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Why are there so many European flag featuring Lions when Lions are only naturally found in Africa and India? Have you heard of the concept of "stolen valor" before?
Because Europe used to have lions next question
>Lions are only naturally found in Africa and India
Th european lion didn't go extinct until 400 a.d
Do you see any flags that date to 400 AD?
Did i say there was jeet?
Did you know Israel had Tigers and lions but British "people" hunted them for sport until they went extinct
Because there used to be lions in the south, where modern and greece and turkey is.
Apparently they all died about around 300 BC and all these flags were made like after 1800's.
So it's still a weird thing to use
They went extinct more than a thousand years before any of this flags were made
You are right, this is very sad, seeing lion eat random kike on webm would be priceless.
Because the lion is a symbol of kingship, strength and courage. What retarded question is this? Are you going to ask why Wales has a dragon when they aren't real too?
Dragons arent real. And it's kinda pathetic to see so many flag aping an animal that's even exist on their continent. Especially an animal so deeply associated with Africa. Imagine Britain trying to fit a kangaroo onto it's flag, or America using a panda or say wales using a eastern dragon instead of a western dragon
>Especially an animal so deeply associated with Africa
It's associated with Europe you fucking retard. Europe had lions.
No it isn't
But in reality lions are total cucks. They sit around all day doing nothing and if the male won't mate with a lioness for any reason she will rip off his balls, kill his cubs, and they drive him out of the pride and wait for a new male that will fuck on demand.
And my cunt used to have dinosaurs 65 million years ago. What's your point? This is basically the same "WE WUZ KINGS" mentality that people make fun of niggers. After all technically Egypt is part of Africa...
Our flag has a Lion with a lil hat
Dinosaurs didn't coexist with people you assblasted jeet, no one back then knew they existed. This shouldn't even be explained to you, keep seething.
we actually had lions they have only gone extinct when israel was under occupation
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“Eat cake? Nah nigga imma eat yo pink pussy”
Weird how so many are fixated on lions as a powerful animal symbol when they're actually mogged by tigers in almost every way
The last European lion died thousands of years before any of this flags were made. Lions are heavily associated with Africa, It would be like a country today trying to use the Russian bear, American eagle, Chinese panda, Indian elephant or Australia kangaroo as some kind of national icon when those animals aren't found in the country in question. European countries used the Lion in a desperate attempt to seem cool. Instead of just using an animal native to their countries. So many flags and countries too. Fucking lame
Flags are symbolic. The lion in the flag is not a nature documentary of the country it belongs to.
Notice how it's only G*rms that sport cats as their symbol.
The French on the other hand loved to display animals that had actual heart: stags and roosters.
It's cringe. Imagine the shit storm if a country tried to put the bald eagle, the national animal of America onto their flag, when that country doesn't have a single eagle native to it
Didn't read past the first line of lies. Seethe, no one thinks of Africa when seeing those lions.
Lion symbolism started off in Greece and Rome, that's why germs do it (HRE) and a bunch more have been influenced.
It still isn't a nature documentary. Why are you so stupid? Flags are symbolic, do you understand? The lion SYMBOLISES courage. That means the thing we put on our flags is courage, not a lion. The lion is only a symbol for it. Can you understand a simple thing like that or are you completely retarded?
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Lion is a symbol of strenght and power. That's what those flags are trying to project by using a lion in it
Africa wasn't even real before the 1980s and it certainly didn't exist when the flags were made.
Despite 95% of wild lions being in Africa?
And using the Lion symbolizes being a cringe unoriginal fuck considering that a dozen other countries are using the same fucking anima on their flag. If you can pick any creature, why not a bear or tiger or wolf? They all symbolize strength and courage in some way, and at least Europe has plenty of wolfs and bears,

You're telling me that you wouldn't think it's bullshit if Singapore used a bear on the flag or some other national symbols despite the country having mo bears?
Because Europe has no other native animals that represent the same concepts. Like wolfs or bears
next he's going to bitch about scotland's unicorn lmao
95% of humans could live in Africa and I still wouldn't think about them, it's an European lion, cope.
Africa begins at the Pyrenees
So it seems you are unimaginably retarded.
Unicorns are rooted in European folklore and myth. It would be like Scotland using a Kirin in their flag instead of a unicorn. Another example would be if Wales used a Chinese dragon instead of a western dragon on their flag.
Did you know that Hercules killed a lion?
Myth vs African and Indians having to live longside lions in RL. 99% of the people living in the European countries at the time when the flags were made never saw a lion in their life.
It still isn't a nature documentary. Why can't you understand that?
>Unicorns are rooted in European folklore and myth
I agree with him, there is literally nothing lamer in heraldry than a lion outside of its historical areal. I dislike my city's symbol.
Lions were a prominent part of Greek culture, people feared encountering them and so slaying one became a symbol of power and bravery. There are similar stories about Heracles and others, statues of Greek lions were extremely common, names like Leonidas originate from this.
I'm just pointing out how lame it made Europe look. A dozen countries all going for the same lion design on their flag when there wasn't a native lion in Europe for the last thousand year. If some African nation had decided to put brown bears or a bald eagle on their flag or other national icons there will be hundreds of "WE WUZ KINGS" threads and thousands of posts about how dem niggers are trying steal western culture to make themselves look cool I can guarantee you
What a stunning argument.

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