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Previous: >>200185943
i got 85 smithing c:
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Based edition
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ha ha you're gay
american post
murcian post
Do you like Nico?
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Seems good
We saw it the first time
Quintessential Brazilcel post. Big fan personally
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Be silent and listen: have you recognized your madness and do you admit it? Have you noticed that all your foundations are completely mired in madness? Do you not want to recognize your madness and welcome it in a friendly manner? You wanted to accept everything. So accept madness too. Let the light of your madness shine, and it will suddenly dawn on you. Madness is not to be despised and not to be feared, but instead you should give it life...If you want to find paths, you should also not spurn madness, since it makes up such a great part of your nature...Be glad that you can recognize it, for you will thus avoid becoming its victim. Madness is a special form of the spirit and clings to all teachings and philosophies, but even more to daily life, since life itself is full of craziness and at bottom utterly illogical. Man strives toward reason only so that he can make rules for himself. Life itself has no rules. That is its mystery and its unknown law. What you call knowledge is an attempt to impose something comprehensible on life.
i need it in both threads for archival purposes
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Well look at it again
If you do something crazy everyday, you'll stay alive
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Latinos live by this
I love this guy
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why is this bottle of pills so pretty
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the demiurge or SPURDO :DDD
>rainbow LED lights in your room
because of the bisexual lighting being reflected off of it
just replace the damn battery and it won't beep at night
same ding fren :DDDD
gib nuk to binland
Sup fk?
Rainbow LED's will make you gay.
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entering dead cum graveyard hours
>He has zoomer tiktok bisexual lighting in his room
>He doesn't bake under bright white flourescents shitting on his circadian rythem
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psychicbros wy@
Because it's bedtime for you
should be around 12 and over for most cummers
its your reflection :3
Most /cum/mers don't matter, but you do
if the photographer doesnt know what pictures to take of you, you're wasting your money
are you flirting with me?
Ghoul hours
I'm flattering you
There's a difference
The humiliating act of approaching an old friend and wondering aloud if you're still friends
How did this guy fail to kill point blank?
Huehues are more fun than dangerous, not like Mexicans
he might have got a shot or 2 two in before being hit in the jugular
What is your opinion on Andy Warhol
im here now
thanks darling
i mean he obviously did, you can see a trail of blood from the guard too but he might have survived
@30 seconds there is bundas
Overrated but I feel like he was trolling. Nigga made an 8 hour "movie" that was just a camera recording the empire state building and critics acted like it was great
I only know him from a video of him eating a Whopper. I guess somebody shot him at some point.
Thoughts on Kino's Journey?
You cannot svffer in Brazil
Wish I knew the full story to this
The guard does get shot, but I hope he survived
Yeah just imagine the JANNY next morning having to clean that up (gets paid at least)
I used to be incredibly attracted to girls who dress as boys. I don't really feel that strongly about it anymore.
i do big burbs after drinking soder
Played piano for 3.5 hours today. Made sourdough pretzel bites too.
has /cum/ finally calmed down?
just looked it up and it says he got shot in the arm and got taken to the hospital but no mention of him surviving or not
What if we called it popper instead?
the /cum/ before the storm
same that was me earlier
I think Spain will be my next travel destination
didn't he make a porno?
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Death to the jannies
Where we /cum/ one, we /cum/ all
Where in Spain?
glad you ended up making pretzels like you said and not just the a loaf
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American otters = cute
Canadian otters = cute
Brazilian otters = great personalities
the one in the back looks very serious about protecting what is presumably his wife in the front
Idk yet it's huge
Gonna be hard to plan, but I think it will be very fun.
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any qt otters itt?
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What would you do in this situation?
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me and my /cum/ frens
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American otters = cute
Canadian otters = cute
Brazilian otters = hardass niggas
I recommend visiting Asturias.
Very scenic place.
Is this a Brazilian otter?
Seville and Cadiz are great. But you really can't go wrong anywhere. Spaniards really are kinda cunty though so be prepared for that
he’s handsome leave him alone
>graveyard hours
>52 new posts
>this post: 20 mins ago
We're still going stronk lads.
What you need to understand about the Mr. Beast crew is that they're from Pitt county which is an absolute shithole, easily least safe college campus on the eastern seaboard. You'd rather send your daughter to Temple. They are hicks and they did bad stuff because they were and are retarded hicks. It just turns out that Jimmy was Milo Minderbinder from Catch-22
I will admit they are real niggas fighting caimans and jaguars
me on the far left
see above
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Strong with a bunch of shit
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this game is fucking DOPE, bros

this is what banjo kazooie should have been
Question how they got a gorilla in space.
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My "kill all jannies" philosophy really keeps the thread going
what can you do i don’t think they bring tranquilizer guns to space
I'm entering the sleep zone https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xW4D9zpfUc
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Does Mr.Beast have Lovecraftian origins?
Sleep then, and may you have the night and dreams you deserve
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Lunar is my favorite JRPG behind Dragon Quest 2.
me in the middle
(i woke up from a nap and have had no caffeine or nicotine yet)
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What if I woke up, and /cum/ was gone? What if I never got to talk to /cum/ ever again?
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crochet possum
Saw an opossum right outside my window traversing the fence the other night
/cum/ is timeless
If I discuss politics, would it kill you?
/cum/ will always live within your heart.
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crotchet otter

was he qt?
Yes he was cute, but he's devious, they eat the fruit from our fruit tree
i saw one in a tree a few days ago
A distinct possibility with gookmoot in charge. You know any backup chans?
it would be extremely painful. for you.
For you
i got various side hustles across all of 4chan
read between the lines
I find the internet to be quite stale without a /cum/ tab to frequently tab back to
do you have the crochet pattern for that otter ? i quite like him
Honestly? No
Is it real nigga hours yet?
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if 4chan was over then i'll be fucked thought when i'm banned i just do my own thing and dont miss it that much
Well then RIP in peace /cum/ I guess...
Yeah pretzels are fun. Instead of tying and twisting them I chopped them up before cooking to make little bites. Easier to share or bring to a party.
What do you normally get banned for?
thank you buddy
i need some soft pretzels soon those were one of my favorites growing up.
This place won't go away, it'll just get worse
>guard trips and falls
>loses his gun
>his belt falls off

All that's missing is his pants falling down and this is vaudeville.
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politics a couple of days ago, before that was a 30 day for making a thread saying "KILL *****RS"
>more jeets
>much worse
Kinda like the rest of the world
Snakes are so cool.
qt snek
why does him think he’s jewelry
This has been brought up before but it's interesting to think of the internet in terms of decades, or even centuries, since it could last that long.
Like what's YouTube's 40th anniversary going to be like
Who are the opposites to jeets?
>Why dey ceiling birds chirping?
He did get shot in the ass or leg. He's lucky the robber only had a few bullets in his revolver
It's nauseating to me
It makes me nervous too
Idk Japanese? They seem clean, if it wasn't for FK I'd never see one of them shit
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So I've heard that you cup your asshole with a hand when you fart so you can smell your hand, Anon. What's that all about?
How could snakes be cool? They're like the least cool animal. I mean really, they don't even have legs or arms or anything.
You know what's a cool animal? An octopus.
>They're smart
>They can change color and texture and behavior to fool predators and prey
>They can squeeze into stuff and escape- a mimic octopus is basically impossible to keep in a zoo
>They fuck asian and anime women
>They taste good
>They look cool and have a very unique shape
/cum/ will be judged as a whole.
It's a good community
Yes its quite sad we can't say niggers (in context ofc) or discuss politics even obliquely on 4channel. What is this 1984?
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they love their momma so much
Keep your silver tongue still, devil
>what's YouTube's 40th anniversary going to be like
it will probably be the same but with a lot more "features" no one asked for
I'll be judgin your hole
What we're really scared of is the absolute FACT that the internet worked exactly as intended and everyone reached new heights of satisfaction and personal fulfillment
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This but with /int/
/cum/ isn't perfect, and thus it cannot prosper.
Canadians be burning down Jasper wtf guys come on
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Thread theme

I did it to make that reddit leaf seethe
I communicate with /cum/ through telepathy.
no you don't
Alright what am I thinking right now?
what am i thinking right now then
You're thirsty
all he ever fucking does is complain
Sorry anon I've been listening to it and honestly it's pretty fucking shit I mean it's okay guitar playing or whatever, maybe it's even pretty good. It probably is pretty good, but still boring as fuck sorry and it has no real theme so it's just lame.
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Wow not even close. Fuck them jannies would have been more accurate
You're all thirsty
And you're breathing manually
I'm a criminal mind thirsty for recognition
I'm sippin' E&J, got my mind flippin'
just me
new porter album was pretty good
This nigga trying pavlovian suggestion
i just drank a tea so you’re wrong
you vill goon
catberg waiting for me to lift the blanket so she can get in
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Just want to SLEEP IN ON MY FRIDAY OFF but the fucking gardener is addicted to mowing and CANNOT STOP FUCKING GOING AT THE LAWN FROM 7AM
drank one shot of vodka
Look outside your window
post kot
good night
quit being a tease and let her in
He means semen
I don't control /cum/, /cum/ controls me
where do you go in ico after the front gates close
I can't control my cum
And cum they can't control me
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catberg 1 likes to be over, catberg 2 likes to be under
What if all the outsider flags had to pass an official /cum/ vote to be allowed to post here?
get all the cups out of your room rinse them and put them in the dishwasher
he was a miserable little meek faggot. just like woody allen
Why don't you like Tim Allen
no cups in my room
dont have a dishwasher
ok mister then get all your dirty clothes put them in the hamper and wash them in the washer
I can't /cum/plain from the laundromat
ive never been to a coin laundry place but i like the aesthetic
Jim Allen
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Prof. Jordan Peterson will teach me how to not be socially anxious
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Are you farther or closer to the Ocean than the average Brazilian?
He's weird
I agree that everyone should clean their room though
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this game is so ridiculously good
The last time I watched Rugrats was 18 years ago
i can play the rugrats theme on the piano you can say im something of a virtuoso
Almost everyone sleeps
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i dont know, farther i think
How many people live within this circle?
wdym almost everyone
you're asking too much of me, just in my city is around 150k, that circle is a rough estimate of where i am which is botucatu
that’s pretty cool
i gave up on piano when i was like 8 years old
I could offer you something in exchange
he doesn't want your bussy, faggot
what are you talking about
Do you want my bussy, viado?
fuck off bro i'm not gay
Every time I listen to him I feel as though he's a pseudo-intellectual.
/sci/ is actually such a trash board
It's difficult to discuss actual science there
>That huge overweight autistic guy who's overly social and never wears deodorant
i think that's exactly what he is, who else would feel the need to talk about a "chaos dragon" or the "belly of the beast"
Commonly scene at cons
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>/sci/ is actually such a trash board
It's difficult to discuss actual science there
A Chad makes himself known through all five senses.
>socially anxious people can usually talk well when it's one on one
peterson dawg you lost me there
Its true for me, hes talking to me give me a link to the video
>that underweight wannabe normalfag guy who's awkward and always wears deodorant
I lost my social anxiety as I got older.
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i didnt though i dont know if i'm socially anxious or just shy, people can obviously tell i'm shy
It's normal to feel anxious
should i replay duelist of the roses

She says it looks like a scene from Wall-E

but also that one post

about how america has one singular goal of keep fat black negroes alive
I'm a chubby dadbod chad
It's normal to cry
It's normal to be worthless
it makes you feel better and releases happy endorphins
people that bottle it up are stupid
i'm basically darth vader
not really, unless you're a woman.


never cry in front of a woman, it gives them the "ick" and they'll dump you.
Anyone have that webm of a guy picking up a manlet at a bar and moving him out of the way so he can order a drink?
anyone have that webm of that man camp or whatever it was and it's a bunch of dudes hugging each other in a pool crying
low effort incel post
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>Now I don't mind whether you're more of an Adam and Eve or Adam and Steve guy but you gotta know that them folks around here they don't be taking to any of that gay stuff lightly so whatever rocks your boat better keep it to yourself
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he just didn't, remember that
fags would do well to remember that, people would hate them less
i jerk off to femboys and traps but i'm completely straight
i wonder what are the chances of you being molested in a morgue after you're dead
Femboys and traps don't exist
you're just a porn addict prison gay
Barnaby Jones starts in 22 minutes
you're the sun in my morning babe
/cum/ eclipse
Masturbating is just gay sex with yourself
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good night
What's this on my foot?
It doesn't come off when scratched.
Is it a scab?
That's my house
>meanwhile Americans can't even have a beer until they've existed for TWENTY ONE YEARS on this planet.
how does a child smoke up to 50 cigarettes without getting sick ?
when i had my first cigarette i threw up and got nicotine sick
Looks like a broken scab to me.
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>Now look, there ain't nothing wrong with any of that asshole fun, personally I been a pooper trooper myself when I been serving my sentence for raping Maureen in the Locado Hills County Prison. They put me in a cell with a darkie, went by the name of Cleetus. One time when we were showering I caught a sight of his weener and God help me if I am racist but that was a darn pretty thing. He showed me all the sweet spots dudes have in the bum and sometimes we'd take turns and he'd let me screw him in his poophole
how does it feel
is it sharp and irregular or is it rounded and smooth
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It's important to respect other cultures, don't you agree?
god bless calico kitties
i love her what’s her name
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All cultures are rich, vibrant, and enriching. Except the West.
i dont know, there's 2, one is named nina the other is nani, never bothered to learn which is which
When was the last time you said the word "myriad"
i am not racist but the behavior of indian men is disgusting and barbaric
if they go to live in other countries they need to be reminded forcefully that we don’t do that here
are they sisters ? you should try to find a way to differentiate them
Maybe they should just stay in India thoughever, that would fix it
horse penis
yea, the other is directly beneath her under the blanket, i've never bothered also because it's not like names matter for cats but yea i can never remember it
right now when i said it out loud
>Look at that smartass, using all that fancy vocabulary like "myraiad" or whatnot. Hey Mr. Fancypants, our words no good for you, eh? Well guess what - I don't give a damn. I be usin the same words my pops was usin and my gramps was usin and his gramps was usin and I won't let any city dweller tell me what to do
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kween venti doesn't miss
based word traditionalist. linguistically conservative
a for effort honestly
sat in the wildy AFK and died. deserved honestly
names do matter for cats you can call one and not the other, they are 2 different cats they have 2 different personalities
got my stuff back because he couldnt pick it up
keep us posted
not playing anymore for a bit now because im scared
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90% of the people that kill you dont even pick up your items. i dont go back to pick them up because they might kill me again though
is this guy that one guy that posts here?
I don't actually understand, are you playing tarkov or something
Right wing women will never not be funny. You're a fucking weakling that can be destroyed with one slap in the face and you're extolling a system based on force, dominance and justifyiny subjugation. You have literally no notion of how miserable your life would become if right wing took power. Right wing women are almost as funny as right wing Poles or conservative niggers
I used to use it occasionally when I was younger, but I now find it to usually be a part of midwit pseudointellectual vocabulary; people using it to show off, as though that were impressive
no but that game looks fun and hopefully i can play it one day

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