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I am an African man and I support Russia because unlike other European powers, Russia has never colonised anyone
>Russia has never colonised anyone
What about the Ukraine
>Russia has never colonised anyone
what about half asia?
USSR was colonization faggot, they also tried to do it with Afghanistan but the Americans stopped them.
>colonises the far east and many of their western neigjbours
>gets away with it
brainlets don't consider central asia, caucasus and siberia colonization because it's joined to Russia directly by land
Ukraine has always been a part of Russia
Colonization is when boat, read a book
USSR literally helped decolonize most of africa and like half of asia
>Russia has never colonised anyone
what sort of logic is this, nigger? india ought to reoccupy pak and bangla then
>Russia has never colonised anyone
tell us more
>african in Germany
This is why I want Russia to win. Fuck neilibs
they helped them decolonize because they wanted them in their sphere of influence. realpolitik is a bitch isn't it.
Colonizing Afghanistan would have been a plus. It's currently a shithole.
>Russia never colonized anybody
Yup, you really are black lmao.
Go back to Africa where you belong.
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1. Why you not in Africa
2. When you move to Russia and sign the draft contract
what would Russia annexing Ukraine change? Would neo-libs suddenly disappear?
the socioeconomic factors of these people prevent them from experiencing the exploitation of proper colonized countries
I agree actually, also Pakistan wouldn't exist so that would've been a relief to the world.
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Their winning is precisely why he's there
>Russia MADE Germany invite refugees
You people are retarded and unconvincing
Why does the verb to be filters russians so hard?
Threats of Denazification, defascistification etc etc
A Russian has never called me a nigger
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you're a nigger
He said russians not churka, magomed
> Ukraine
East Slavs who we saved from being colonised by Poland and Lithuaniaя?
Russians regularly called me eбyчий пшeк лях пoляк нaхyй блять but then again it would be harder to name a nationality that didn't insult me at some point

> unlike other European powers, Russia has never colonised anyone

OP has never cracked open a history book
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They are closer to poles than you, there's nothing to decolonize
Russians and Chinese are colonising your continent this very moment, and you bend the knee...that says it all.
that's because of all the raping polish soldiers did in ww2
Play some counter strike
eбyчий пшeк лях пoляк нaхyй блять
I call everyone nigger equally, regardless of their skin color
вce кoнчeнo...
that's because of all the raping ukrainian nazis did in ww2
you should read what colony actually means.
all these regions and nations were equal
The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics would like a word with you.
Does 'Pshek' insult you?
I feel like I should be insulted considering the word is supposed to be used as an insult
it's like getting called a mayo monkey
The soviet union isn't Russia and you have no idea how it was organized moron. That's like saying DC colonized the other states.
This is beyond pathetic. Kadârov’s son is such a shaming pussy
>That's like saying DC colonized the other states.
Magnificent bait
I like how pro Russians constantly change the definition of Russia to suit the argument

Russia is 15000 years old, I mean 40, I mean 80, I mean 200 etc

Its great stuff. Russia is some vague idea they use to try win arguments then wonder why it's a failed state and vanishing as we speak. 3500 a day. Tick tok
At one point in history, there were almost 0 Russians here, the country was incredibly homogeneous. Currently, they make up over 20% of the 1.3 million population.
>Russia is some vague idea
Very well put. Russia is a canvas where schizos from various fringe ideologies can project their personal agendas
Take your meds.
Not colonies. Russia made them equal and gave them infrastructure and civilization. West countries just detroy loot and colonize to this day.
You cant have colonies of you arent western.
basically we use it if 'person' is no one to us or we never interacted with him.

lets say, if i would talk to someone else about black person that entered the bar - i would call him a nigger, but if i was talking to him in bar then i would use just 'black'. same with polyak - pshek, frog and french, fashik and german, rotten-toothed and englishman etc
Take your meds mykola Ussr was a federal union of equal republic among which Russia.
>RuSsIA is the s0Vi3t UniOn
>never colonised anyone
not only colonized, but also genocided, Circassians being one of them

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