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Average rent in Tehran has risen by 42% in the last year.
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Why is russia stealing all their oal deals with china
What about the average income in Tehran
>According to statistics released by the Statistical Center of Iran, the housing market witnessed an annual inflation rate of nearly 40% in the preceding twelve months. Moreover, late last year, Donyaye Eqtesad unveiled a startling statistic: the average time required for people to save enough money to purchase a home in Tehran has surged to 112 years.
Average is about $200 per month
Last I checked, Iran is still a shithole, their capital especially so. Which makes this question all the more interesting: Who's driving these prices up?
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>its a shithole despite me never going there
I loved it there. It was clean despite being thirdie and right next to fucking India (India is the biggest shithole on earth), everyone was extremely friendly to me, place was safe, food was great and everything was cheap as fuck. Women are surprisingly open to dating too. Biggest problem was the separation of genders which made me feel weird at times and the lack of English. I would 100% prefer visiting Iran over a swedecucks country full of nigs.
Same is true in Belgrad, Serbia and Tbilisi, Georgia.
Russian emigrants have completely fucked up the rental market in those cities and fucked up regular peoples lives in those cities
It was not clean, everything was brown and dirty. And everything I brought home from there had a permanent stink on it. Friendly? Fuck off, the "friendliness police" paced around every street fully armed and breaking up couples for holding hands in public. Worst country on the planet.
Yeah but how much did it grow doe
Probably has to do with general inflation which averaged around 30-40% for the past few years because of sanctions and incompetence of 80 year old theocratic farts
Ok kike
Rent prices not being 15% of the whatever the minimum wage is, is retarded
Maybe nomads living in yurts or teepees had a point
Noooo you have to pay taxes so we can use the income to, uh, oppress you harder!
It's decreasing
Source please sir

Wage "increases" are completely outpaced by real inflation and the gap is growing by the day, meaning they are getting poorer.
naturally, i blame the jews

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