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Need To Actually Buy Cans sub-edish
where is everyone
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Rorke going on about his teacher being a "tranny"
That, lad, is a good question

I care, lad(ette)
What's wrong?
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listening to AI-made ASMR. it's good for doing the sound effects and stuff that i like.
*runs into thread panting*
s-sorry I'm late, went into /balk/ by accident
watching the olympics
lovely stuff. People who don't care about the wellbeing of lovely little animals are not "people" at all
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food for the little boy?
Anyone a Freemason or know any?
smoking that clit.
Cats are not lovely animals they are an invasive species
That said I don't call for them to be culled. Just their owners
I thought posting mattgeek got you banned
reminder than cansmong is just another spainnonce character
Don’t want to know what this is about.
might go and get an all day breakfast
feel like it
so what?
fry about it
He has bloody played us again
yea me
life in sweden looking like a right laugh
I disagree but feel that way about dogs
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Hey Fontaine where the hell is your crockery Fontaine?
is Manchester gay village or Londons Soho better for finding a tranny to shag? or just use grinder?
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Exactly and it's fine for you to be wrong and me to be correct seeing as dogs are not invasive
You just happen to be a shut-in with a cat as his sole witness to life so you are biased
Just hit a giant fly with a perfectly timed power shot with the fly swatter.
mad how da joos are literally the unironic reason why these threads are shit. hilarious their capacity to ruin
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perusing vinted
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>Walkin' Pets
>by HandicappedPets.com
>a subsidiary of Legless Pets™
>part of the Double-Leg Amputee Pet Corporation©
Dogs are the ultimate NPC pet
Jews are not the reason you're on the dole lad.
any """"""trannys"""""" on grindr are just old hairy fellas wearing their wifes knickers
Hi pajeetsis
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Wildly untrue
had a nice cycle today
Considerable squeaking on /cum/ is currently being detected
Are you a woman?
mad how tom daley was only 14 in his first olympics
30 now and this is his 5th olympics
mad that
most literate jew
Hope he stays there the freak. Never to darken our door again
Vogos Vinted?
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ktim for the next 4 hours
when does the actual ceremony start rather than these boring ahh interviews?
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no i'm not
They're not an invasive species we've gladly brought them with us everywhere we've gone because they're useful pets who look and act cute and who kill pests. Considering you're an evil subhuman pest it's no wonder you don't like that.
no one comes here to see 20 images of Bradley a thread, all posted by the same person, which makes it incredibly sad when its 4-5 images directed at a single post, when its usually just 1 person. and then someone says something and he (this one person) posts multiple times at them that its >one person
its one dimensional and boring. no one wants to see it. no one comes here to see these images posted without captions over and over - and even with captions people disliked the content. the poster is disliked. the poster drives users away from the thread because they dont come here to see spam bot posts taking up a majority of the thread which are all the same and (are) constant, same-y, spam bot tier, and annoying. its one single person with the joke this one single person finds funny between him and himself and spams it all day every day as if he was a spam bot, which nobody likes. nobody comes here to see spam bot posts - they come here for human posts - with these spam bot posts, humans will leave - this will only cause him to post more of them, to boost activity - it is bad activity and no one comes here to see it. no one comes here to see AI/spam/bot generated content that is all the same but cant be filtered, and is spammed at single posts or many, every thread, taking up a majority, because one person thinks it is funny
wonder when he first got his arse shagged
yea i bet you did.. POOF *runs away*
reckon he still only does it to roger other divers
slew dem mousey
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Any other big John man in? He's so based
clock clean post
the little boy...

Trying to pass off spontaneous ear bleeding syndrome as being an injury. He lies about everything.
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Imagine going on a nightwalk in Scotland and seeing that thing looking out of it's caravan window at you
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>dogs are not invasive
Neither are cats, they're useful pets who we've deliberately brought with us everywhere. The only difference is that cats don't regularly maul children, adults, elderly people, and other pets like some dogs do
25 minutes
Always thought psychedelics are for brainlets incapable of abstract thought.
Just seen an off topic post
BBC coverage of the Olympics opening ceremony has started


The ceremony starts in just over 20 minutes (6:30pm)
psychedelics fuck up your brain permanently i fucking hate shroom and lsd hippies and their relentless rambling
respect the cock
and tame the cunt
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you're wrong they are great
big john from fake taxi? thought he died of covid
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psychadelics have nothing to do with abstract thought
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Just landed in Toronto didn’t I
absolutely hank marvin
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Please don't swear. We like to maintain a certain level of decorum in /brit/.
settle down, tom cruise
no one's impressed
tbqh the steven van de velde thing is a joke that girl was definitely begging for it
can't believe all my ex gfs are being rammed with cock and filled with cum, but it's happening
Psilocybin grows naturally in Europe in the autumn, you should only take it then
welcome back toby >.<
sunberg has come back out it seems
rebecca adlington gf
i apologize for my nasty language, i got a little bit worked up
What do they have to do with then?
Just had the shower, lads

I think I should put on clothes and go for the BIG cans and the BIG chips
What sort of BIG chips, I don't know, lads
*YYZ starts playing*
honestly find her weirdly attractive desu
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skeet skeet brit niggas
fuck off
Last time I took mushrooms I had dreams about the invasive pythons in the everglades eating everything
Forgot I was on /int/
Don’t give him the attention lad
Honestly hat me if you like but I reckon shrooms would just being your average knuckle dragger to about my level of consciousness
Would either do nothing for me or I'd actually unlock the secrets of the universe
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I'm intending to, lad
To get the BIG cans and the BIG chips
Never took mushrooms or any psychedelics other than weed. Too scared. Weed made me extremely paranoid and uncomfortable after a while and I had to stop. Made me ruminate and think about all the worst things about myself and my life.
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Going to make a hammer
I hate to be that guy but psychs are a lot more gentle than weed
that sounds like a pig fainting
It lasts almost indefinitely when the mushrooms are dried
Also organic chemistry is a European product so all artificial synthetic drugs are aryan and should be taken as needed
state of that penner
30p lee
Patrick Stewart died lads
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neck yourself
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hheee heeee heee
so brave of this man to glue his hear with 'live' piece of paper out of solidarity with lil donnie
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>it's real
direct perception, emotion and intuition. basically the opposite
Just seen announcing a report/sage
*licks pit*
might wash up i suppose
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vegeta gif vector for my cloud storage
I'm quite content with my life and situation right now so I don't want to use any drugs.
Grim that he only become a tranny because he has a small willard.
Still kickin at 84.
They need him for another season of that abhorrently stupid Star Trek show.
gps are fucking useless wankers
This is how we find these things out now. Whether the bit of the Wikipedia page that shows up in the search results refers to them in the present or past tense.

RIP Picard.
Dorky looking girl on my morning commute who clearly finds me attractive starts fidgeting when I get near
She’s below me but in pretty horny
saw some absolute delightful thighs in town earlier
need tent recommendations (for hiking)
thank you
That's sounds very gay. What about people like the shamancuck lad that do them to try to see God?
>open iplayer opening ceremony
>celebrity yank blacks
>open iplayer opening ceremony
>british gays

won't be watching any more
>We like to maintain a certain level of decorum in /brit/.
I wish this was true
Think it’s better to play it safe. Our ancestors would have only had it around that time. More in tune with the earth and nature cycles.
Mongos who go to South America and do stuff like ayahuasca are playing with fire and opening themselves up to a whole other bunch of South American entities and demons that they don’t need
all you need is a clip around the ear you little wasteyute
zest fest is it?
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'aving a bit of a cry
That black American runner always presents the olympics here for some reason, maybe he lives here.
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I have to get to my destination
quite nice to have a cry sometimes
just let it all out
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are keely
micheal johnson? i think he lives here yeah
That's Micheal Johnson he hates Americans and wants nothing to do with them apparently they treated him badly in his career.
Do you know why I pulled you over sir? Lettuce say you carrot drive that fast!
Michael Johnson has been doing commentary for the BBC for many years

And Tom Daley has been appearing in the Olympics for many years
someone post the swedish athlete webm
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what did you expect?
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aha x

I think I found some mouse droppings.
sick of seeking that carpet muncher clare balding
yea... let it all out
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Have never gone to a bar or club with the intention of getting laid or talking to women
What’s it like?
>he hates Americans and wants nothing to do with them
Don't we all
What a fucking freak
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Chris FOY
if youre taking them to "expand your mind" or some other bs then yeah, nothing wrong with a bit of fun though innit
18 year old girls are whores that will shag anything
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I think British generals have more characters and named posters than other generals.
Just got out of the cinema after watching that new Wolverine movie.
It was shite.
This is how relativity works.
We're constantly being pulled and contorted like laffy taffy in proportion to everything else.
Nuts eh lads
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All of the total shite
There is a surprise.
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Why would any self respecting man watch capeshit in 2024. Do you pass the filter?
other generals are just frogs and anime and slow as shit
/brit/ has much more mental illness that adds to the shit
>women wearing dame edna glasses
Why do they do this?
Why are there yank pundits on the BBC coverage of the opening ceremony. Fuck off, go commentate on your own shitty channels
Internet veterans all have a story
The path we all take is quite interesting
Bradley is the British frog
Splendid! When are you taking back your last night show hosts?
Reckon something bad is gonna happen during this opening ceremony, just not sure what
Are there many Brits on TV in the US?
When does it start
Might nail my bollocks to a violin
im gonna fart
then shart
grim times ahead
will it be a cringe performance or two?
It starts pretty much now, 6:30pm

right now
What kind of person watches late night shows?
Incel instincts kicking in?
The Ninth Gate has shit reviews, is it worth a watch?
might cook now then crack open a bear
off to the pub shortly already steaming thoughbeit
Video just shows people standing about
might go wimpy for a burger
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i love the webm of foodgeek when he trying to drinking little whisky but it goes not so good for him for the road is too guppy
a redditor
>There was zero rehearsal done for this
oh boy
everyone's a bottom out there these days where are all the tops at
Too many
Always thought Hazel Irvine was fit
Lazy French cunts lol
It think I might be mildly addicted to opiates. I've been using for a couple of months but never more than 3 days in a row and never more than 150mg in a 24 hour period. Not had any since Tuesday but been lacking in energy since Wednesday and had the runs, especially bad today. Considering taking some but don't want to if i'm addicted.
maybe dick length shaming has something to do with it
Glitter in my spaff sort of ting fyaaaaa.
Personally I don't understand hostility towards foreign flags

They post like they're british, and they simply wish to share their enchanting culture with you. You probably wouldn't even know the difference if they were using a VPN. Why the prejudice?
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top here
open up kitten
Get that fent down your neck mate
watched this is spinal tap yesterday. it was alright but not sure why it's so famous
Fucking Claire balding narrating the opening ceremony on BBC1, absolute hell
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got cocaine running around my brain
>A “slap therapy” healer has been found guilty of the manslaughter of a woman who died at one of his workshops. Honghi Xiao has been convicted over the death of Danielle Carr-Gomm, from Lewes, a diabetic who stopped taking her insulin. Xiao, 61, from California, denied being linked to the death of Mrs Carr-Gomm, 71, who was left “howling in pain” at a therapy workshop. A trial at Winchester Crown Court heard how Mrs Carr-Gomm described Xiao as a “messenger sent by God”.
9 times out of 10 it is spainnonce on a VPN
Dame Poo Bolding
geek on the yarn
It’s one of the first mockumentaries and came at the right time when that sort of music was really big, it also got a lot of publicity where rockstars found it funny and relatable
No. I dont want to be an addict. I take them for pain.
The Flying /brit/
If you're getting the runs without em, you're definitely a little addicted. I've been using since high school and just this past year I've managed to cut back tremendously with kratom
that rob reiners gone a bit mental on twitter hasn't he
I heard he went to epsteins island, and he seems to have fully drank the democrat kool aid
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What autism is this?
If you've ever had whiskey you know that you drink it with the same enthusiasm as gasoline. It's that harsh

Had some for the first time when I was a lad of 26 last week but it was too much and I coughed and some went up my nosed and it was the most unpleasant experience
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it's all a bit cringe so far
he's a 40 year old alcoholic
what are you taking? i'm currently mixing poppy pod tea and kratom
Should I order a pizza tonight. Not had a takeaway in 3 months or there about.
women don't even look at me anymore not even in disgust
French people hosting the Olympics:

>Hon hon hon, les Olympiques!
lol pusio
He's 47
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We remember the fallen.
The rumour come out: does SeasideMark is Spaino
sure why not
i'm going to cook a frozen one
Is it easy to get poppy pods or seeds in Sweden?
he's 47, lives with his mum, blind in one eye and role-plays as judge dredd
don't fund that honky slop
yes, and?
Something like scotch is disgusting and harsh but bourbon is pretty easy to sip and has a pleasant smoothness
Explains why sacked tranny always bangs on about mark
Just haven’t found the right scotch yet x

rip lil nigga
came VERY close to shitting myself just then
I like France and the French

I was just jesting
turtle head was fully out?
thats something interesting, women look at me with real disgust; their body language and expressions change after making eye contact with me in a way like they have been injured by something, smiles turn to frowns, confidence turns to insecurity.

but really i was thinking, theres the phrase that theres a thin line between love and hate, so maybe there's something positive about it, like maybe i can convert it into some kind of sexual feeling.

i was thinking its better than women not feeling anything towards me at all, like in your case, which sounds really pathetic and helpless.
Crazy how zoomers all believe in ”squirting” because of porn conditioning
mihai's urn shaking at this post
Lol, is this the world beating french culture? The British opening ceremony was 100 times better than this dross
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Shrunken face man
kek yes almost had a disaster gambling on a fart
oh yea?
i HATE France and the french
mumberg and dadstein away on holiday next week, seems the perfect time to kill myself
I think the commentator said 85 boats hold all the athletes

That's a lot of boats
Where are you watching it
Legitimately one of the saddest posts I have ever seen. False hope is so cruel
Cant beat the Chinese one. Ours was good for about 30 minutes then it was just NHS sick slurping
Or think deeply and turn your life round
it's piss
Refugee olympic team
Yeah i don't know how potent the ones you get from a store are thoughbeit. I received some from a friend that i'm growing.
Ol' Goof
Leftypol booking accommodation in the UK for them
It's over
Yeah Beijing was the best one
London wasn't far behind
So fucking patronising
Holy shit this is going to be 2 hours of countries riding boats up the Seine
Ooga booga tier thinking
You’re not giving people enough credit
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kitchen wank me lad x
Afghanistan's team was flying the non-Taliban national flag

Interesting, I wonder if the Taliban approve of that
had it in the recs too
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Is Sweden comfy
Seb Turdblatt
bit of a sham
Don't understand the Charli xcx hype. It just sounds like generic pop music. Like that time all the normies started raving about that midget wog rapping about women and cars. Psy op
didn't know they allowed rocket launchers in the olympics
It's not though is it. They said that one of them is a Cameroonian female boxer, who is now based in the UK and she's a lesbian, and she doesn't want to move back to Cameroon because homosexuality is illegal there.

So I guess she's decided not to represent the UK but, like I say, she can't go and represent Cameroon.
why are they white peepo on the angolan team
Yeah i've been addicted before and those times I had full on withdrawals. Feeling sick, sore, tired, sleeplessness, and brutal diarrhoea. But those times I was using big amounts recreationally.
This time i've only been using codeine and dhc for pain, not more than 3 days in a row or above 150mg a day but usually less than that. Since having some ive just been feeling lethargic, had the runs for 2 days, and not been sleeping well. Nowhere near proper withdrawals but enough that I have to conclude i've been mildly addicted.

DHC and codeine. Nothing serious just painkillers.
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A pop artist is not actually.. that good? Wow dude you’ve pulled away the fabric of reality and are gazing on the eternal truth bro where I can i sign up to be your disciple?
Just struck up a conversation with a physicist at the bar in YYZ
His physiognomy was top tier but has crazy acne
Also had a messenger bag
Not sure if he was an incel or not
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Is Russia banned from the Olympics then
thats him done
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>UN Convoy in Gaza Shot While Reuniting 5 Palestinian Children With Their Father
bit shit all of this isnt it
is this is now for the next 2 hours?
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drinking a monster for the first time. look at me ma im a zoomer
This is boring as fuck
Oh my days, is that Caitlyn Jenner? corrr
want gaga to sit on my face
Muted that
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youre brown
what's wrong with saudi arabia?
lady gaga is french ?
> ?
Seems like you are
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>Hamas compiles list of Israeli soldiers as potential targets in ‘revenge for Gaza children’
ah yes famous french person lady gaga
Boggles the mind what the Israelis are allowed to do
Don’t think any other country could get away with a fraction of what they do. Not only do they not get reprimanded but we send them billions in aid
uhhh in english luv
just getting into the spirit of things
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>They're not an invasive species we've gladly brought them with us everywhere we've gone because they're useful pets who look and act cute and who kill pests. >Considering you're an evil subhuman pest it's no wonder you don't like that.
Piss off canscuck
going to wait to see which one wins before choosing
Both should be removed for being early
This has been a thing for decades

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