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Do eastern euros really eat shit like this?
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slavs really do be living in the 50s
This is centralx europeanx cuisine
I bet ossis eat shit like this too
Meat slop: Slavic
Meat slop: German
If you imagine that's chocolate, it doesn't look half bad.
Only boomers
actually it's good for health, collagen and shit dood
t. eats holodets today
Literally looks like Alpo from a can
Literally my face and expression and implied feelings by these expressions when I encounter these specific things and scenarios
only boomers eats this shit seriously
the only time i bought it to throw it in the soup
>Meat slop: German
My father and old people do.
Why have you abandoned the traditional meatslime way of life?
Yes we do.
This is so good
Whats wrong?
Doesn't look that bad. At least it's not in jello
Both look like shit.
Inferior cultures in plain sight.
Nigga you eat snails
Snails are delicious.
Your usual curry goyslop isn't.
Snails are a 50/50 mix if mucus and parasites.
This, krauts eat that shit as well, they call is presswurst
Holodets is based
And yet my people managed to make it a dish that mogs 95% of germanic "cuisine".
We're not in the same league little nigga. We build different, is all.
Why do kuffar eat shit like this and sea bugs?
Mate it's 2024 you dont have to eat bugs like a castaway anymore
Ancient times with piss poor serfs I get it but now?
To shit on the quran with more efficiently.
This is traditional cuisine
If you've never contemplated what it was like to butcher one of your pigs before freezing/refrigeration became common you cannot understand it
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Heh.. you showed him brother, this sick burn unfell the west a bit
How? Nobody eats that shit besides frogs though. On the other hand everyone knows and loves sausages
I'm not arguing on food with a german.
And sausages isn't a german dish, every white country ever do sausages since the dawn of time.
Okay but name just on french dish that mogs all of germany and germanic countries as a whole
The simple and efficient steak and french fries.
Every restaurant in the western world serves it. We invented it.
Its far from being our best/most elaborate dishe but it already mogs you all.
Anything else?
? you can get that here too
we call it la vitrage
You are right it mogs but aren’t fries from belgium
French fries were invented in France.
But Belgians perfected them.
Good day.
I was just thinking of getting some today. What's the problem with it?
it looks horrible but it's quite tasty, especially when seasoned with vinegar
and lemon!
Viets eat snails too
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For me it's this
>it looks horrible
It doesn't.
is this just pate or something else
It's made of sausage meat
I use horseradish
It's a cute dish like a minecraft food
They eat them in Spain and Portugal too and the giant snails are eaten in parts of Africa.
Yes, but i only like this with chicken, pork holodec tastes like shit.
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This scares westies.
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And this.
What's the difference to Labskaus?
grandma used to make this
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Processed body parts from innocent individuals? Yes they do
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If you don't have something like this in your cuisine your country isn't european
simple as
My parents do and think it's delicacy, same like fried pig brain, bone marrow, boiled intestines/liver
there is no meat
it's a herring down there
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looks like Sülze

wich is a german dish BY THE WAY
Pickled herring.
Jürgen over here pretending Sülze isn't a thing. Smh my head.
Average eastern euro zoomer only eats kebabs, pizza and Asian food. Our local cuisine is dying out and basically at this point you can only eat Polish dishes (but in idealized versions) in restaurants catering to tourists in old towns. I live in a regular neighborhood and I have 10 kebabs, 5 pizzerias and 5 Viet restaurants around me but not a single Polish one
This and Sülze is the type of shit that appears in my nightmares.
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stop acting like your shit don't stink
Damn ya all not real germans there
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That's cat food
even the milkbars are thinning out
Some days ago I watched an Arab tourist vlog from Poland and commenting on Polish food he said that it's almost the same like German cuisine and then he laughed that "it's only if we assume that Germans have a cuisine"
literally every dish
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Yes we are a kot country therefore we eat cat food
Now we're talking. Everything else has been disgusting as fuck until this.
german cuisine, much like germany as a whole, is like a theme park
it has a little bit of everything, but of everything it has, a superior version exists outside of it
the only true Viking left
I guess Germans themselves prefer kebabs or pizzas over schnitzels at this point, same like here.

It's kinda weird since actually it is possible to make this local cuisine taste good, I've tried Polish dishes in fancy restaurants for tourists and they're very good but somehow regular people don't want to eat them to provide enough clients for small restaurants in neighborhoods.
you guys have milk bars but from what i gathered in this thread, they seem to be dying out too

But as for here, i can see why people will often choose kebab and pizza over local cuisine: availability and affordability

Here, if you want to have a filling meal without much hassle and without breaking the bank, those are the places to go to
Local fare here can usually only be found in restaurants and such, plus a lot of kebab shops are open until well into the night

So i think if there were tiny food places that serve local food with a similar degree of convenience and affordability, people would be consuming it a lot more
unironically this, I tried them once and I was surprised
I drink lots of vodka. That cleans out my system, and even cleans my teeth (I haven’t brushed in years, and haven’t had a cavity since).

I also eat a liverwurst sandwich pretty much every day – to counterbalance the effects the vodka has on my liver. I make my sandwiches on seeded rye (because it’s the healthiest bread), with mayo (because eggs are the best protein; I use kewpie, because the msg makes it taste better), coarse mustard (good for the white blood cells), zucchini pickles (because they taste good), and a bunch of baby spinach (just for filler; it could honestly be left out).

I also eat a lot of canned fish (mostly sardines, but also the occasional fancy smoked oysters) on saltines. They give you all your essential amino acids, and provide a nice opportunity to try out various hot sauces, which are generally very low in calories, while high in flavor and immensely prodigious to healthiness.

Aside from that, I drink large amounts of water (anywhere between ice-cold to slightly chilled) every day, always through a straw, and sometimes with a lemon wedge.

To each their own, I say, but I’m just shy of 30 and am doing better than most of you.
>you guys have milk bars but from what i gathered in this thread, they seem to be dying out too
Yes, structurally they're almost gone bar few places here and there. Sometimes they get transformed into fancy places for hipsters but they lose their working class character then.

Here, if you want to have a filling meal without much hassle and without breaking the bank, those are the places to go to

That's the question - why we cannot have the same with our native cuisine?
Dat shit is surprisingly delicious
Culinary masterpiece.
Smoked fish is delightful especially oily ones

Smoked mackerel is divine
I mean, it's okay if a modern spin of these exist to some degree i think, but they should not be replacing the original ones, for countless reasons

i think it's about some really mundane things also, like with pizza, you can eat it with your hands out of a box outside and with a kebab you have everything filled or wrapped up nicely in some (flat)bread, here they give you boxes like in chinese takeout and fill it with fries/rice, meat, sauce and hand it to you, within minutes
Even with the prices having soared, you get one of those and you're full for half the day

So they would need something like a pierogi box to go, sausage or other types of meat in bread, zapiekanka, maybe even things like bigos in the aforementioned boxes you can just get and eat on the go
optionally some (traditional) vegetarian and vegan stuff and highlight the fuck out of it to attract those kinds of customers aswell

You have to almost literally spoonfeed it to them and keep prices moderate and i'm sure people will (also literally) eat it up
The point is it's not smocked fish. It's just dried fish, not even smocked.
False, most of young people will not have the money to eat kebabs and restaurant food daily. They do be eating average slop like potatoes and pasta at home as any Eastern Euro does
I would munch it
>So they would need something like a pierogi box to go, sausage or other types of meat in bread, zapiekanka
But that's the thing - inventing "portable" versions of Polish or German cuisine isn't some rocket science yet no one does it. There are some fast food bars with zapiekankas but it's like 1 per 30 kebab shops. Even though in the 90s there uses to be plenty of zapiekanka places everywhere.
Kebab is cheaper than eating at home nowadays.
Yes, i don't get it either
And i think it's silly and reductive to just keep going like "le young people are not appreciating le traditional food" but then not coming up with ways to appeal to this demographic or at least create a viable alternative to kebab and pizza shops
Ehh I don't think so but okay, maybe in Poland it's other way around
kebab costs a euro here what are you talking about
It’s because they operate in clans/large families. That’s why no native alternatives can compete. A small native family/friend grouo trying to run a legit business can’t cope with the increasing costs, while these foreign clans just shuffle ownership through the clan and do a whole lot of fuckery with the bookkeeping. Oh and lets not forget all the drug/crime money being washed through these establishments. It’s not organic you naive fuck, soon you will have a a barbershop every 10m where they just sit all they and register fake fake haircuts aswell.
In my city it costs 2,4 euro on average and it's cheaper to cook something for yourself than buy a kebab.
>you naive fuck

why are you taking this so weirdly personally?
Kebabs are $45
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That's some high-class full Lebanese dinner. I guess America doesn't have just regular cheap fast food kebabs from kiosks like Europe.
Shit, here a standard kebab costs 20 PLN which would be over 400 RUB
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niggah for those moneys i'll suck ur doner meself
no homo tho
Kill yourself
>would be over 400 RUB
is it with the delivery or something?
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Still more than an euro. And the cheapest one looks small, not enough to make me sated.
luv me a jellied pork
simple as
>The simple and efficient steak
>And french fries.
Also American
Anything else?
No, it's just regular kebab from a regular kebab shop. 5 years ago it was 10 PLN, now it's easily 20+ and anything a bit more fancy hits 30.
Too small.
Mfw kebab here is 9 euro
And your average salary is probably 3x higher.
better than speaking surrendering
I ate that same slop when visited at my grand dad
is he german?
since when germans have been pajeets, they don't have any curry dishes, except curry wurst.
nope. a finn why you ask kraut?
because maybe he ate this because he's german. my grandpa had pigs and we had that slop as well.
i thought that one dish is from baltic countries/russia or maybe polish
op said that, but we had this here as well. its just no longer popular, because young people no longer want to see that they eat an animal, so they throw everything in a grinder (even the bones and every other shit) and they make a nice looking (but actually disgusting) sausage.
>literally in the first result when you type "french dishes" on google
Americans have no culture.
Now shut the fuck up lardass.
Quiet monkey.
>doesn't know currywurst
Touch grass.
Lmaooo this nigga got an android
And a girlfriend.
Do you really eat snails routinely, or is that a tourist meme
Bro this shit is a gym cheat code. So good for your joints with all that collagen and proteins from meat are just a bonus.
I kneel
In russian version less meat and more jelly

What soup?
More weapons are on their way little nigga.
Qualité Française.

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