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Russia bro, is this person famous in your country? He is a retired soldier in China. Voluntarily participated in the Russian-Ukrainian war
link is a captured Ukraine soldier by his squad
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Does this app has auto subtitles for translating Chinese videos?
I've seen a lot of interesting things there and comments, but I don't understand anything in Chinese
Unfortunately not.but you can post it to this thread. I can translate it
how does uyghurs seen among han chinese people and which industry they usually work at? what do they do?
I was mostly interested in comments, I've seen a lot of political videos, but google doesn't translate the text very well
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post the full video
Because of the information blockade of the CCP. Most people don't know what they've done. So ordinary people don't care about Uyghurs. They now usually sell kebabs, as well as some Uyghur food. Before 08 years, they went to developed areas to enter factories or become engineers, white-collar workers. Although the law does not prohibit it after 08 years, most companies are no longer willing to accept Uyghurs
Yes, because the comment section may be full of memes, maybe using chatgpt
You can post interested comments to this thread
I also tried to access we chat, but there is some crazy registration system only for Chinese residents through qr codes so that local feds can find you
Yes, almost all social platforms in China now need to provide a mobile phone number and ID for registration, which is very troublesome
this thread is not eternal, I would like to have stable contact with someone from the Chinese so that they can explain some complex text to me, etc.
Do you have Steam?
can you help me get into the wechat? do they track you and the person you helped to get in?
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on what resources then do the Chinese discuss hot topics, if all your social networks are such glowing, on 4ch I almost never see Chinese flags
The person who translated this video must be a Western dog. He didn't mean this war, but about the skirmishes he was fighting. He meant that the casualty rate was too high to know how to proceed
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What about this dude?
Technically I can. However, it was very troublesome, I needed to buy a new phone number, and then find a few people to verify the account
If you mean politics outside of China. Then it can be discussed everywhere. As for Chinese politics, it can't be discussed in an open place, and you can only form a discussion group on WeChat or QQ. And if the content is too anti partyl, you have to beware of being reported by Discuss the people in the group
Of course, there is a more subtle way, which is to use memes to form sentences. This is also the most common method
bro... Nobody cares about this person. Opic is a veteran who is a person with combat experience and this person just wants to be a TikTok celebrity
China quora
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Did you guys know that in finnish /rusina/ means /raisin/? I'm just dropping that out there irregardless
I assume that if he survived till now he should have some combat experience
He had already returned home through the embassy
it was a Chinese woman who translated, stupid vatnik
Kek, smart choice.
yes she is Western dog. First steal the video, and then distort the soldier's narrative to pander to Western ideas
how are those different from hui
>Of course, there is a more subtle way, which is to use memes to form sentences. This is also the most common method

myname is ka******ni
keep coping vatnik, even your black saving hero says the war cannot be won by you
coping what?
Telling the truth is cope?
cute and funny
you don't even know what it means, vatnik
Yesyou certainly know Chinese better than I do
zoom is fine, the rest is annoying
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now i know you are the famous Lou poster
Don't mind him, it's some terminally online butthurt belter.
bro add me, I can't open your link
add me my friend code is
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I added
I wonder what the job of being a white monkey in china is like
yes I just saw it
I trust a non vatnik chinese to translate better than you vatnik, also why you sucking russian dick? because of their chimpout USA will arm Taiwan even more lmao, but I guess you ain't too bad since you will get parts of Siberia when all is said and done, no Taiwan tho, tough luck on that
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accepted. do you guys have discord?
Why? Westerners literally treat the Chinese as second-class subhumans and think that we are inferior to them. I have never denied that there are some good Westerners. But most of them are born thinking that they are superior to others, that we are some castrated trash, soulless bugs or something. I'm not cucked, I'm not vntaik, I'm just an ordinary Chinese patriot. I don't hate the West, but you are not qualified to condescend to talk to us
Yes, but it requires a vpn, which is cumbersome and not used often
I'll send to steam when I get back from shift
what is the equivalent of discord in China?
good night
5:18 china time
does not exist or very small
>Westerners literally treat the Chinese as second-class subhumans and think that we are inferior to them
westerners or your CCP propaganda about westerners? you are just butthurt that we don't look kindly to your shenanigans in Hong Kong 2019, Uyghurs, your 9 dash line and Taiwan.
You, just like russia, had to do nothing to prosper, but no, you want to chimp out, well, prepare for consequences
8964, nothing happened
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>both languages I want to learn
based I like this thread and will solo bump it if I have to
The Uighurs couldn't join NATO like you, it's agar io dude, they were just eaten
>ask a girl out
>she says no
plenty of asian countries prosper alongside with the West, korea, Taiwan, Japan, Singapore. It's not they who have problems, dumbass
Thoughts? You are welcome Anons on here btw! >>200220481
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They're jealous, they don't have a big hard jade rod
rough equivalent is tencent QQ, it's like a hybrid of discord and more old school ICQ or MSN messenger
does pacific rim racism actually exist or is it a meme?
I've always heard from /int/ that all east asians (chinese, japanese, korean) hate each other
Does the Chinese army use Type 56 mostly now or they’ve already switched to type 95 already?
Type 95 looks badass
Westerners hate Chinese people and you are right that they think that you are inferior to them they’d try to gaslight you ITT but your initial thought is valid. In reality you had functioning civilization when ancestors of the most of who look at you from top to bottom were eating mud with rain water and hiding in caves
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Latvian threatens Chinese of consequences
Didn't know that Latvians are so low IQ.
Guess you always learn something new.
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Why wasn't Mongolia liberated from the misery of democracy?
threats imply future action, yet the consequences are already felt in the mainland
say Chechnya kruto
>Western guys fuck Chinese girls and mail bride them
>Russian girls go to China to suck yellow dick for money
Yeah it really do be like that
How do we save my russian cuties from this
Oh boy what will China ever do about Latvia! LATVIA!!
Open borders, Mongol
你们在国内的这么能发帖啊 我在国内呢时候不管那个ip都被4chan ip block
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Are you trying to sneak in more migrants, Putin-sama? Only russian cuties allowed across this border
Going to go see your ship in Sunday, SPb
saw you guys trading steam invites and i wanted to make sum frens from the world to share info, music, films and stuff.

if you guys are up: https://s.team/p/gdv-fmmj/NWJBQNVR
But then you'll take the babies and throw them out. Plenty of cases. Not cute.
Westerners consider all foreigners as inferior, especially if from outside of western Europe.
This is mostly due massive amounts of unwelcome immigrants, the old stereotypes were relatively positive as foreigners and their exotic goods were uncommon, thus raising curiosity.
I wanted to study here
Not typing anything in your Slavic language.
Now be a good little dumb doggy and shut up.
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Forgot pic
其实我能算在国外长大的 因为父母派出去然后就一直在国外 如果我长期在国内可能就买pass了
Is this what russian propaganda says? There can never be mistreatment so bad that child protectective services would throw children back to Russia. I wouldn't want this for my worst enemy, let alone innocent babies. Worst case scenario is that they will put them in orphan homes if their parents are truly unfit
TV said that Russian women in Finland are hidden in basements to milk them and make valio cheese, and then sell it to Switzerland
I haven't heard any propaganda highlighting closed borders, but banning asylum at the border isn't a good thing either.
Gib cute chinese wife
Facebook demands that to some people at "random", but they always ask me for it when I try to register, ot they instaban me shortly after registration and demand that I show a picture of my ID to prove I am a real person.
Did Facebook demand your ID?
This is not reality. You have a racial complex.
That's what makes Valio cheese so milky

If we were to open borders, would you send a shitton of migrants? Oh what a shame I guess Finland will have to live with less cars stolen and sent to russia
ghost of kiev was a chingchong all along
whats his name anyway
is it true hanfu is banned in china
Damn this is like seeing an sociological phenomenon in the wild. Two different peoples, who would usually have nothing to say to one another, join up to defeat the West.

You broke out of the hierarchy and made your own where you're on the top.
Try another one. There are like 7 federal universities all across the country and every can accept foreign students
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looking drip
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Did the OP guy get all his combat experience in Ukraine or other places before too?
Westerners do be like that, maybe they dont even notice it but they be like that
bro dawg I take offence to this. Do you know how many finns have been gang raped by the chinese? Zero. Everyone loves chinese immigrants, they are smart and hard working, and also honest (no I will not share this story). We made great efforts to welcome people from all over the world but only some were worth it
Бляяя игpaю в Фoллayт 4
Цeль: зacтpoить cэнкчyapи тpyщoбaми чтoбы пoтoм пepeceлять тyдa нeгpитocoв и гyлeй из дpyгих бyдyщих пoceлeний
that's what russians said and they got acked twice
say Chechnya kruto, vatnik
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зaчeм ecли их мoжнo пpocтo yдaлить кoнcoльнoй кoмaндoй
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Я нe хoчy никoгo yдaлять пycть тyт бyдeт тpyщoбнoe гeттo
глyпaя внимaниeшлюшкa c тpипкoдoм
Hy нe плaч=(((
ти здoзнeш чepeз ceмь днeй
They begin to use 191
Welcome to the Olympics
The future of Russia

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Эх, poднoй Boлoкoлaмcк

Avoid the fake-war.

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