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anime edition
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Labas rytas, my friends

May the /as/ guide and protect you on your endeavors
come on guys if you see a troll thread abusing my /balt/ trademark just ignore it and make a normal one, i cant be the thread maker forever

and to the dysgenic incel doing the trolling, youre only ruining it for everyone else, you already know i will put you in your place every time you try pulling your nonsense
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Daily reminder the "shit grinder" is an actual Latvian last name.
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Yeah, that's a MALE hehee
Also their sponsor owns the Tartu MILL wtf!!
Labas rytas /balt/!
ar ši animė gera? Be to, labai miela mergaitė. Bet kodėl ji trina savo užpakalį į žemę? Ar ji turi kirminų?
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mommy navickienė is in trouble again
>investigations into the family of the conservative M. Navickienė, who lives on the other part of the plot, began. Three identical buildings have been built, but all registered differently. Navickai now own one house, registered as a workshop. And according to the Building Inspectorate, it is not allowed to live in a workshop
she is cute
i would never kiss a landsberginian thoughever
Another lousy era for /balt/ + /ausnz/.. how do we reinvigorate ?
I need to get drunk. Attracts high quality posts to balt.
I will get drunk and sing on vocaroo in the evening, as promised
but AVRIMAS you promised to never post on this dogshit site again
sorry, I'm playing warthunder, can't animĖpost
>drunk drunk drunk
Please, my brothers there must be a better way.....
yes, being sober has certainly affected my work aswell
K-pop sisters, we lost to anime chads...
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>Be nordic
>Worship my ancestors
>Join my ancestors
>Become gnome
Such is life in pagan north
You tards think I'm half a dozen different posters. Aurimas wasn't the first to post alcohol fueled schizo ramblings here and he won't be the last.
Posting here sober for more than a few minutes is unbearable. I need to dumb myself down to a certain level for this drivel to capture my attention.
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True, true.
i think i have been drinking so much that i now have permanent brain damage and this initial step is no longer required
>never being in contact
are you retarded? they literally were neighbors. Also, what is emigration?
i'm a barbie girl
in a barbie world
life in plastic
it's fantastic
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jaukus, juokingas animukas apie stovyklavimo ypatumus. Jei patinka stovyklauti tai turėtų patikti ir šis anime. Ir jei gerai įsižiūrėsi tai ji atsitūpusi ir neliečia žemės subiniuku
Try Tila Tsoli- Bimbo Doll
this is some good shit
i sent it the other day
what does that mean
Bimbo music is my secret playlist during chores sometimes, I feel so happy-go-lucky bubbly shaking my hips idk.
means FUJ!
I thought the same as he
it's not anime music THOUGH
it's nightcore
i prefer katy perry, madonna, but you would never see me saying this irl
what would you say that you listen irl?
Late 90s, early and mid 00s I revisit often yeah...I have an ear infection rn so I can't use my buds while out. sucks
Okok it was pretty chill to listen to I GUESS
metallica, rammstein, iron maiden, etc.
those are the classics
anything more modern you listen to besides katy perry and other pop?
faun, the hu, the white stripes, idk like i don't even listen to modern rock music
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pica Lulū rap
>captcha DJXD
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are you a 30 year old boomer?
no dawg
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my queen https://youtu.be/k_UCBqwNtvw?si=jQaRT3Awzh1LaGYA
how old are ya then
'lowies in the thread
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Yeah wtf
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Kitsune breasts
Estonianbros, one question, how is the linguistical situation in Estonia? I got a job offer in Tallin and... It's really good they only request me to know English but I aspire to socialize, I guess English is not enough, it is, should I learn some estonian, what about russian? I heard Russian is really spoken too.
don't bother learning estonian, everybody speaks russian in estonia
when i went to estonia i practically only ever heard russian

I see... I know 0 estonian and russian, but I guess I can make the effort to learn some if when I go there.
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I saw the hu live
they sucked balls
Why do aliens keep seething at me so musch
Tallinn has fallen. It not longer has a Korean mayor, it now has a russian one.

Yeah, but they pay me almost twice and there are not daily stabbings by moroccans so....
Daily stabbings will come soon don't worry
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Please no
they will start happening when more brownoids come
What do you do that gets paid twice as much in Tallinn as in Espana?
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I know how to get people to come to /balt/
Only the strict, but relatively fair, guiding hand of Diaspora can save /balt/ + /ausnz/.
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boom boom boom boom
i want you in my room
to spend the night together
from now until forever
kill yourself faggot (tm)
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What is Estonia's secret?
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I wish Lithuania had fox spirits
do you like wolf girls
everyone does
why are you so easy to provoke?
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yes wolf girls are nice
I like this wolf girl in particular
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are you guys watching olympics
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>it's nightcore
where is she from
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what's so funny, dude
look at this beautiful estonian creation
she is thicccccc
7/10, the voices are too high pitched for me. Nightcore usually sounds like a normal electronic or pop song sped up too much to me.
This is my kinda music: https://youtu.be/0_VoTyLbL5Q?si=pRVjwg9WPuzSEO9r
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for me it's foxes
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Diaspoo may get a Polish nurse. We had one in for an interview with the Big Boss.
I'm going to the lake tomorrow in the morining I hope to see some hot milfs with nice asses usually I do
These nurses only like nuclear medicine chads. Also he would never call himself poo, he doesn't have enough self-irony for that.
your music taste is a bit boring
take some pics while you are there
Don't creep shot women that's creepy incel behaviour.
still waiting
yes and?
i want coca cola but the store is closing in 8 minutes
Which store?
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Literally Me.
nevermind found a half finished bottle @ home
tu taip atrodai
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Coca-Cola yra kenksminga dantims pirmiausia del didelio cukraus kiekio ir rugstingumo. Coca-Cola cukrus reaguoja su burnos bakterijomis, sudarydamas rugsti, kuri puola emali tvirta dantu isorini pavirsiu. Be to pati Coca-Cola turi fosforines ir citrinu rugsties, kurios dar labiau gali nuplauti emali. Sis nuplovimas silpnina emali, todel dantys tampa jautresni kariesui ir gedimui. Laikui begant, daznas Coca-Cola vartojimas gali sukelti reiksmingu dantu problemu, tokiu kaip padidejusi jautrumas, spalvos pakitimai ir poreikis sudetingesniam dantu gydymui
Don't care virgin
No I have strict opsec (and a very bad camera)
Kodel Estija tokia pikta?
Kodel dentist tokia FAT FUCK?
fuck diaspoo
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and she's in heat
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>put time into plants
>they always bare fruit and nourish you in return
>put time into women
>get nothing out of it
What are the implications of women being fruitless in 2024 /balt/?
i am 23 and i never tried getting with a woman
Tu mane myli
I tried getting a woman since 4
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Delightful, charming drunk intonations
>you'll never sit in a depilated castle, drink mead, and sing with your countrymen because you're diaspora
Only Auvrimas had the empathy to understand our suffering.
That was really good, i wish i could do that type of shit.
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I play kokle with my bros, we have frequent visits in our historic sites and peform our ceremonies
Even the worst parts of the Baltic States under gommunism didn't look this bad
18 yo Stacy drowned here today, RIP
Pretty good
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vis Tadai nori tik Stasyčių
i cry for her and her family
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Say hello to a new /balt/ poster! I haven't decided her name yet, so I'm open to suggestions.
Šliuxa, Saulė or Litvakė
graži figūrėlė, o kokio vardo nori lietuviško ar japoniško, angliško
Simona gal tiktų
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japoniškas biški cringe būtų manau, juo labiau kad aš nė kiek nemokų jų kalbos.
Saulė visai smagus vardas, dėkuj už pasiūlymą
life is a mystery
everyone must stand alone
i heard you call my name
and it feels like home

when you call my name
it's like a little prayer
i'm down on my knees
i want to take you there

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