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So when will greeks or bulgarians start a new reconquista and kick these moors from euro land?
We did during the First Balkan War.
Edrine was retaken by the Turks during the Second Balank war when Bulgaria went full retard.
>Bulgaria went full retard.
That's not how you say backtabbed by Serbs.
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come and try bitch
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The Turks would have been defeated and Constantinople retaken in the mid 1500's if it wasn't for the damn Hungarians and Austrians backstabbing one of the greatest European man in history.
Chuds are weak and pathetic.
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it wasn't just the Serbs. You know the saying right? There's two countries that border themselves: Hungary and Bulgaria
I think it's a huge soulless shithole only good for farming.
Moors were blacks from Africa
Turks are from Siberia
We attacked the Serbs after western powers meddled and handed them our gains in Makedonia.
I wouldn't say it was them stabbing us in the back, it was Austria butting in and taking a slice and messing up the feeding order.
Turkics may be from Siberia. Turks (not to be confused with Turkics) are from the ummah mystery meat soup down below.
Moor is a religion that worships god islam and likes to explode things
>Moors were blacks from Africa
>went full retard
You got backstabbed nigga. Serbs took land they promised to Bulgarians and Bulgarians thought they would have a fair 1v1 with Serbs not knowing that Romanians, Greeks and jumped in and later even Turks
Lol, Benicio Gustavo Alvarez. After WWI, they had all the opportunity but was buttfucked by Ataturk. If they couldn't do it then, the devolved mutants now could never do it.
Blackamoor - the original term for Moor
Morris Dancing - people paint faces black to act like Moors
not down below, seljuk turks mixed with the local anatolian population, its not really that complicated
Local anatolians were Greek and Armenian mystery meat
they are ? thought they were regular arabs, at least in the looks department
the treaty of Berlin revised the agreed borders,
the treaty of Berlin happened because Austria wanted land
the gave our gains to Serbia after taking Sebians ganes for themselves
I'd be retarded to blame the Serbs, I'd be retarded to blame the Greeks and Romanians for backing their ally.
I blame westoids and Austrians in particular, but above else I blame the retarded tzar for starting a war we'd obviously lose.
no they were not, it was after the ottomans that the meat started mysterying
the mixture is just bullshit, take example you two, one lives in germany one still in turkey, u both still look like regular arabs. that shit skin wont whiten itself, boys. even if you rape a german woman she wont have a mutated baby, she's gonna abort it throw it off a cliff, rather die than bring a shitskin or a half shitskin in this life.

come on, whats the matter with you shitskins, think white for a second, you know im right
dude i cant believe youre still on /int/
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Yeah that was a huge mistake.
Britain (previously Great) held the turks together and propped up the turkish state as a descendant of the ottoman empire. Now that role is done by USA and nato.
Read about history dumbass.
Do they have the military power to kick out the Turks? Greeks seem like massive pussies, even worse than Italians.
you believe that you look white and that you come from genetic cost that decided to mix with your shitskin race, yet you dont believe someone can use int? whats the matter with you, jesus you fuckers are indeed retarded arent you?

what do you think about that Shitskin B? is shitskin A more retarded ?
The treaty of Berlin happened because (((Britain))) and France objected to us being that big and the Germans wanted to play as a mediator to both sides. You can see that the Germans didn't really agree with it when they tried to revert it twice in both world wars. Oh, and the Balkan Pact against Bulgaria was orchestrated by France, just like the Little Entente against Hungary. Just like the Macedonia question right now is, wait for it, handled by Macron personally.
i love you man
>Just like the Macedonia question right now is, wait for it, handled by Macron personally.
What Makedonian question?
The decision whether to veto Macedonia or not is directly relayed by the French government to ours. When Macron decided that the veto should be lifted, our government lifted the veto https://www.novinite.com/articles/215631/%22This+is+your+European+Duty%22%3A+Macron+urges+Bulgaria+to+Support+the+Veto+Compromise+on+North+Macedonia

This has happened once again in our history, when the Allies-installed BZNS was told to crush the pro-unification irredentism in the country (VMRO) and to tell the Bulgarians that Macedonia is no longer theirs as per Neuilly, which then led to the execution of the man who was tasked with crushing Bulgarian nationalism by the said Bulgarian nationalists https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleksandar_Stamboliyski#Coup_and_assassination
You need a psychiatrist
you didnt post the bear in your replies
>westoids want us to quit blocking EU expansion over petty shit
they're right and it's not comparable to literal wars
roaches will never be european
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What's the point of a union if the union has dictatorial control over our foreign policy, not even for our gain but for our actual detriment, a detriment that is so severe that we fought in two world wars to prevent it? What's the point of Bulgaria at all if we're just going to shave off parts of ourselves and be forced to pretend that they're not us because France arbitrarily decided that this is based?

That type of an arrangement is not called a union and you're not a member of anything. It is de facto an occupation. A colony.
>the turks could be beaten during their height of power
You fags even lost to us lol. Despite half the country still supporting your king.
it's funny how that "tiny spot" on European side is bigger than Finland
do I have to? it's the same two posters in every thread, on every thread that has the word greece or greek the first three posts are usually boon and another turk. the combo is always the same
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Makedonia isn't Bulgaria, there are no Bulgarians in Makedonia
they're their own slavic country, with their own language and alphabet
we are moving on because there is literally nobody in Makedonia who wants to be Bulgarian at this point
no, them taking advantage of our passports to move west doesn't count
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>we are moving on because there is literally nobody in Makedonia who wants to be Bulgarian at this point
fun fact lil bro: the exact same thing that you just wrote will be said against you again, once the Kardjalipipo rebel and declare themselves independent. And just like the Macedonia question you will have zero support in the entire EU because that is an occupational anti-Axis structure that is put here to implement cock and ball torture of all revisionist anti-Allies countries. France will swing by, scold us (like they did with the gypsies in 2009 and almost forced the EU to embargo us and Romania, something that zoomer retards like you do not remember), tell us to stop genociding the poor muslims, the shitskin mass of France will fall in a trance and support whichever president did that, and oops Bulgaria just lost another piece of itself. Absolutely the same dynamism, the same countries, the same purpose, the same target, and this will keep repeating because midwit westophilic retards like you can't use their brain.
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we won turks won allahu akbar ya bismillah kemal akbar
Never it is too late. Turks going westwards is a lot more likely if we rake NATO away

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