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Tinex shoplifter edition

Old died >>200186769
When a tiger mother educates her tiger cubs, it is like this: You just need to run faster than the slowest prey.
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>trains in Albania from 7 to 19 years old
>calls himself "Greek" and goes to compete with the Greek team

What the fuck was his problem?
Ai em grik
albos aren't real, albo
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Many such cases.
>literally named Pyrrhus, one of the most know ancient Greek kings
>born in a place where the vast majority of people are ethnic Greeks
>uhh he isn't Greek, he's Albanian! #shqiperiaetnike!
Also I will be honest with you, about the Greeks in Northern Epirus we should have forced Italy and Albania to cede the area to us after WW2 concluded, instead of only getting the Dodecanese, it wasn't like we haven't wrecker them both on the battlefield and we were on the way to Tirana when they called up Germany to save their asses
He is greek
He can speak fluent Albanian and trained 12 years there. Nationality wise it's an insult to Albania what he did even if he is greek, he should have some honour.
I know a lot of Greeks might live in Albania but not many of them have fond memories of the life there, especially under Hoxha's regime

In his case he did participate in world championships with Albania if you check his history and after the communist regime died out, he migrated to Greece and joined the national team
Looks anatolian
Is that a good or a bad thing?
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80m2 for 190k to live in Skopje. Would you rather buy in Germany for the same price
I have never enjoyed linving in the world
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One Piece is the only anime worth a damn.
gimmicky garbage
Most difficult thing about talking with demented old people is them clinging to some facade of authority whilst being too retarded to know the difference between a debit and ID card
Monkeydonia i really believe you should watch this video
but they've managed to not die for 60 years bro, they own you
I just came back from Greece and Bulgaria.

And I have to say it: You need to fix your fucking infrastructure bros. your roads are shit and your cities need some fresh pain.
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>I just came back from Greece and Bulgaria.
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No hard feelings.

I went to Halkidiki traveled through the whole of Bulgaria. and a lot of Greece.
Praised be the OC.
and cities like Stara Zagora and Haskovo look like bombs feel on them. Veliko Tarnavo was nice and I enjoyed it.

Ruse looks like a fucking dump and its even more sad the Giurgiu (the city on the other side) looks better even if we make fun of it for being a dump.
You Romaluiuiuiui frens are welcome here. Just don't drive like fucking maniacs, OK?
If we have numbers starting with B you have better run away in fear. The people from Bucharest are animals on the road and driving for them is not just for mobility its a way to show off your masculinity and to tempt fait.

I like how many speed bumps you have.
Oh and the food in Greece sucked. Every one use bag pre-cut potatoes for all the food. Fuck me, no fresh legumes and even the Tzatziki tasted fake...maybe its because of the high cost of potatoes or leagues or maybe they want to make profit with shit produce...
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Why are we hating on brown people again?

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They're like 90 bro
Being 60 is YOUNG in the current year
>tfw I'm a still a baby
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He's gonna suck that schizo dick, bet
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Boon btfo
nigga is cute
proud agean greek
Good video like always.
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>Being a deranged tranny freakshow is le hecking individuality but you can't be Macedonian because that's hecking wrong and everyone should be a Bulgar
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>but you can't be Macedonian
Sadly no. Libertarian thought has its limits.
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Hope you are testosteronemaxxing
I hope a tranny rapes your neglected child
had a edin narod moment today
a croat cashier(me), a bosnian muslim construction worker and a serb delivery driver sitting on a wall smoking and complaining about heat and work
You then went home and received penetrative anal sex from your Macedonian roommate and thought the same thing
maqe roomate is nowhere to be found
probably went to the beach for a late night swim, or just drinking again
Yes you are testosteronemaxxing and watch to the ground when a shqip passes by
What's he like?
Jews should fund some secessionist terrorist cells in India
Pajeets have gotten too cocky, they need a civil war to keep them in check
Kek, mental to think when my ancestors created the original Olympics, yours were eating grass just south of where you live alongside Bulgarians and fyromians xaxxaxaxxaxax
Libelous creature
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Or maybe you weren't there

Maybe you were in Atlantis!
ummm acktually atlantis was ancient illyro-pelasgian land
Athens won against Atlantis but lost against Anatolians
hes a walking talking shitpost but is also incredibly chill as a roomate
loves drugs, slop, alcohol, whores, snoozing, hitting the beach, talking back to his boss, and joking around
hates hummus, being harrasneed by his boss, and whores that charge too much
Go back to your TWP general bro

Is he casinomaxxing though?
based normalfag
seems it was both swimming and drinking this time
he entered the apartment with an empty beer can and in his swimsuit, took a shower, screamed at me "pa gde si majstore"(whats up boss) and passed out on the bed, falling asleep within minutes
this is what being in harmony with the universe looks like
never asked him this but probably not since he hasnt mentioned it, he isnt a smoker either oddly enough
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>bitcoin pensions
>he isnt a smoker either oddly enough
soyboy cringelord
in 20 years once lungcancermaxxing has borne fruit I wonder what will be the next cope
felt like getting some individuality like polubrainian so I fucked 16 years old bulgarian boy in ass
I have awokended
So did i, big mistake.

just found this on 2ch
Send it to the necrophilliac.
Cursed sleep. Without it, the 5-year plan could have been accomplished in a little over 3 years.
year 1: masturbate
year 2: masturbate
year 3: masturbate
year 4: masturbate
year 5:
bait master
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Imagine her getting blacked
what is it with our houses that I am able to tell she's from russia or hoholstan or alike just by looking at those shelves and wallpaper

bitch... buy a RACK and wood stain it too. whore slut
shan't be imagining it
Today, we once again find how close english families are by this remarkable couples love for their son.
Would you assmble her a rack and paint it for her if she was a big titty goth slutwhore?
>adjusting water in the freezer
>xanax taken
Finna have a schizophrenic day
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Guess her ethnicity bro
Wonder how will they react when some chudmaxxed jeet calls them mleccha
I'd pepper spray her
slutwhore ethnicity
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I'd give a devil like this to krasno if i was an entj dictator
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wow they brought children in that orgy too
and who other than a BLACK BULL would get to hold that little girl of course

truth be told I wouldn't go out with a woman dressed like this
6am on saturday and he is talking about nigger dicks.
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These two are from krasnoyarsk donyou know them?
krasnoyarsk angels look like THIS?
that bulgar going on about churkas lied to me
imagine what happens to them in
antalya every summer
they have a wholesome family friendly vacation and return to krasnoyarsk invigorated, thereby contributing to a healthier atmosphere in the city?
I'll imagine that
they blend in with the locals
turks like brown balkan devils
Very coherent tatar post.
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will bibisi spammer infiltrate this group
Tyк cмe
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and now for some news
Ttars leaving really slowed the thread it seems.
VGH, the FAVSTIAN SPIRIT lives on...
Done another 600 kcal
Saturday yet the town is empty
All subhumans are at the Big Blacksea Coast or in Greece
35400m2 for 22k euros for a plot of land by the sea in northern europe, no neighbours, road access which goes to the city is 30 mins drive. you guys think it's a good deal?

I really just want a private piece of land to live on or escape society
na palatka li she jiveesh
>black bvll gets biggest flag
>whitebois get tiny flags
What could they possibly mean by this?
The return of the Boon
No have an apartment in the city while we build a home there, and might also have a small quick home meanwhile to spend nights there
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>When the Lamb opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, “Come!”
>I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth.
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Too many coincidences in the opening ceremony!
>peepoo surprised the western religion is satanism
I want nikokadu abukadu the kikehol to actually do this with a yuge table full of mukbang and fatsos stuffing themselves
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Thoughts on the Golden Calf being present in the ceremony?
The lamb of God sacrificed his penis on the cross for our sins of transphobia
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They don't even hide it anymore!
>Golden calf, idol worshipped by the Hebrews during the period of the Exodus from Egypt
It's a bvll, not a calf, schizoretards
It's traditionally also depicted as a bull, bro
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>bro you're shizo bro, nothing strange was shown in the Olympic opening ceremony!
Ngl, I do want to see the west start building churches and cathedrals again but this time they're satanic.
All glory to baal
which apostle does that hot af loli represents?
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There was a LOT of strange symbolism about kids in this ceremony, bro
that's clearly river styx, another greek connection...
Yeah, a reference to death in a celebration for the living. Not fitting at all if you'd ask me
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That's a hole in the pantyhose chud
>buy silicone caulk
>use like a 10th of the tube for my small use case
>put it away for next time
>dries before next time
You must consoom.
Reading Rastko Petrović's travel writings in Africa during the 1920's.

Honestly sailing in Africa seems so romantic.
Imagine how many black qweens he impregnated.
So he has in detail described the bodies of women and young boys that he's met. Although he hasn't had sex with anyone.
Thank God LePen didn't win! (although she got the most votes)

I also saw a car with RUSSIAN plates, code 177 aka Moscow wtf! I thought we didn't allow baddies into Greece anymore!
>Although he hasn't had sex with anyone.
He just didn't write about it.
Let's go

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