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Is your country unfairly treated by the /int/ernational community?
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You are treated by what you are
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>Becoming adults: Young people in a post-pandemic world
>42% of Poles aged 25 - 34 live with their parents
>Housing is one of the main obstacles to young people becoming independent, with the less financially well-off being less likely to be able to move out of the parental home, putting financial strain on the household. Young people living with their parents are most likely to have difficulty making ends meet.
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why are these eastern cunts so rich all of the sudden? who allowed this?
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>According to Eurostat, Poland has an average household size of 2.8 people, while only having an average of 1.1 rooms per person, compared to an EU average of 2.3 and 1.6
i dont think the /int/ernational community knows my country exist, at least until they remember the missing plane
Your country is awesome. Would live

>Asian woman

>Asian woman: hijab
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Americans saw poles are good golem who never take a break
Top Malaysia facts?
It's about working smart, not hard.
those numbers are not such a huge difference to qualify for an epic meme ownage chad vs virgin style
we are subhuman and we deserve it
Yeah just look at portugal and greece
based conquistador
do you like em slim and petite or big and busty?
former is mostly us, while the latter is indonesia

we have the tallest twin towers in the world
our passport is the 12th strongest (we actually fell down the ranking, used to be stronger)
we are the only country with an elective monarchy in the world today

just let them have their little win
How do i move to malaysia i am sick of this african shithole. I can speak bahasa.
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>25% difference in GDP per capita is not a big deal
It is when you consider this
Multistorey family housing
The study concluded that working age young Poles struggle to afford housing.
When you consider 30% of Lithuania disappeared, and the GDP per capiita is atrificially pumped up to make it look better despite Lithuania being poorer in all possible metrics is a big deal
just thought about this. What do you think? Hope it catches up on /int/ EASTERN european parlace.
Lithuanians cannot afford housing either, even more so.
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from south to north its
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Another bullshit stat
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Not according to that EU study, compared to Poland, Copelack.
if shituania so great why are shituanians not posting with shituanian flags???
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Real indicator of how advanced a country is is HDI, which Lithuania has always been far below Poland and closer to Russia
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The 150+ page study that takes into account suicide rates is bullshit, bro. Because!
This is nothing about housing uaffordability. Housing in Lithuania is even more expensive than in Poland despite country losing 1/3 of it's population, which is a thing to behold, like some sort of babana republic
HDI is a meme made by a Jeet and Poland & Lithuania score the same on it.
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By every metric possible Lithuania is a shithole.

Just admit that you're a rogue Russian province admitted to the EU by a mistake.
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The EU study proves you wrong, Copelack. Go read the study. I linked it above. It's not that long, about 60 pages.
If Lithuania is so great, then why don't you fuck off back there?
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Cope harder, poor shithuanian
I'm British-Lithuanian. Don't make me report you to the Labour government for racism mate.
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>Source: Author's calculation's
you're more than pathetic.
the government is actively encouraging rich expats to move to malaysia
by rich i mean rich rich, the minimum funds you need is at least $65k (around €60k)

but if you can find work here, it'd be way easier, especially if you're white
like every other asian countries, we love white people
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Seething Copelack.
No, you're a shithuanian filthy eastern european savage and a reason why UK voted for Brexit (to get rid of you, subhuman)
You are a net negative walking genetic mistake. Without your existence world would literally be better
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Source: EU.
Cope & Seethe.
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>No, you're a shithuanian filthy eastern european savage and a reason why UK voted for Brexit (to get rid of you, subhuman)
>You are a net negative walking genetic mistake. Without your existence world would literally be better
More credible than "author's calculations"

Why it is so hard for you to admit that you are a subhuman from a Soviet state that should never be even admitted to EU because you are not even European to begin with?
Unironically why did the Poles get given so much money compared to everyone else?
The data is EU quality data you dumb Polack
What I provided is EU data not yours you can cope harder, but in every single reddit map. Lithuania is just barely above Romania
It's literally from an EU study you dumb Polack.
Yes. My sources are from EU study, dumb shithuanian toilet cleaner
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>Yes. My sources are from EU study, dumb shithuanian toilet cleaner
Don’t know. Probably not
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It's always funny how literal subhuman seethes so much you must post 4chan thread every 2 days to only get BRFO and then seethe again.

Your life is pathetic. At least your countrymen at home have courage to end their pathetic existence.
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>It's always funny how literal subhuman seethes so much you must post 4chan thread every 2 days to only get BRFO and then seethe again.
>Your life is pathetic. At least your countrymen at home have courage to end their pathetic existenc
go back to cleaning toilets in London, Żydrunas
a lithuanian made this
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>go back to cleaning toilets in London, Żydrunas
What's more he's living in the UK sperging how great and rich Lithuania is.
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>What's more he's living in the UK sperging how great and rich Lithuania is.
I have already tried to ask my company to make me relocate to kl but they dont want to. I have also applied on jobstreet but nothing either. Seems to be like in indonesia where bules arent allowed to work over there.
those are all vatnik saar
>we are the only country with an elective monarchy in the world today
How does that work?
What do the women look like though?
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>Lithuanian living in UK
>Gets mad that people who made daily Poland hate threads for whole of 2022/23 made one or two Poland is decent threads
>Shows data that doesn't have anything to do with quality of life
Lmao at this thread. I just bought automatic hyundai tuscon with cash. What car do you drive?
maybe its not the right time, but don't worry Pierre
we're doing some major investments in multiple sectors so maybe in another 3-4 years?

Malaysia is a country made up of 13 states and 1 federal territory, 9 of those 13 states are actual Sultanates ruled by a Sultan (before independance, they were all their own nation under British protectorate)

Every 5 years or so, 1 of those 9 Sultans is elected as the "Yang di-Pertuan Agong", sort of like a High King of Malaysia
we just elected a new King 6 months ago and his coronation was just last week
>fun fact: his mom is British

what race are we talking about?
we're a multi-ethnic country and its pretty much a melting pot so most of our women are actually pretty decent
if you're looking for that exotic flair, look up "Iban" women - they're locals, but more inline to what an Austronesian would look like since they're isolated in Borneo
bonus since most of them are Christians
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heres a pic of the King
i guess if you squint, you can kinda see he's half-Brit
>what race are we talking about?
The most average typical Malaysian woman according to you
if you ask AI, apparently a chinese woman in a hijab
which is sort of not far from the truth

if you ask me, imagine a Chinaman and an Indian had a kid, thats it - thats the typical look almost all of us have
How powerful is Islam?
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in this country? used to be pretty powerful, we had a sort of resurgence of faith back in the 2010's
but nowadays its weakening, both in terms of the people's faith and the institution
pic related, lady on the right ammended some Shariah laws that were deemed unconstitutional and now Islamists are calling for her head
Interesting. What is your countries relationship like with Indonesia?
its okay for the most part
if you know your history, you know they declared war on us in the 60's and you guys had to come down and settle the issue - was finally resolved when the communist president of Indonesia at that time was couped

after that, we've been cordial :)
considering Indonesia's new capital on Borneo, that island is going to be booming

and like I told Pierre before, our industries are getting a major investment because tech companies are trying to move semiconductor/chip productions from Taiwan to Malaysia - we need workers so thats where Indonesia might come in :)
and i'm talking about modern Malaysia and Indonesia
if we're talking pre-nation states, our lands have always been considered as "One" as in we're connected more to Maritime SEA than Mainland SEA

throughout the ages, we've been under one banner under the Srivijayas, Majapahits, the Sultanate of Malacca, etc.
What OP did os a travesty. Both countries are pretty much on equal level, and pulling bullshit metrics and (((indexes))) doesn't help either.
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now that the dust has settled, are they the same?
View the thread, yes.
I cited several long term studies
How do you even fond a job there. I work in banking/finance so greater km, penang or even better labuan would be perfect

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