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I am a pakistaboo
Does this happen in your country?

I want to hang out in Lahore old city, ride a Honda 70 in the lush countryside of Sindh, archeologymaxx in Mohenjo Daro, drink at a Quetta chai shop, take a trip a the Mauree brewery and bask into the crazyness of Sehwan
Pretty rare type of boo, honestly. They're basically just Muslim Indians anyways
Pakistan is indeed a respectable country, the fact that they managed to build a nuclear bomb despite being a relatively poor country should prove how determined and patriotic they are
no way you are sincere, Pakistan is like all the worst parts of India and Muslim countries combined
I like them alot, would love them if they stopped with the terrorism and inbreeding
Did they make a nuclear missile though ?
Low IQ take.
It's wild diversity makes it very interesting
I wish they pumped up terrorism in Kashmir but the Great Satan made them stop
Punjabis and Mohajirs yes but the rest are their own kind of insane feudals and tribal weirdos
The Dutch helped them
> tf
> tp
Uber eats paaki strikes again
Yes, Shaheen-III and Babur-1B are able to strike every single target in India
The guy is a north African muslim anon, what did you expect
are you a muslim? why do you care about kashmiri separatism?
But do they work ? Like China has "nuclear missles"
How is that low IQ? Actually it requires high IQ to produce a nuke. Pakistani physicists are among best specialists in the world and it's not coincidence that Pakistan has a Nobel laureate in physics (btw, Chandrasekhar was also technically a Pakistani, just he moved out before Pakistan was founded)
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What kind of muslim would own this
good morning saar
Because i talked to kashmiris IRL
I'm friends with a bunch of Pakistani high school boys on Snapchat and they send me videos of them riding around in trucks with carpet on the dash, hanging out in cool looking slums. Also they have a 2 story KFC that looks nicer than any I've seen here
It's not like India or China made their bombs completely starting from 0 and not using knowledge based on discoveries from other countries, you know. We all stand on the shoulders of Giants.

Yes, they work and they were tested successfully. Of course not in a real war, because if it happened India wouldn't exist anymore.
If a piece of land is occupied and not legally owned then whatever the local population does cannot be called "separatism" but more like uprising/ fighting for freedom
And ? I have a copy of the Holy Bible at my home even though I'm not a Christian
> did not post hand
>I have a copy of the Holy Bible at my home even though I'm not a Christian
Religious syncretism is what kills Hinduism and that's why this cult will collapse sooner or later.
I'm pretty damn sure muslims should burn the Baghavad Ghitta
Still no hand pic
no country legally owns any of the land it occupies, all states are legitimised occupations which other states have decided to recognise as legitimate.
you are the Pakistani uber eats driver
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this is a pre-determined convo these niggers came up with on some other dunghole of a messaging app look at the responses these two are giving
Do Pakis actually have a brewery and drink beer? All the ones here hypocritically Islammaxx
>I am a pakistaboo
>Does this happen in your country?
not really desu
This is how they managed to build it:
i saw a french copy of guenon in the auroville library. they also had evola. pretty based desu
Only whitoids read him
Even anglophones dont read him
Yes, it's a relic from the british colonisation, they make whiskey and beer, theoritically muslims are forbidden to buy it but they all do
guenon is read by mexicans mostly

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