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America of the east.
Greater Belarus*
No, we are an oblast of America of the east (Russia).
Belarus is like Texas in a timeline where KGB won in 1991: it should be part of the US, but it isn't because enemies want it so.
What made you think that Russia is America of the East can you elaborate?
I could go on and on.
>Huge country
>Everyone around us has to speak our language we are monolingual
>Lots of immigrants
>Civilization state
>Start wars for profit and military industrial complex
>Large middle class
>>Large middle class
this white boy got jokes
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I think you forgot someone
Ayo this white boys knows flags
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But why do you get 700 usd on average and have HIV and Omsk tier places?

It doesn’t add up. California alone prob. is richer than the whole post USSR. I get it it’s all not only about money and Russia indeed was a place where people from all of Eurasia made careers and impacted the world that’s kind of true people as distant as a Scott Barclay de Tolly and Kim Il Sung are connected to Russia
700 USD is a nice salary though
Gained some muscles off of it.
I hope pootin firewalls russian internet already
Probably in Russia, but 700USD a month in the US is poverty tier.
minus everything that makes america america?
Belarus, please take me to one of your famous cafe restaurants that cost 17 rubles for a meal
That's because we aren't united.

Imagine KGB won the cold war: America collapsed, disunited, the union tries to save it by making people's republics but the KGB keeps funding yellow revolutions in the south.
Of course salaries would be low even in America
17 rubles is steep.
Do you mean a soviet canteen?
They usually go by numbers, like 'Canteen #148'
Oh yes thank you I knew that had a specific name but couldn't remember it. Yes please take me to one. Cheaper than 17 the better
It's just very basic homefood.
I mean, meat patty boiled potatoes and a strawberry thrown into a cup of water.
And a soup.
Ah yes, it's Americans fault for Russia's misfortune. The Russian government are good boys who have done nothing bad. They just want to stomp out corruption and invest into the rest of country and not just Moscow and St Petersburg with specific goal of elevating its economy and standard of living of its citizens while continuing to build strong relationship with the west and its surrounding neighbors. Damn Americans, it's all your fault.
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Why are Chileans indistinguishable from Romanians?
>Ah yes, it's Soviet's fault for Americas misfortune. The American government are good boys who have done nothing bad. They just want to stomp out corruption and invest into the rest of country and not just New York and Los Angeles with specific goal of elevating its economy and standard of living of its citizens while continuing to build strong relationship with the east and its surrounding neighbors. Damn Soviets, it's all your fault.

It's all because of the mirrored divergence in the 1991.
Lol superpower oh shit. That's funny.
You know when you Belarusians speak on here, Americans view you higher than we do Russians.
I not trying to be a dick. We think Belarusians are more competent, smarter and better people than Russians.
Just so you all know. I mean Luka couldn't send you all to die for a chunk of Poland and.. look at Russia.
No one dresses like that here though. Our lower class, gypsies or pimps mog them in terms of trashyness
>You know when you Belarusians speak on here, Americans view you higher than we do Russians.
An ethno-nationalist division. Divide et impera
You're following the CIA guidelines by the book.
>Lol superpower oh shit. That's funny.
>You know when you Texans speak on here, Soviets view you higher than we do Yankees.
>I not trying to be a dick. We think Texans are more competent, smarter and better people than Yankees.
>Just so you all know. I mean Pence couldn't send you all to die for a chunk of CSA and.. look at the Union.
Pretending to know what Belarus is is a great bit ngl
Well yeah. Russia is *diverse* and Asiatic.
So we view you and them different. They'll die wholesale in wars for tyrants. You guys won't.
Its not really divide and conquer. You two countries are divided by race, religion, history. You can stay allied or whatever it doesn't matter to us in the end. This is played out my friend. Its obvious where this is going
why not beat the CIA "divide and conquer" and go die in ukraine like your bitch russian masters though? are you scared?
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>You two countries are divided
this guy is beyond cringe man he thinks hes russian or smth and his voice matters as much as whatever gets decided in moscow while in reality belarus is just their human shield kept afloat economically only thanks to loans from rashka
I wouldn't want to be sent into the meat grinder, but one thing is for certain: the glowies have succeeded in astroturfing this countries fake nationalism.
>Large middle class
lol, heck, lmao even
Yeah I hit a nerve.
You two great allies should die together in a war. Really bonds you. Why do you think we have a bond with the poles and Romanians? They fought a war with us.
Are Belarus soldiers in Ukraine or is your alliance weaker than Poland, Romania and America.

Are you two just talking like you guys like to talk and I'm right, Belarus will never go to war in Ukraine?
>bro rashka is like the us and we are like texas!
i am rolling on the floor laughing, ur a poverty stricken shithole that makes russia look developed
America in every aspect minus the good parts
You can’t control Russia and that’s why you seethe. That’s the only country in the world apart from yours that can go batshit crazy and literally end the world and brute force is the only thing international politics reckons with. You made Europeans your bitch despite them being rich, proving once again that power is not in being rich. You rejected Russia because your Protestant Elites gave it the role of Gog and to China the role of Magog. The second coming will come and Israel, US and Russia will play roles in that plan. USA is a bully that parades the show. There was a prophecy that Israel will rise again and it’ll trigger the series of events that will lead to the end of times and Israel was formed in mid 20th century so it’s goes according to the plan.
Exactly. You aren't like Russians. You aren't going to the meat grinder. The meat grinder is a grinder because this little war and it is very small for us, is happening out TWO ALLIES BACK FUCKING YARD.
Lmao cigan you almost got me
Seems like it, we've withdrawn troops from the border with Ukraine.
The division and nationalism is rampant, which is the reason the unification (the union state) has been postponed.
2020 Langley's show off really scared the shit out of FSB, they backed off from unification.
Its never going to happen because you all are smart enough not to do what's going on. Your leaders realized doing this on the borders of Poland Romania would illicit an extreme response from the USA.
they're nigeria with snow
they absolutely would if they got told to kek the reason why they dont is that the political situation there isn't very stable and their numbers are insubstantial, the armaments lacking, the potato fuhrer would risk a civil war if he stooped so low as to send soldiers to die for rashka, anyway i feel sorry for them poland was in a similar situation not that long time ago
don't you claim you won the cold war?
stop larping. who the fuck is "we"?
nobody gives a shit about 3rd world countries except for their diasporas.
higher or lower makes no fucking difference
They'll eventually turn west and be rebuilt. They arent evil people and deserve a chance.
We would, because it's our SMO, since we're we (Russians) are kept from participating by Americans.

It's funny, as I am both grateful and enraged.
Why do Poles hate Russians so much?
Americans be like:
>this portion of Russians will be excluded from SMO to balance it out.
Maybe if we did participate, we would've won already and there'd be no bloodshed? I am uncertain about why I am not on the frontlines.
there are literally belarusians fighting in ukraine hunting down Zcattle how does that make u feel?
>America of the east
Fair enough. Everything is shittier in the east, as everyone knows
Crazy far-right nationalists make me feel nothing.
They are living in their own atlantis schizobabble
u should join the good side then and be deployed with pakis, indians and other hirelings to eat bullets sent by those crazy far-right nationalists
So you are in favor of us joining the war (which implies re-unification with the motherland)?
u know they speak belarusian and dont larp a russian like u do? it's cringe almost as cringe as me stating that i am american because we are in the same military alliance and there is a substantial number of polish americans in the states
No. lmao even
No. lmao even
but answering ur question,
go ahead i dont give a shit lol
youll end up in a state of civil war
I can't deny existence of Polish nation, but I sure can deny existence of Polish-Anglo stamp of approval to divide RSFSR that is this 'country'.
>a bond with the poles and Romanians? They fought a war with us
>russians betray ukrainians by throwing away agreements and all the goodwill among common people for the sake of robbery
>noo it's you who's traitor!
What is this cope
we had a polish occupation zone in iraq and sent troops to afghanistan there were also many other things that i wont tell u about
also its funny how they call u traitors now they used to call us exactly that back in the 80s early 90s, rejecting "love" u never asked for sure as fuck infuriates these people
"Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko has called for schoolchildren to be mobilised to harvest apples and potatoes."
Have you and your family already harvested potatoes this year? Your great leader has already harvested 70 sacks. :>
And in winter we Europeans will be begging at your border again and gratefully accepting the rotten potatoes.
How I love Lukashenko.
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where tf this meme about potatoes came from anyway
Why do you have to mobilize schoolchildren and the head of state for the amount of potatoes?
We mobilizing Romanians and Bulgarians.
It never happened.
We used to do this in USSR, but never since then. He may have said two words about bringing it back, then western media ramps it up like it's re-formation of USSR>
are you saying america is evil too?
Lukashenko keeps talking about potatoes on state television? Lets himself be filmed harvesting potatoes?
>where the meme came from
You are not Belarusian
Do you watch state television? I know Germans have a tax on having a TV, but nobody watches it here.
Devils advocate here: if you attribute so much credit for what was done under the Tsar and The Party to Ukraine, then they will do just fine without us.
What are you arguing here in favor of really?
I only watch Russian and Belarusian state television - we have channels on yt that show and translate the best clips every week

Russia1 is too cool, better than southpark
fucking glorified their state and cessation in this post. amazing.
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>Large middle class
I knew east Germany had a shitton of rape babbies but I never imagined this. Never mind tho at least you're loyal to your ancestors, we can all respect that
Keep up the good work Belarus
You our greatest ally
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Whole thread been arguing that we're not a real country, but should unite.
The faggot doesn't know southpark how embarrassing - if I equate russia1 with southpark it's all just no praise you faggot globohomo trans victim
Without us Germans, Finland would no longer exist, you faggot would now be Russian
hold up, or is that a metaphor on how Ameris spend shitton of money on Israel and get nothing in return? and we're like the greatest ally in the same sense?
da fuck u smoking? germany tried to block all help to finland during winter war
continuation war wasn't necessary, just an opportunity, we owe you nothing, fucking nazi piece of shit
I will forever resent you for using that to describe Chileans, Borat
finns aren't the brightest it took them a couple hundreds years to escape the clutches of swedes just to end up in arms of vodkaniggers
Well, that's not so true, israel is a high-wage country and the fundamentalist usa christians know that jerusalem is not in the hands of muslims
what does belarus have to gain from russia's love? :>
no be independent
nothing they get to die 1st if a war between russia and nato breaks out
What about Romania
If we created RE, then we could left it whenever wanted without burden; but somehow this wasn't the case and no appreciation for "creating country for russians" was ever shown, only chauvinism.
>c Poccиeй yкpaинцы влияли cвoeй вoлeй нa вecь миp
No one gives a shit about this, people want quiet better life for themselves
>cyдьбa низкoквaлификaциpoвaнных paбoтникoв
As if this doesn't applies to RF. Whose oligarchs already bought and bankrupted our many strategic industries.
>muh language
Are you stupid? As if ukrainians didn't get bullied and discriminated for own language already. Insane delusion to pretend the source of confluct isn't russian pride and expansionist mindsed created by specific national myth.
Yet my salary is double of yours and life expectancy in my country is almost 10 years higher than on yours. what does it tell about your pesky little nation?
>Without us Germans, Finland would no longer exist
Yet another evil that Germany has helped exist in complete defiance to good and justice. FUCK YOU.
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the pole has got it, i am always happy about our hate love
>Yet my salary is double of yours
:`( need to boast about it a little more because soon enough it'll be the reverse
Let's not forget you Germans made a pact with USSR that would've made us part of them.
Yet we slowass niggas are better off than you LOL
>mirrored divergence in the 1991
elaborate? ive also thought of russia and america as mirrors. we expanded weat, russia east
What friends does finland actually have?
Estonia :)
>because soon enough it'll be the reverse
kek the least delusional pole. You will always be a shithole because slavs are unable to build functioning societies
Russia is an actual evil empire
America is not an empire
And from which pact? If the USA had not intervened you would now be Nazi Germany :>
As Finns, you would have been pretty high up in the hierarchy
But like pole said, you're not the smartest
Don't know, don't care. Just sick of you fuckers posting how we "betrayed" yóu during WW2 even though you sold us out in the first place.
Finnish passport has been rank 1 many times so quite many I believe.
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Anyway, we definitely wouldn't have been high in the hierarchy. You just came up with the term "honorary aryans" because you needed manpower.
i think our society is very functional
You actually compare state that was like more than twice old with functioning democratic institutions. To fucking Frankenstein built on bones of decayed empire.
Our only true bro, it's sad that we're so small.
Of course you think because you don't know any better.
Wherever there are poles, shit will get stolen.
You slavs have something really in common with the negroid races which prevents you to ever really prosper.
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>which prevents you to ever really prosper.
like you do
Even polacks are not so bad as finns seriously
Larping as nazi so hard puting to shame even "nazi" themselves
I mean when euros even want to filter your whole flag
this is something
And this fucking "both sides are le bed in cold war". The whole thing was started by soviet actions. Like take over in eastern Europe, violating agreement of democratic elections. Nuclear espionage and, support of chinese communists and North Korean attack on the South.
Americans were fucking flabbergasted, because all they were doing to soviets was appeasement, despite soviet role in start of WW2, annexation of baltic states and finnish territories
Yea our gdp per capita is at 21 while you are somewhere in 50
And for some reason the average life expectancy in Finland is 13 years higher than in Russia.

Imagine. Finns live over a decade longer on average because Russians are so poor and miserable. Finland is inside rank 5 in everything positive while your country literally resembles Nigeria.
Your former breakaway state beats you in every metric of life quality. Quite humiliating if you ask me.
And this fucking "both sides are le bed in cold war". The whole thing was started by British and American actions. Like takeover in Western Europe, violating agreement of democratic elections. Espionage and, Iron Curtain speech occupation of Japan.
Americans were fucking flabbergasted, because all they were doing to soviets suppression of communism in Western Europe and Latin America despite Soviet annexation of Austria they gave it back to the West as a gesture of peace.
who is america of the west
I like how american boomers were cooming on "it's actually communist who are the root of soviet aggression, not russian nation!". And yet they're still imperialist aggressors despite not being subscribed to comminsm or whatever. Yet even today westerners want to believe this
GDP is a meme
Your contry is literally just a bunch of small shacks in the forest swamp
It's fucking easy mod to govern and economize
And you don't prosper - where are the richest of rich finns?
Did you even heard about anyone rich coming from finland

And about your health. Especially mental. It's also all rigged. You are not that prosperous and le happiest country in Europe.
It's all a meme. lie. To make you be a part of their coalition.
But in truth they don't accept you. Just like the poland
The nuclear arsenal is the only compelling argument for this.
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I don't know really, there was also a thread about men from Georgia and they all could easily pass as locals here, if they spoke Chilean Spanish no one would ever ask them if they are foreigners
What takeover in western Europe? You're le both sides doesn't work on a person who knows things
Keep coping grug. You know I'm right.
the truth pill is always hard to swallow
excellent bait thread kek
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>screenshot of some random anecdotes and bunch of cope how smaller country with shacks (in reality finland has far more developed infrastructure than russia) is supposedly easier to govern
Americans should pay reparations to Germany for what they did to them
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>The faggot doesn't know southpark how embarrassing - if I equate russia1 with southpark it's all just no praise you faggot globohomo trans victim
>Without us Germans, Finland would no longer exist, you faggot would now be Russian
Pls explain rape babby

>like you do
Have you ever heard of communism? Russian "maidens" used to cost 50 mk. Is that a lot? No it isn't. That's right Luke I am your father
Russia is the Russia of the East
We are the America of the East
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Only some of those countries are shitholes, how come
>Have you ever heard of communism? Russian "maidens" used to cost 50 mk.
It's a well known fact among Finnish boomers that every Russian vagina could be bought with just one packet of nylons in the 90's.
Ye, life of a Nicaraguan in your Finn eyes doesn’t worth much when your American master takes it to promote whatever is good nowadays. Soviets gave the world AK-47 for people from places you call shitholes to resist that negligence towards their lives
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>i will post more anecdotes from an anonymoys forum to prove my point !
>start rough shit
>get rough response
>whine over that response
It's like russians crying over Donbass and Belgorod children corpses. Works on infantile people who can't or don't want to understand the underlying cause of those deaths. North Korea invaded South and to this day they whine over dead from american bombings. Russia goes on their quest for world domination and whines over western countries response
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Why you being like that? Your country didn't have to be a shithole if it weren't for your rus overlords. xynxynxyn
Russia is wild beast. They live 2 centuries behind westerners. In 21st century they prefer to live by rules of 19th one
and about that infrastructure you said you realy look kinda dark right there
no wonder you need pills
To be fair to the Ukrainians, Russia did invent genocide. It's not enough to starve ukrainians, did you hear what torture methods they used?
Mote like India of the Europe, as it was used to be before 20th sentury
>civilisation state
Delusional one
Yeah those spots are where people live in here. In Russia there are places where people live but no lights. Almost half of your countrymen dont even have an indoor toilet but shit next to their cabbage farm plot like pajeets.
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>America of the east.
>no answer
I'm not trying to moral fag you, I'd execute any and all russians if they told me to, but I wouldn't skin them alive. Surely you have heard of the NKVD, and what it takes to steal food from starving people?
No lol they are fucking pussies who hide behind vpns. They are the most cowardly nation of people on the planet right now. I'm trying to be nice but nah. Just rats. Rats hide.
No one gave a shit about any perspectives, ukrainian elites have no "great vision" or ambitions whatsoever. That's why they needed not one, but two revolutions from people just to establish such simple thing as independent national bank, for example.
>и дaeшь cвoим людям кaк paз тo, чтo ты oбoзнaчaeшь кaк жeлaннoe
RF is a shithole that's assosiated with stagnation; there is a reason they have a big supply of people willing to go kill for money (impoverished regions). They tried to propagate "let's stop feeding the rest of Ukraine!" separatism, but only the dumbest believed in that.
War is a failure of soft power.
>Для pyccких вы мoжeтe cтaть paвными
That didn't happen, has never in history they behaved like that. You descrive fairytale.
And mystical "our own, special way" didn't work out too.
Этo нaзывaeтcя "нe вcтyпaть в гoвнo и зaбыть, кaк cтpaшный coн". Я бы нa их мecтe тaк и cдeлaл though
Кaк тeбe пyтинcкий хyй нa вкyc? Haзывaю этy eбaлy вoйнoй и втopжeниeм c caмoгo нaчaлa
East slavs are meme nations, most of the slavs are already in NATO, so to speak
>East slavs are meme nations, most of the slavs are already in NATO, so to speak
Why don't they want to be in the prison of nations that is imperial russia
Russians Always I means always ask passive aggressive questions right away then get to their point.
Its a logical fallacy 101. Its called bad faith Socratic method or "leading". Basically you ask a vague loaded series of questions like a bitch rather than state your point outright.
I can tell the difference between a Ukrainian and Russia very easy that way. Ukrainians will tell you bluntly what they think or if they think your idea is stupid. Russians have been broken to the point where a direct challenge of idea is foreign.
Russians be like "are you sure you want me shower,? Don't alot of people drown in eater? You know you have to use water? Isn't water made out of hydrogen and oxygen which are flammable?" Just dumb weird pseudo science confused about the basics bullshit
Ukrainians be like "I don't want to take a shower"
Now switch your flag to the correct one
Pretty deep lore. And here I just trolled them

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