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To understand the Russian you have to remember this is what their homes are like.
They have literally no hope, it's been crushed out of their soul over centuries by Khans, Tsars, Marxists.
They're born into poverty, they grow wallowing in depression, their highest aspirations are a dead-end job earning barely above subsistence while they drink, smoke and drug themself into an early grave aged 60.
With this in mind it all starts to make sense. They place no value on life because life as they see it is meaningless. Send in another mobik wave.
Ukraine is exactly the same though
>To understand the Russian
Just don't

This photo has more SOVL than the entire country of Australia
>early grave
make it sunny and put some grass and it reminds me of where I grew up
UK is more depressive than Russia honestly
I wish our cities looked like this. There are homeless encampments outside my apartment all across the sidewalk, it's impossible to go outside without tripping over a drugged out zombie that is more likely to bite you than apologize for getting in the way. America is doomed, Trump is going to win, and the US will just sink deeper and deeper into late stage capitalism.

Turn off your vpn, taraaaaaas.
If you think we are still in "late stage capitalism" then you need to wake the fuck up. This is a technocracy
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Do russians think this is beautiful?
Thats how their oligarchs live so yeah
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The Soviet Union was much more kino than current Russia. At least USSR had an ideology and an alternative to the western system instead of this bland authoritarianism
Guess why postapocaliptica is so popular in russia? New hope.
Was based on a western thought.
Eurasianism, however, is a thing of it's own, born in the mind of neo-soviet intelligentsia, with no connection to the western academics.
No, just average.
This is beautiful. Literally mogs any city in Europe.

>This is a technocracy
I wish we lived in technocracy...
you are retarded if you think soviets were any different lol, like half the current council worked in the soviet union
It's okayish, I think.
Current leadership is not constrained by the teachings of Marx and Lenin, hence they can do anything they want and construct ideological mumbo jumbo that can't be described even.
eurasian-oligarchic-quasi-fascist rule with islamic and WW2 influences, that's Russian federation.

While USSR was easy to understand.
yes yes we know you are going to die to own the west, nobody cares doe
Me too. Russia is a mafia state and nothing else, they do everything they want. I wouldn't even say that russia is totalitarian, people just don't care about anything but survival
There's no such thing as 'technocracy', there is either late stage capitalism or communism at this point. You're either in one or the other.
The west is already owned by Africans, Arabs and Hispanics, I don’t need to do anything.
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>To understand the Russian you have to remember this is what their homes are like.
>They have literally no hope, it's been crushed out of their soul over centuries by Khans, Tsars, Marxists.
>They're born into poverty, they grow wallowing in depression, their highest aspirations are a dead-end job earning barely above subsistence while they drink, smoke and drug themself into an early grave aged 60.
>With this in mind it all starts to make sense. They place no value on life because life as they see it is meaningless. Send in another mobik wave.
Is it really corpos or just people in general?
looks like romania
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Yeah, Russians "suffer".
nobody cares about your schizo takes. hurry up and go make putin proud
I've never seen a skyscraper in my life, never been in moscow or spb. 20 floor human hives don't count i think
The technocracy, the political correctness, the chat GPT- like echo chambers dragging dowm all discussion of socially innovative ideas.
Your blocks have similar to the style of my school building before it was renovated.
Because people don't like changes, it's normal
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>nobody cares about your schizo takes. hurry up and go make putin proud
Fuck off. You can't fathom my life of toil and suffering in my tiny cuckbox. Check your fucking privilege.
monke cruising for a timeout
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>Russians get sent to some shithole to die by the hundred thousands and the other Russians are like "not my problem "
russians dont care about other russians kek, they know they're all expendable except maybe their elites
I just think people really fall in love with this idea that culture has somehow stagnated as a way to cope with the fact that they're no longer young, cool, able to keep up with changes.
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>monke cruising for a timeout
Idk what your media tells you, but most of the people on the war go there willingly. They get large salary (by our standards) and go there for it. No one forced them to. Aside one wave of mobilised people, most of them get there unwillingly, I suppose.
Because they're convicts, rapists, pedos, homeless, indians and other scum. Moscow boys aren't at the front so no one cares how many will die
One of the reasons rent in America has skyrocketed is because of an obscure piece of software that every retail landlord uses to automatically set rent prices in a given area
You can have your life ruined by some piece of code written by an Indian for 5 dollars
It’s insanity
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> make it sunny and put some grass
I've only ever been in St. Petersburg and it was honestly a beautiful city. Though i understand it's likely one of the best examples from the country
Unironic sovl overload
Anyone that thinks this looks shitty has no taste
The technocracy demands that we all become technocrats or else, live outside. It isnt going to be how Huxley imagined the wilderness, it will more resemble how poor people can't afford bank accounts, have bad credit and pay 4x as much for a hotel room when noone will rent to them. A digital ghetto.
It's calming. I lived in very similar place. Only bad thing is that at summer when snow melts there's dog shit everywhere
Why does Russia have so much scum to begin with? In this country you couldnt find that many subhumans to fuel the war machine with
>Only bad thing is that at summer when snow melts there's dog shit everywhere
That's why I really don't like spring. When snow is melting everything turns in shit.
>and it was honestly a beautiful city.
That's because St Petersburg is literally the only city in Russia built trying to imitate European cities kek. They even brought in euro architects, engineers and artists to conceptualize the entire city.
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I'd imagine he's lying, this guy said he got forcefully conscripted and after the FSB agent posting in his thread got exposed he defaulted to "OK BUT HES A POOR SUBHUMAN THAT DIDNT PAY OFF THE DOCTOR TO ESCAPE IT"
The problem with Russians is that they want other people so suffer just like them
>Was based on a western thought
Yeah, so are most things, but USSR actually did it. It was an actual alternative to the western system, unlike this current westernized Russia where cancerous western consumer goods are everywhere. Soviets actually believed in something, they had a mission and a purpose
Poverty and they want money. Make your people poor, then pay them big money for fighting in a war.
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>I'd imagine he's lying, this guy said he got forcefully conscripted and after the FSB agent posting in his thread got exposed he defaulted to "OK BUT HES A POOR SUBHUMAN THAT DIDNT PAY OFF THE DOCTOR TO ESCAPE IT
This is why we can't trust you with nukes.
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And how may we understand the New Russians?
No, these 300k conscripted are just npcs from poor regions with no hope. Still don't care about them, go and die like an npc idc "they said go i go"
I know he's lying (it's the russian default) but I'm still curious as to why they have so many degenerates in their traditional Christian society
Alcohol makes you do many stupid things
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