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Why do white people not want to hire me because of my skin colour?
because it looks like shit and marks you as aggressive and low iq
Even refined browns can have chimp out moments, it's just less risky not to hire them.
changing the name on your resume/CV is the strat
I doubt a single brit has ever commented on your skin color.
just use makeup, easy peasy
Everyone one single lumen darker than me is a shrubhymen
wouldnt i have change name everywhere then? LinkedIn and email?
have to*
why work for white people? why not your own countrymen?
very few black/brown owned businesses
No you're probably extremely ugly, we're still in the inclusive phase. theyre hiring minorities, paedophiles and women now.
you can thank the poor behavior by your fellow browns and blacks for that.
in the UK? really?

pretty much, you've got to totally assimilate so you need a white name
for some reason, i'm thinking you're nigerian
I have a brown at my workplace, his family name is one of an illustrious historic frenchman, weird
are you nigerian-american?
If you're asking because you want an answer, and not just as a poorly-veiled bait thread, its actually quite simple. People are hard-wired to hate everything that is not like themselves. Its not just skin color but religion, attitudes, actions and ideals, among other things. We've had a few rounds of abuse of the moral argument pushing people to act against their own best interests, but very few things have actually changed about humanity in the last 10,000 years. Our technology has advanced, but our survival instinct tells us to be wary of that which is different because what you don't know can kill you.

Its not personal, that's just the way things have always been, and the attitude has been heightened by democracy and representative government. If things rely on a vote, a board of directors, or a majority workforce coalition/union, you're going to want to stack the deck with people like yourself so that you can control the direction that the apparatus goes in, and make sure its always in your favor.
yeah, thats what i'm saying - guy needs to totally assimilate

i remember hearing a story about Trevor Noah, mixed-race kid from South Africa - all the other kids hated him for some reason, but the moment he spoke their language, they became friends with him
it is a barrier, but its a barrier you can cross if you really put your heart into it
>People are hard-wired to hate everything that is not like themselves.
but i do not hate white people?
dont think they care, fren
they hate you, full stop
No one cares about your skin color, we dislike you because of the traits associated with the skin color.
>dont think they care,
not the point.
the point is, his logic "People are hard-wired to hate everything that is not like themselves" doesnt work if I am not hating white people as well
Yeah it's not completely accurate people aren't all the same and many people can overcome their hatred and many people.
Go look in the mirror
Why do you want to work for a white man?
Buck broken and you have no community in the uk, you are just a pawn and they don't even want you anymore
Learned behavior and instinct are not the same. A lot of people have been taught to espouse that they are not racists, and don't see skin color. That does not mean, nor will it ever mean, that the majority of people on the planet work that way. Outliers exist for any wide sweeping statement, it doesn't make it not true, it just means its not true for you, personally.

The logic still holds for the vast majority of people alive, however. Just take a casual glance at Zillow or some other real estate app for a minute and you'll see that communities actually self-segregate by ethnicity, religion, and even age without being told to or pushed to in any way. People just feel deeply unsettled around the unfamiliar and try their best to avoid it.

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