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Is WFH a contentious issue in your country?
i don't believe there's a single person who doesn't abuse the privilege of WFH by doing two hours of actual work a day
The laptop class is unironically my favorite new word in the past few years. Too sad i dont see it often often
WFH benefits everyone as factory and restaurant wagies would have less traffic to put up with
But musk says it would benefit the laptop class more than it does the tradie class
I mean if I can do the work in a matter of hours, then maybe that says more about how we should shorten the work week to 4 8 hour work days. Anything past that is over time.
Ideally I would say 4 6 hour work weeks.
Not really. It's a trade off
If you're laptop class you run the risk of moving around less and getting sicker over time
Besides musk is a petty bitch that lays off his factory workers once every 3 months. He doesn't care about wagies
I dont understand how it a trade off? Its not like you're more sedentary at the office than at home, especially if you drive to work
what a fucking retarded
How about increasing the tradie class pay then instead?
theres millions of people in my cunt that do about 2 hours of work a day but they still cause traffic because they insist on driving their kids to school. They also earn good wages and can exploit cheaper housing because they dont have to live near the work. Its absolutely an insult to anyone still working a traditional job.
Then they will just start importing more messicans to dump wages more
Contentious? No, not really. Everyone recognizes and accepts that coming in to the office is always better. Getting to work from home every once in a while when things are slow is considered a privilege.
No can do goy!
Redirect your anger at WFHfags! Look! He gets to work from home and you don't! Take your mind off your low wages that are outpaced by inflation!
everyone whose ""job"" consists of sending emails and updating spreadsheets should be used as kindling, whether they work in an office or from home
indeed, 40 hrs sucks
he's obsessed with breeding and reproduction, that's the reason why he's mad at his son trooning and that's actually the reason why his son trooned as a way to rebel against this gross faggot. what a fucking retard. if anything musk is more proof than anything that we live in clown world. wannabe john nash Tony stark nigger.
Which is why capitalism is incompatible with conservatism or ever having white ethnostates
Imagine all the baby making sex and child raising activities you we could be doing if we only worked 24 to 32 hours a week.
Would be top kino
Yeah lmao, imagine being based and repilled and supporting money grubbing ghouls like musk.
He did declare war on the Swedish workforce and I think he's winning. So he's not a total loser.
Honestly this was one of the biggest L's of a union industry that has been dying for decades. It must be absolutely revolting for them
I can't believe people still go into the offices regularly

I work for a huge multinational corporation who are closing down office locations because there is no point in having them. People that work from home are a bit more productive too as apparently people are way less likely to claim overtime when they work on.

managers only demand people in the office because they love the power they have over others, compelling them into a particular place for 8 hours, and looking down on them.

WFH is the future, office working is a waste of money for many companies
Ignore the fact CEOs used to make only maybe 3 times as much as workers and now they make easily 20 times or more!
The more money Musk and CEO Mr Shekelbergs from other company the better! I don't want them to give me a raise because that would be communism! Redistribution of wealth is only based when you take from the poor and give to the rich, like in capitalism!
It's a power move. They need to make sure they can humiliate you by forcing you to physically be present where they can supervise you every single second. Working from home, that's the boss' privilege.
They just can't accept that unions aren't always necessary. I mean I think our unions are generally fine, but they do have this totalitarian mindset which I don't like. So I'll be kekking when they give up.
What a fucking retard.

I didn't choose to be a farmer or work in a car factory, I chose to work on a computer. And I can do that from home. But then the useless managerial class and their HR asskissers wouldn't have a chance to bother and annoy people who do actual work.

How can people even shill for this imbecile. Clown whose daddy owns emerald mines in Africa, preaching what's morally right lol.
Its a remnant from social democrat dynasty era where all the power was in a few wealthy land owners and industrialists, the state and the unions. It was a perfect storm. Now that international business came knocking on the door and this dynamic didnt work anymore, its all crumbling down and they are desperatly trying to clutch to old power. I remember Toys R Us when they came here caved in but this was like 20 years ago when the power structure was still somewhat intact
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>you shouldn't do your excel job from home because a farmer can't do his from his home
that's stupid, believe or not some people would rather work outside instead of slaving on a office job

>he still has a tony stark "rocketman" pfp on xitter
Some fuckers have the balls to come kncoking on my door and inviting me to some sort of random förening, paying them to do nothing.
>january comes, they tell us we have go to office once week
>june, now its two days
>fuc them, stop coming at all
i have since received around 20 mails telling me they are going to "take action" if i decide to keep staying at home
i have already started to take interviews for other jobs
fuck office
>Mexican work ethic
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long before covid, the electronics distributer I worked for offered a WFH option for buyers and salesmen. It was a non-salaried option, where they work for commission only (at a higher percentage commission than salaried employees). Everyone seemed to like the setup; especially new mothers, thirdies with a cheap cost of living, and people who wanted to semi-retire without quitting entirely.

Also, ten years ago, I never imagined that Zuck would become more human than Elon. A true Pinocchio story.
I am more productive at home, and work longer, but I am also able to shout nigger at the glowie in my pc
yeah i did it because in the mail it said this was a "initiative by HR"
fuck hr specially
don't listen to the swede, you're based
A power, once attained, will only be ceded with great resistance.
Everyday I thank Xi for saving me from the wagie cage and wagie commute.
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Musk is just angry that white tech workers can't be replaced by Indians the same way that manufacturing and service workers can be replaced by Mexicans and he fucking hates it.
This is an all time gemmy tweet i keep laughing when I see it. Goes into the same bucket as this
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>right wing class analysis
many such cases
>you should waste 3 hours of your life every working day in commuting because... of solidarity to your fellow working class brothers
Remind me, is Elon ok with unions?
It's absolutely a power play.
Also the bosses usually have dedicated parking spaces and they just go from their garage to the office garage while the wagies have to deal with public transport or looking for a parking space somewhere + the cold/heat.
They really do be like that
Kek I like how retarded rightoids like Elon pride themselves in Westerners being "individualistic" but then Elon is asking us to be collectivist here for the most retarded reasons
I literally sit in a cubicle 10 feet from my boss’s office and still do nothing anyways
He doesn’t give a fuck and mostly ignores me. During my last performance review a few weeks ago, he said I was meeting expectations and to keep it up. I was surprised and relieved. I can continue to do nothing most of the time while funding my hobbies and saving for my own place.
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>white tech workers can't be replaced by Indians
That is the dumbest fucking thing said on this board in the present week.
A lot of companies outsource stuff to India, but then they end up having native professionals fix up their shit
How do you find managers like this?
It wouldn’t bother me so much if the laptop class and finance bros didn’t keep moving to flyover states and driving up the cost of housing. Also confuses me how WFH jobs get paid 6 figures if the work is easy enough to do in 2 hours, feels like a massive jeetening is imminent for tech jobs
That only happens in I'd say 5% of the situations. The outsourced firms often make the minimum viable product and as long as it JUST works above 'utterly broken', it ships. You get what you pay for.
t. software dev who handles communication with places in India, Malaysia and more often the Philippines. I have the ability to effortlessly understand any English accent.
That's the funny thing huh, if countries were really worried about birth rates, they would do something similar to this. More time for baby making sex so that corpos can have more goy slaves but nooooo. Crazy to see how they choose anything else instead
The only people hurt by wfh are commercial real estate owners. They are currently being obliterated by this.
Yep and I think it'd help solved unemployment too. Because then you can hire two sets of workers to cover the whole week. They'd overlap one day out of the week.
And I feel like many fucking self serving capitalists could afford that, they just don't want to fucking pay it, even though it'd be a net positive for everyone.
Luck I guess, there’s not much you can do as a job seeker to filter for what kind of manager you’re gonna have. Remember that an interview is a two-way process, you’re evaluating whether you want to work for this company just as much as they’re evaluating whether they want to hire you.
When it comes time for your questions, ask about the work environment, evaluations, tracking progress, KPIs for your position, what your peers are like, why the last guy left, etc.

What really got me about my current job was that I had done several panel interviews for other jobs that hadn’t called me back. I assumed that interviews where multiple people grill you for an hour were just the standard now, then I get on Teams with my now-boss and we just talk casually for 10-15 minutes and a few weeks later I was hired. If you want a hands-off boss like mine you have to actively filter for it during interviews.
Issue? I fucking love working from home. I clean my house and make dinner on company time
I'm not even gonna watch this, no one should take anything that this clown takes seriously
>doing two hours of actual work a day
How is this different from working at the office?
>Working from home, that's the boss' privilege.
At the company I work at its actually the bosses who have to be in the office 3 times a week. Regular wagies only havebto do 1 day per week.
>Do two hours of work at home and get other stuff done around the house
>Do two hours of work at work and stretch it into 8 hours or just try and look busy
He is right.
>billionaires who exist because of mummy and daddy's money using the quote of "let them eat cake"
imagine having this little self awareness and people will STILL suck your dick for it
Any way to hurt them more?
its funny how they are pro environment yet hates wfh
We all know WFH people and we all know the job doesnt get done. Its a farse.
>get paid 6 figures if the work is easy enough to do in 2 hours
Who said it was easy? This isn't unskilled labor, not everybody is capable of doing it even in any timeframe. People who are good at their job can not only produce better results that result in smoother futures, but they do it faster as well. That 2 hours of work then translates into high profits and high company reputation.

That's why they pay out the ass. Because good engineers are worth it.
>feels like a massive jeetening is imminent for tech jobs
It's actually underway for much of the companies caught up in the tech bubble. Going to be quite funny when that finally pops, it'll make the dot com crash look like a bull market. Meanwhile engineers working for real industries like aerospace are laughing all the way to the bank.
>Source: Trust me bro
Anyhow, outside of business owners and boomers nobody believes this

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