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It really do be like that sometimes
Would you have this reaction if discorvered that your wife cucked you?
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>drug dealers and OF girls are not good persons
By good person he means contributing to society your scumbag
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>OF girls and drug dealers don't contribute to society
>If you don't contribute to society, you are le bad!
Yes it do be like that.
Yes you retard
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You have to realize we're slaves for a machine which its only function is to produce more slaves. The only hope we can have is to be a privileged slave or cheat the machine to a degree. Both options come at the price of shitting on other not as fortunate slaves.
1. How are OF girls and drug dealers not contributing to the society?

2. How are contributions to society correlated with someone's 'goodness'? Jeffrey Epstein had a high level white collar job and was contributing to the society by your definition, does that make him a better person than some girl offering an OF sub (that no one is being forced to buy)?
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the world will never reward you for being good, the reward is being in peace with yourself and with the universe

this is a hard lesson to learn but it's true
drug dealers almost always get fucked over in the end, but of whores yeah
>he doesnt know that "OF girl bought a house" posts are a psyop for women who dont sell their photos there yet
>slave away at your wagie job, being paid peanuts while wasting 40 hours per week + commutes
>your hard work is punished with more work
>meanwhile C-suite members at the company earn more in a year than you'll earn in your entire lifetime and are out there buying yachts and mansions while you can't afford to buy a shitty apartment
When they ask whores, what will you family or children will think? They almost always answer something like "they can cry in their ferrari" or some shit like that, most whores dont make that kind of money and the ones they do dont appreciate how shit can just disappear or be taken from you but you cant unsuck dick.
Is not the same doing the 9 to 5 then lose it all than to do porn and then lose it and have nothing to show for it
Based and kind anon
The people who made the machine left loopholes for them and theirs to exploit. By finding and using these loopholes you not only level the playing field but present yourself with a far more secure livelihood than "playing fair". They don't care about you losing everything, but they care about themselves and since they benefit from the loopholes they're unlikely to ever close them. Playing fair is the slow road to nowhere, you get no security and you run yourself ragged for the opportunity. The system is broken and no one will point at the peoples responsible because they fear change, consequences or doubt themselves. As an individual you're left with few options: complacence, martyrdom, arguably abstaining(you may be pursued as doggedly as with martyrdom before they let you go), or mastery. If you know the system you can make a living on bureaucracy alone, never mind the rest of it, human systems will always be exploitable.
As for ethics, you're free to use your security and wealth to make the world a better place, can't rightly do that if you're fighting for your own survival though, can you?
>follow crypto autists on twitter
>keep chasing moons
>live off of index funds you springboarded onto off the crypto
>mfw the banks literally pay you to make money
don’t hate the player, you too can cheat the game
What happens if someone can do "bad" while remaining at peace with themselves? Doesn't this throw the whole dynamic into chaos and encourage sociopaths into power?
Isn't that what is actually happening?
This. Everything happens for a reason. Trust in God's plan for you and don't worry about the story of others.
I thought making money off crypto was dead
Maybe. We don't know for sure if those in power today are actually at peace with themselves.
>mfw the banks literally pay you to make money
Isn't this what all businesses do? Your boss pays you to make money for him.
No, I would've sodomized the guy who cucked me in front of my soon-to-be ex-wife.
>providing people recreational drugs
>providing people wanking material
>doesn't count as contributing to society somehow
let me guess, artists, writers, philosophers, etc don't contribute to society either?
what is contributing to society to you? because you could keep going with that logic and at the end the only thing you'll have left are farmers, builders and transporters, and everyone else is useless
there is a hentai about it
>femboy fucks guys wife
>guy then fucks the femboy as revenge
>femboy becomes concubine
Doesn't it piss you off that society basically lies to you?

Like the guy who goes to school, does his homework, stays out of drugs, gets a degree, gets a job, etc is basically a wagecuck who doesn't know he's getting ripped off. I didn't even say get a wife or family coz you can do all of above and have no success in it.
He thinks that going to the store, watching tv, eating the poisonus flavor delivery systems while working a menial job he doesn't really enjoy and smiling to everyone is being a good person. Just like every other tricked ape.
Personally? I blame women
Only because modern jobs are all indoors, same building same rooms same equipment same faces for 50 years. When men were legionaries they were all eager and buoyant.

Drug dealers objectively contribute to society. If they didn’t, there wouldn’t be such a high demand for the goods they are selling.
This is the real takeaway here
High risk/high reward. If you want to be rich without fighting the law, start your own business.
Absolute retards
retarded take, just because some good has a high demand doesn't immediately make it have a positive effect on society. And there is no parameter where doing drugs is beneficial. Drug peddlers and their ilk are scum for spreading such things and so are you for being a dipshit devils advocate.
>Pushing the line up for your modern day feudal lord is... le good!
>huffing a bit of powder on the weekend to deal with stress and anxiety is... le bad!
just because I advocate that drug peddlers and the use of drugs is evil does not mean I promote people being driven like slaves.
>huffing a bit of powder on the weekend to deal with stress and anxiety is... le bad!
yes it is. Learn better coping methods that don't destroy your brain.
Drugs are the best way to maintain your mental health, as long as you do them in moderation and stay away from hardcore stuff like meth.
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That's why I clocked out and live on government bread. Fuck the system. NEET for life.
And what happens if you get rugged?
Name of this nubian goddess right now or I'm going to kill my self.
>waking up at 6am

>What happens if someone can do "bad" while remaining at peace with themselves?
Most bad people that seem at peace, actually grew accustomed to deal with the bad emotions that come from they actions.
They're somewhat shielded from the damage they do to themselves by doing bad things to people around them, but most will crack as soon as they were confronted with all the harm they have done.
It usually don't take much, they seam perfectly fine with their actions UNTIL something happens, sometimes something completely unrelated, like an abusive parent that sees a random child talking affectioanaly with their non-abusive parent. And when it happens this individuals have a good chance of spiraling into depression very quickly.
As people that feel no remorse of bad feelings for being evil, psychopaths and sociopaths are never truly at peace, many can't experience real joy and love and hurt people to feel somenting. Others have urges to hurt people, usually rooted in deep psychological trauma that compels them do to evil, and when they fight these urges they experience great psychological pain and turmoil.
>Doesn't this throw the whole dynamic into chaos and encourage sociopaths into power?
I agree that society should strive to reward good people and punish bad people and in a good society good people would find sucess without having to sacrifice their morals, but this will never happen completely. What society can do at most is desistumulate and punish the worst of behaviors so people can choose to be god without immediately getting killed or slaved by others. There's no "goodtrocracy" were the good rule and people are rewarded for being good.
If are leaving a normal life (without directly contact with famine, war, etc) and you need an external reward to be good, you have to reavaluate why you're are being good. And if you confront yourself with this question you'll see that the only real reward is to be at peace with your own existence.
But I completely understand the OP. It's perfectly normal and justifiable to feel frustrated.
brown hands made this post
gambling away welfare money is peak 70 iq behavior
>>providing people recreational drugs
dealer's can't claim this. they're basically car salesmen. stupid fucking middle men. most of them are scumfucks, and they purposefully dilute their product to make more money.

i buy my shit directly from the manufacturer, as god intended.
Porn is objectively a evil thing it destroys the grey matter in your brain, preys on our most primal, baseline instincts and promotes childless degeneracy
Drugs aren't half as bad but it still doesn't help with running an advanced society so they're neutral at best
Idk, ask /r/
They always lease it and default on the payments

t. knower
Very interesting that you pitch this perspective like a fresh take. Meanwhile in this part of the world, this is what we are taught growing up, this is the mindset our conservatives espouse. Chinese and Indian "religions" all teach in one part or another some aspect of what you're saying - not that it sinks in for many, but that's always the case with mankind.
Absolute saaaaar 448C take

There are drugs and then there are DRUGS. Weak-minded apes can't comprehend it and separate between the good and bad.

There is nothing wrong in allowing an individual to pierce through the veil every now and then, I'd say that television and phones are a worse plague on society as a whole than any amount of drug dealers. Individuals who cannot maintain a peaceful and clean environment with or without drugs are the ones who are the problem, not drugs or drug dealers. Individuals who allow a collective power to rule over them are worse than any evil out there.
I only came to think like that after I learn from eastern philosophy and religion.
I'm not trying to take credit for any of these ideas.
>preys on our most primal, baseline instincts and promotes childless degeneracy

You are describing birth control.
the key point is control,do not allude that the majority of individuals consuming drugs do so with strict boundaries. And the consequences of an individual falling into drug addiction are way worse not only for themselves but for their immediate surroundings. Moderation is key for everything but because it's so hard to achieve we are where we are.
Drugs dealer will eventually get killed in a drive by shooting so take comfort in that
Oh, no issue. I just thought it was interesting that from your perspective this is a new concept whereas here it's associated with traditional teachings. Where western conservatives might hear bible quotes from dissatisfied parents, we hear things like what you wrote from ours.
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Top G never misses
Why do retards love sport cars so much?
black girls... black women... nubian queens...
>”contributing” to society
Working class take.
uncensored vid: https://x.com/TitsClubDaily/status/1806910640444911706
It's an obvious display of wealth. A $5 shirt from Walmart and $500 shirt from Tom Ford look identical, nobody is mistaking a sports car with an altima.
Well too much of everything makes you an addict. A good amount of individuals have no self control over their indulgence on tv, games or other fully legal and continously promoted time-wastes that do not contribute to the betterment of society at all, however you're not calling for jailing individuals in media, retailers or bar-keeps.

Where some drugs are demonized as a time-waste, rotting your brain away with reddit, tiktok and other zero point bullshit is not only promoted, it's held as a culture of the time.

It's all a fucking scam to keep you in line and you're too scared of the non-consequence of questioning their authority over what you do with your time, mind and money. The wool over your eyes is thick and they'd rather keep it that way than to allow a psychedelic experience to question your perception of what society really is. They'll rather keep you chained to a desk to slave your life away for someone else without question.

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