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Germany, perfected.
Hyping for EU5!
if you play map painters you are either

a. an incel chud
b. an incel troon

pick one
The Holy Roman Empire could have been the perfect country, ie a perfect balance between local governments and customs under a strong Crown.
And it was like that for the most of the middle ages. Too bad good things never last. The Habsburg tried to save it, but alas, thei failed.
I hope someday they have the opportunity to try again.
I'm afraid they're gonna be leaning too much into the direction of a simulator and it's gonna lose the boardgamey properties that EU4 had.
I don't wanna be adjusting sliders for 2000 hours
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a. all the way
1871 worst day of my life, so much sovl lost
>boardgamey properties
I don't miss mana.
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Better a chud than a troon
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I am officially on the hype train

That's a thicc Georgia
its probably gonna be like ck3, oversimplified simplified mechanics and warfare with minimal content that will be expanded upon with hundreds of DLC. I always torrent paradox games so doesn't matter either way
I'm neither a chud nor a troon but I am an incel
adding population creates a lot more depth already
I can guarantee they'll butcher trade to appeal to normies
Now that was really shit in Imperator Rome.
Nah, the PDX office in Sweden isn't involved. This will be Johans magnum opus
Never played it but heard its way better nowadays, shame they abandoned it
The boardgamey properties are the worst part.
Too much bundesautonomien
Needs a unifier ASAP
This is the only thing giving me hope for EU5.
What is the ideal Georgia? Covering all of the Caucasus?
It's not gonna be that basic, and they brought over the idea of having different goods and what it enables you to do.
There is a lot that is promising and a lot that is kinda bad which contributes to games feeling the same. Trade was abstracted to resources which represent buffs that you and the computer buy off each other recieving currency. You can't play a mercantile state 'middle man' as Rhodes and Tyre existed
me in Byt.
How does a Colombian know that word?
I thought you were all living in hovels.
It probably will be broken at release considering how ambitious it seems, but atleast they'll have a framework made by autistis and not some unfixable Vic3 flop
Agreed. I’m just hoping they have good basics that can be expanded on.
Why does anyone expect this to be good after Vic3?
It’s being handled by the old guard separate from paradox’s studio in Sweden that fucked up Vic3. The dev diaries look good too. There’s some promise, but tentatively so at this point. The way I see it, EU5 is paradox’s last chance or it’s over.
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we're still gonna play it even if its bad
because it's basically m&t 4.0 and m&t doesn't disappoint
i hope johan tard-wrangles the m&t dev a bit and stop him from bloating the game from 1.0
>paradox’s last chance or it’s over
So long as GSGs are a niche, it will never be over. See >>200208161
How do people get thousands of hours in these? Each time you play the game is exactly the same but the names and colors are different is it really that interesting to have the map say Armenia one hundred hour play thru and then do it all again but this time the map says Germany
I consider long tern engagement with these games a sign of deep depression
Well, it’ll be over for me. I’m not going to mindlessly consooom their new slop (I’m also not buying EU5 until I see post-release gameplay and reviews). I’ll just play their old games or something else.
>parasite kiketractive
>paradox’s last chance or it’s over.
As long as there's no real competition in the genre, parasite will continue to release halfbaked slop to sell overpriced DLCs.
>i hope johan stops him from making the best possible game from 1.0
Wiz WILL bend the knees to Johan
release date?
Different mechanics/interactions/events and different starts/possibilities depending on the nation, as well as mission trees (which are good) adding a lot of engagement outside of just "blob".
Plus there's tons of mods that switch things up and even huge ones like Anbennar that's basically a different game.
It’s true that there will always be paypiggies who will buy and play shit no matter what. Those people should feel ashamed.
It's such a fucking shame to see that proper GSG discussion can exist on 4chan when /gsg/ is an absolutely dreadful pit of despair
What's up with that thread? Why is it just people spamming little one sentence (often off-topic) posts without replying to anyone else?
nigga we have a whole board now for that, /gsg/ leaks sometimes, but they don't even manage to derail eu5 entirely, i think the slowness of the board helps with that
The game (speaking for eu iv) has enough systems you need lot of time to understand how to juggle all the stuff the game throws at you. Also an Italian signoria, a colonial nation, mongol steppe riders, etc play different enough to provide enough variety. The suspension of disbelief eventually breaks (at least it did for me) since in the end the game is all about managing aggressive expansion while blobbing since there is jack shit to do on the side of internal management
In CK you're essentially larping as a noble and having sex with your sisterdaughterwife
wdym? vst is decent
What the fuck, when was that board added? I've been wasting my mental energy on /gsg/ for years for nothing
You can get in the coffin, Dracula, give it a year or two
It's over of the reasons gsg is the worst general, everyone other than a couple schizos left
HRE isn't real and never existed,
it's an elaborate injoke between historians
nobody can seriously believe this meme shit
>I don't wanna be adjusting sliders for 2000 hours
dear god, I hope they bring the sliders back
mana is so much more boring
I love playing 56road mod by hoi4. I'm just a regular gamer
Sliders are what is known in other boards as "kino"
can't wait for this kino to drop
umm... Silesia wasn't a part of Germany at that time TH0
I never played this game because it hasn't been released yet
The height of the Belarusian intellect.
am I wrong tho
cant wait to invade and rape it as golden horde
True but only because my home country is a playable country.
*home town
load in, get mehmeds ambition in eu4 after two tries, get not one step back as soviet union after two tries, amerimutt
made for big timurid rape
me below (((Sion)))

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