genre would it be, horror?
Where is that video of the Russian astronaut saying this is his last flight and going on a whinge binge.
european realism
I unironically dont see indians in Paris.
I never understood that meme about them.
what about pakis ?
ponder the aroma
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I need some good american and indian jokes for tonight when it passes over.
I bet Tiangong 2 doesn't have this problem
Another day another glorious Chinese victory
Three contractors are bidding to fix a broken fence at the White House in Washington D.C. One from the US, another from China and the last of the three from India.
They go with a White House office to examine the fence.

The US contractor takes out a tape measurerer and does some measuring, then works some figures on a notepad. "Well", he says, "I figure the job will run about $900. ($400 for materials, $400 for my team and $100 profit for me)".

The Chinese contractor also does some measuring and figuring, then says, "I can do this job for $700. ($300 for materials, $300 for my team and $100 profit for me)".

The Indian contractor doesn't measure or figure, but leans over to the White House official and says, "$2,700 saar"

The official, outraged says, "You didn't even measure like the other guys! How did you come up with such a high figure?"

The Indian contractor replies, "$1000 for me, $1000 for you, we hire China saar to fix fence."

"Done!" replies the government official.
Britisher shocked!
India rocked!
>stuck in a boeing pod with an Indian
Imagine the smell
>soyuz no longer launches to the ISS because of the war
>this happens
>nasa is planning to destroy it
Why america doesnt care about space? the ISS has been entirely sustained by soyuz launches for a while and its mostly the russian side doing science (space made super krokodil)

Falcon 9 is cheap and resusable why not use it to send them a pod
Fucking lmao.
It's not a problem for the astronauts. Boeing is completely ruined tho, pretty sure SpaceX will get all the ISS missions until they decommission it lmao
Russian Soyuz

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