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It boggles my mind that Americans can do this
buy cheese and cola?
i can do it too

also arizona tea bottles have cool designs
Doesn't it bother you, the amount of evil your country has done?
Americans are literally living in the Fallout universe and they pretend to suffer
why are americans pussies?
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its made by usa not mine and i dont think its evil per se it's just sugary, you should use it in moderation
i love american pussies
america is a battlefield so it's only natural to walk around with a war rifle
You wouldnt get it
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its about freedom
virtually indistinguishable from a random picture of tel-aviv
staged, gay and fake
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imagine being such a limp dicked faggot that you think this is cool
>Girl has M4
>Man has AK
Is M4 considered a girly gun in USA?
Imagine being such a rice dicked incel you get made at this picture
These fags are doing it for political reasons.
hiden carry is based
open carry is cringe and makes you a target
come and get it
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>No gun aussie
Cuck opinion disregarded
>clearly has a wife and kids
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>Their government told them to hand over their guns
>and they actually did it
its pretty cool
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i have that letherman
We don’t, really.
I think when you’re around guns you realize they’re not really scary. The guns aren’t even really an issue. The real issue in America is that this country is filled with people who are just itching to kill somebody. The first road rage incident, confrontation at a gas station, person on their property, whatever and they’re pulling that trigger. It doesn’t really matter that they’re using a gun either. They’d use a sword if that’s what they had.
>assault rifles on their back
I'd simply punch both men to the back of the head and their right to bear arms suddenly becomes useless
why are you so violent? they're just minding their own business
I open carry my pistol everywhere. Not a big deal if you have a retention holster, are aware of your surroundings, and have some training in case someone tries to grab it.
I feel threatened and will defend myself
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cool hat
>expecting any form of empathy from an israeli
I know you’re joking, but if you were to actually try this you’d be taking a trip down under faster than you can say kangaroo
I think the weirder thing is how they refuse to put restrictions on retards or mentally ill people having guns.
It's a very american thing to have radical absolutist positions. It what makes them interesting people.
>I have a small dick
we know
Explain how.
they'd both be unconscious
Shut the fuck up you Democrat voting, black worshipping transsexual subhuman
don’t know what’s more cringe, antigun crowd who hate the concept of a person doing something themselves or people who make guns their whole personality
in a normal society you wouldn’t need a gun
they are both equally cringe
i can empathize i went to a supermarket a few hours ago
>guns are.. le cool!
>his child is massacred in a school shooting
why are americans like this
Don’t see your point honestly. Most yuro countries ban guns and yet they still get constantly run over by Islamic peace trucks, blown up, stabbed, or shot by a terrorist with an AK-47.
name last time this happened
Most euro countries are significantly safer than the US
>oh no guns are le big black and scary, please please please ban them Jewish politicians
hmmm, projecting much
Dont you need a license for open carry?
The only thing you and every son of a bitch posting here under the US flag knows how to do, is kneel to blacks and worship transsexuals, fucking faggot. I can smell the cock on your breath from here. You believe that men can give birth. Anyone competent at your workplace has been replaced by a DEI hire. Go kneel to George Floyd and set yourself on fire for Palestine
Compared to just the white American that’s not true. But yurope is rapidly diversifying to US levels so I don’t think your statement will hold on for long. At least in the US however, we will always still be able to defend ourselves with firearms.
the US has all these easy-to-access guns and yet the violent crime rates are still higher than most warzones so what's that about
the most dangerous big european cities like brussels and malmo are on par with the safest US cities
hellholes like baltimore and st. louis are on a different level entirely but surely that's "different"
married men are usually the most effeminate men ever, yes
>but le terrorists
yes we should let mahmood buy a military grade rifle at the grocery store so he han kill 15 people instead of 2 with a knife
>moving the goal posts this hard
those cities are nearly all black. just don’t go there and you will be fine. even the black people in those neighborhoods usually warn lost whites to leave quick who wander into the hood as a courtesy.
just don't go into the ghettos
> Compared to just the white American that’s not true.
yes but your country is only 53% white
so you have no point
I mean it’s true. Over half of the violent crime in the US is commited by 13% of the population. You yuros will find out soon enough if you haven’t already.
Guns are gay we should all go back to swords and maces and bash eachothers skulls in like the good old days.
Idiot only in some states you moron.
the good old days didn't have video games and 4chin thoughbeit
The right to bear arms is a good thing but the people who make it their personality and walk around with ar15s are retards
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You'll occasionally see folks show up to certain political rallies and protests with firearms, but it isn't very common outside of that.

I've lived in the Midwest and the South, and the only person I remember open-carrying was a very fat man stomping his way through a Walmart parking lot in rural Arkansas. He had a pretty shoddy piece, too--it looked a $150 .22 "Rough Rider" that he'd bought a decade ago and never once cleaned.

See: >>200203701, or at least the first sentence therein.

I'm not even a /pol/tard, but the numbers speak for themselves. About 50% of all murders, and an equivalent percentage of violent crimes, are committed by African-American men against other African-American men. Some rural and impoverished tracts of Appalachia and the Deep South also have higher-than-average rates of violent crime and property crime, which is largely fueled by drug addiction (and production).

If you're not an African-American youth or a meth-loving redneck, you don't face much more risk in day-to-day life than the average European.

Picrel are some of my guns. None of them are scary, and they all serve different and distinct purposes (along with the 1-2 others I've since purchased). Ignore the other shit, pic was for an /out/ thread.
Which still means 160 million white people. Just look at the huge geographical area that voted Trump and you will find where all the white people are
Baltimore is 57% black.
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>we should let mahmood buy a military grade rifle at the grocery store
you can say the same about brussels and malmo, it doesn't add up
don’t care
Just looked up Malmo and it doesn’t look like it has nearly even close to the same amount of black people as Baltimore or St. Louis. The immigrants seem to be mostly Middle Eastern which aren’t as violent
Just look at it, Europe is very dangerous guys. if only we had guns
Malmo has an epidemic of gang violence and bombings.
Most states allow it lol
muslims commit terrorist attacks on a daily basis if i have to believe your fellow countrymen
the amount of yuro cope and seethe in this thread is beautiful. still don’t understand why another country having freedom pisses them off so much.
maybe deport his ass then you wouldn’t have a problem. US gun violence could be solved overnight if all non-whites were suddenly removed from the country but obviously and sadly that will never happen. All you would have left are a few sperg white school shooters who you could hospitalize
>atleast in fr- *gets shot at a red light while trying to save his kids from an active shooter at the elementary school*
the US is in good company lmao
damn, brazil is falling off
we explained this to you, just don’t go where the black people are and you will be fine
No way ethnic cleansing could ever turn violent. Right.
Your "white areas" still have more violent crime than most areas in Europe, so I have no idea what your point is
Keep on telling yourself that we live in a crime-infested wasteland, lol.
is it true that gaza coverage isn't shown on israeli tv? and people are unaware of whats going on?
>people who live in a country where almost every adult has served in the military and knows someone who is currently serving in the military don't know what's going on in Gaza
AoA, Rasheed
It's not northern Mexico level but for sure we're on the high end of normal for a rich country.
why is Seattle which barely has any blacks more dangerous than the most dangerous European city? homicide rate per 100k of ~7 vs 5,5 in Tallinn. Brussels is at around 3
which US cities are these
its not in america op is surprised that americans can go buy stuff
is there any criticism in israel about all the destruction in gaza?
Seattle only had 16 homicides in 2016, which is actually pretty remarkable for a city of that size. Its homicide rate has gone up slightly (30-50 a year) recently due to junkies and laws that essentially make it legal for kids under 18 to kill people and only receive a few years in prison. The few black gangs still in the city have figured this out and are taking gulls advantage. There’s also almost no police in that city which I think works in favor of the US because it shows that even when you leave Americans without police they still don’t go around mindlessly killing people. Also, a good deal of the homicides in Seattle are still done by black people.
yes people are mad that the army isnt taking the gloves off

but then again this is what people voted for a weak leftoid. things will be fixed but it will take a decade to retake the political and judicial system
i was being very generous comparing one of the most "diverse" cities in western europe to one of the most homogeneous cities in the US but apparently that still isn't sufficient
what more do you want

lel, and i thought the US was bad with the YEAH KILL'EM rethoric
i haven't seen someone with an open carry gun in like 5 years
its what happens when you vote for a weak retard your army and entire country becomes cucky
Seattle’s run by socialist liberals who let a bunch of communists take over the city.
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It boggles my mind that someone would openly carry an unloaded rifle. Not only do you make yourself an obvious target, you can't actually use your weapon.
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The seagull stoner's eyes. He has AAA, or Automatic Advance Aim, that gives him superior hit-per-shoot ratio in tracking a moving target.
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you can say the same about Brussels. What about Oklahoma city then, that one is not doing very great either by european standards. let me guess, it's because of the blacks
btw i'm going by this chart, the city at the very bottom (ironically less than 25% white) is still higher (or comparable, again being quite generous) than Brussels
getting an american to admit there is something wrong with their use of violence is like talking to a brick wall
they do it while they can. dont worry, the republican party will never win an election again and we are closing in on the nra.
Belgians need to be destroyed
Open carry fags are the women of the gun world.
with BIC
>my personality is my guns and the amount of guns i have and and i can go outside with my guns on me and did i tell you this gun belonged to my great grandpa who got his legs blown up in normandy fighting for israel and i also have [gun] but the peepeepoopoo variant and all my clothes are either about the 2nd ammendment or about trump and and we need to send my taxes to israel because jesus christ says so in bible or something
>Euros are freaking out over Americans owning guns
Thank God that my ancestors left that rotting continent centuries ago.
>NOOOOOOOOOOOO you can't bring up actual data that's illegal!! it's the NIGGERS!! the NIGGERSSS!!!
okay, next time i'll just use threats and insults and pull everything out of my ass
fucking disgraceful.

i'm more weirded out by the homicide statistics and the mental gymnastics that go along with it trying to rationalise it
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why disgraceful
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>I'm more weirded out by the homicide statistics and the mental gymnastics that go along with it trying to rationalise it
>Euros are worrying about state of the of my country
>even though you hate me and the American way of life
thirdies together strong
open carrying is looked down upon by most serious gun owners. and when i say serious, i mean those who actually spend hours and hours per week at the range and practicing home and self defense routines.
What's the point of this other than to attentionwhore?

>yeah some terrorist is going to come and threaten me but I have my gun on hand and I'll shoot them
It would be understandable if you live in a shithole in the middle east or in brazil, but doing this in bumfuck kentucky is pants on head retarded and just for some fag to attentionwhore

no natural land enemies, bongs are the same way
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And they only open carry in places where they will never need to use it.
I worked in a butcher shop years back and had some guy come in who looked like a zit faced chud meme open carrying a 1911 that looked like picrel, with a sight and shit. I don’t even know how you walk around with a mag like that without constantly bumping it into shit.
Just fucking conceal carry like everybody else. If you need more ammo carry something with a double stack magazine.
Then they can't show off. There's no problem conceal carrying or having gun at home, but these fags just want to attentionwhore on social media.
lmao insecure fags
yank shits and their kike masters are like
but then they proceed to do the same in gaza
how can u even criticise russia with a straight face if u engage in genocide urself? a genuine question?
>sneaks up
>stealthily points gun at guy's leg
hehz nothing personnel, rambo
what fucking kind of insecure dicklet walks around with an assault rifle. you think youre in a hollywood movie?
apparently ur countrymen do that a lot for some reason i even see yanks online boast about being able to do that on jewtube

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