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Which country do you like more?
Why would you post the flag of a region of France?
same thing
Why would you post the flag of a region of the Netherlands?
Only one of these is a country...
Back of chud, Belgique is ours
You croissants should get out of our België.
What are you gonna do about it toothbrush flag
Yes, Belgium.
Netherland is just a recently drained swamp from the 16th century
The Netherlands for sure
Belgium is a shithole dragged down by a Latin minority. The Flemish will never achieve anything until they lose their chains.
You only posted one country
well, go live in the Netherlands then
The Flemish are a completely irrelevant people with a completely deluded sense of themselves.
you would be literal Brazil tier without us
which country do YOU like more
both are cool tbqh, wish we hadn't sexually abused lil Belgium
You do know that Wallonia was way richer than Flanders for like 90% of Belgian history right
yeah and Flanders was infinitely richer for 1000 years before that
fucking uneducated babboon
when Belgium was founded Flanders was treated as secondary citizens by French backed Walloons. What do you expect would happen.
never happened, Britbong slander and lies
bongs greatly exaggarated obviously, but there were atrocities and the occupation was harsh
Doesn't change the fact that you used to be the poorfags lol, cope all tou want.
yeah except we weren't. We were oppressed but extremely far from poor.
The quality of living in the entire 19th century in Flandesr was higher than in any region of France retard
>source: I once saw it in a dream
beats having a french occupation like in 1302
I see only one country on your pic.
correct, only the Belgian tribes have a real nation. Julius Caesar said so himself
yes germania
>You do know that Wallonia was way richer than Flanders for like 90% of Belgian history right
Muh history. It's nice the Flemish gave you your monthly stipend so you could go on holiday to a proper country, Louis
the Flemish narrative will never cease to make me laugh
"wewuz germanic and richest of europe n shit until walloons from outer space appeared to oppress us with belgium"
and you have to wewuz a glorified barfight from the 14th century to feel relevant
yes the german occupation in WWI was horrible; only brainwashed flem nationalists believe otherwise. Germans destroyed the Leuven library which had irreplaceable medieval relics... but those flem nationalists wish so much to be part of the "germanic" gang that they forgive their rapists and are in denial.

the Brits did make up some stories to get involved but that's another story
pure latin animal cope
even in the 16th, 17th century we were much richer than most of Europe, just no longer relevant.
meanwhile Wallonia was never rich and never relevant in 2000 years of history except that one 50 years when French people built factories for them.
Both Wallonia and Flandres are shithole.
Francophones are animals. Every single one of them. My girlfriend is fr*nch and I forbid her from speaking fr*nch in my presence. If I catch her teaching fr*nch to our children she will get a beating the likes of which the world has never seen
richer than 99% of France for 99% of history.
your entire identity and history directly came from a people that Belgians are descendants of French people are not descendants of.
>meanwhile Wallonia was never rich and never relevant in 2000 years of history except that one 50 years when French people built factories for them.
lmao that's cute, none of what you said is true
the flemish regionalist mind is so fucking deluded and funny
no it's not another story, the Brits made up atrocity propaganda to an extreme degree
the French destroyed and burned down tons of stuff during their various wars on German soil too, but that wasn't propagandized into oblivion

When we do it it's fine
anglos made up some propagandas but then real atrocities were made
The greatest Belgian men in history are Walloons:
Scientists: Gérard Mercator, Adolphe Quetelet, Georges Lemaitre ....
The great Franco-Belgian comic strip authors
The Flemish deeds: shitting on canvases and calling it art lolilol
The Netherlands is the same shit, the cities are soulless, it's linear, the architecture is very poor and repetitive, no complexity, monotonous landscapes, the churches are pitiful
Afterwards, at least you have a good standard of living but if you want to look for transcendence it's not there that you have to go, van gogh understood it well and went to Paris and Provence
>van gogh understood it well and went to Paris and Provence
And then he killed himself lol
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>Amount of PUSSY i was given by the Netherlands: 0
>Amount of PUSSY i was given by the Belgium: 0
Tough choice
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This actually makes sense to me.
We're sons of Rome you little prick.
I have nothing to do with you.
Also ile de france alone mogs your entire country. Don't be mad, it's okay to feel small next to greatness.
The French is why there are three chairs in a hotelroom.
lmfao Mercator was literally Flemish retard. As were other actual great scientists like Andreas Vesalius

Also all painters and artists were ALL Flemish - Van Eyck, Van Dyck, Jordaens, Rubens, Bruegel, Van der Weyden, Memling, Bosch etc etc All of the medieval Name even ONE Walloondog painter who is as good as any of the ones I mentioned.
>germanic attempt at humour
I don't get it and honestly its better that way.
Nicolas de Fassin.
You said one, i have more. Just ask, cur.
that latin animal can't even touch the heels of Rubens.
I like Belgium more. It’s more of a shithole, but it’s Catholic so it has more SOVL

Ghent and Bruges are amazing cities
And Rubens can't even touch the heels of Delacroix.
There's always a bigger fish.
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t. walloon
>doesn't deny it
It's quite obvious.
I say this while having 2 rembrandt in my room so its really not about hating y'all ikk ooks. It's formal knowledge.
>Van der Weyden
he was not flemish, it's a dutch translation of his name, Roger De la Pasture.
Second, the FOUNDER of "Flemish" school of painting was Robert Campin (of Flémalle, Wallonia). He was the master/teacher of Van Eyck.
>I like Belgium more. It’s more of a shithole, but it’s Catholic so it has more SOVL
true, we are more real, less of a robotic culture
Belgium, Charles V came from there
Belgium desu
>He was the master/teacher of Van Eyck.
[citation needed]
netherlands is NPC land
Belgium is not a country at all, so like it or not, the Netherlands is the only answer. Also, for some reason, I like the Dutch flag.
because your flag is almost a direct copy with a pineapple on it
The Croatian flag is not a copy of the Dutch flag, but a flag made in the middle of the 19th century that combined the two-color flags of northern Croatia (red-white, blue-white) and Dalmatia (which had a flag that is almost identical to today's flag of Ukraine). The Russians took over the flag from the Dutch, and many Slavic nations from the Russians, but this was not the case with Croatia.
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Can't we just split it in the middle? That way we can all at least understand them.
Honestly you can keep it whole.
You need more lands and we have enough negroes.
But Wallonia smells of garlic
Then we could nuke it and make it the nicest lake in western europe.
show this flag to anyone and ask the country it's from
>Garlic bad

I didn't think I could loathe the Netherlands even more than I already do but there we are
>swampx countries
Belgium is a Austrian creation thereby Belgium
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No, I'm from the Roosevelt plan or the return of Burgundy.
Both the Netherlands and France are the enemy of Wallonia (the real cradle of the Franks)
France is the enemy of Wallonia since the revolution, now France is waging a war against the few Celto-germanic people of France that hasn't been killed yet; it is a judeo-masonic state. They dislike Wallonia because they dislike Gauls and Celto-germanics, too europeans.
The Netherlands is also the enemy of Wallonia, because it is fundamentally Saxon, and Saxons are the enemy of the Franks.
the Flemish decided to suck Saxons dick (the globo-liberal and anti-latin rethoric is not a frankish but a saxon-protestant worldview).
So, bring back Burgundy.
Hey im from burgundy
And then people wonder why De Gaulle didn't worship the Americans as liberators
t. la creatura republicana
>No, I'm from the Roosevelt plan or the return of Burgundy.
never has a vgh been vghed this hard
it was Spanish before that

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