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Did you know Sushi is a traditional Korean food?
don't you also have a traditional wine made of child's urine or something?
That looks american though
yes, it is depicted in that famous Goguryo tomb mural.
I only like sushi because I like to slobber on a shit ton of wasabi and punish myself with it.
Don't you call it gim bop or something and only use the rice and seaweed? Not the same thing.
Sushi was invented by italians though
i'd go ham on this
Do they still claim Gimbap isn't Koreanized roll sushi? It's basically revisionism but also socially acceptable
cruditè di pesce is unironically amazing, most foreigners just know pizza, pasta or whatever but this unironically mogs everything else
Did you know that kimchi makes pussy taste a bit off?
Mmm. Raw bugs.
what region is the dish from?
wild guess, but liguria?
Sushi was invented in Souteast Asia near the Mekong river regions.

>Fermented fish using rice, such as narezushi, originated in Southeast Asia where it was made to preserve freshwater fish, possibly in the Mekong River basin, which is now Laos, Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam, and in the Irrawaddy River basin, which is now Myanmar.[7] The first mention of a narezushi-like food is in a Chinese dictionary thought to be from the 4th Century, in this instance referring to salted fish that had been placed in cooked or steamed rice, which caused it to undergo a fermentation process via lactic acid.[8][9] Fermentation methods following similar logic in other Asian rice cultures include burong isda, balao-balao, and tinapayan of the Philippines; pekasam of Indonesia and Malaysia, pla ra (ปลาร้า) of Thailand; sikhae (식해) of Korea; and Mắm bò hóc or cá chua of Vietnam.[9][6][10][11][12]
It's popular in Liguria, Tuscany and Emilia-Romagna. It's not really region specific since every region has it's sort of variation. Best one I've had was in Livorno (tuscany)

okay manchild, do you prefer chicken nuggets, wurstels and ketchup?
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The ancient ''sushi'' is an almost 100% different cuisine
The thing is, it's the origin of the term
It happens since Japan adopted countless Chinese words
looks delish, fren
whats the thing on the left, looks almost black
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They enjoyed sushi, yeah!
My preference is beef, saar.
>bugs, furry
There will never be a Third Temple.
Sushi, pizza, and even tacos originated in Korea.
The only cuisine that does not originate in Korea is British food.
I love them so much. I should invest in making them in bulk and just stuffing myself with enough koku to starve a medieval japanese village.
No. It would be shameful and not the japanese way of eating.
Yes I know ofc
And Dokdo is also yours
Tsushima is same too
Japan subjects to SK forever
Greatest Korea BANZAI!
So, when does the schizo wake up? Who's gonna txt him?
kek, his alt is here now.
Why are they so weird?
You'll always be a jaded old man who can never rid yourself of the Korean dna that made you. Have fun seething uncontrollably at every poster you assume is korean across all of 4chan. kek
i know you aren't korean. you're a fucking ugly hapa abomination.
Why do wypeople or korean not worship yu yevon

Its because they invent machina
You actually know nothing about whats really going on and that makes this even better. Enjoy letting Koreans control everything you do with your broken life.
Seafood is garbage and most of what's on that plate are oceanic insects. People pay good money for bugs and fish that live their entire lives as bottom feeders and host to endless parasites, and pretend it tastes better than chicken or red meat. This clown world shit blows my mind.
I know you're right
I mean, we all know there are some jap schizos on /int/ and also mentally ill diaspora asians are a thing (he might be a hardcore koreaboo though)
There's one legit zainichi normaly spamming sexual crimes of Japan too

I hope more people will be able to recognize that every one of them is crazy
> Enjoy letting Koreans control everything you do with your broken life.
you're here 18 hours a day.
i've gone to sleep and woken up to see the same threads stay up because you were going back and forth with a barely sentient jap spamming the same old shit you've been spamming for a year.
seriously what goes on in your life? did you drop out of school or something?
Shut up yank.
I'm Jap
I wish I wasn't
Just because you live here daily doesn't mean we all do. Schizo.
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but you do live here, you fucking ugly hapa mutt.
have you ever pondered the fact that zero korean flags ever back you up? why do actual koreans think you're retarded? your only friend is this fucking tranny who happens to be a diaspora like yourself. coincidentally, neither of you ugly faggots speak korean either.
but he's not a zainichi you stupid midget jap retard.
why would he use insults like "bug" and spam japanese women insulting asian men if he were a zainichi you stupid ugly faggot?
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He's a Japanese guy. I don't care for your type personally. Stop trying to determine if he is or isn't in on it.
who cares if he's japanese? he posts the same shit as you. you're saying this jap tranny is your only friend?
Almost all well-known Korean culture is rebranded Japanese culture.

>No! Ancient Korean influence on Japan!

This is essentially all Chinese culture passing through Baekje in ancient times due to its geographical location.

>Then Please tell me any specific, original, interesting aspects of Korean culture that influenced Japan which are not derived from Chinese culture?

Koreans have the strongest "Little China" complex (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_China_(ideology)).


Modern well-known Korean culture is almost all rebranded Japanese culture after WWII.

Originated and rebranded from Shotokan Karate.

Originated and rebranded from Aiki Jujutsu, with added Judo and Taekwondo kicks, which originated from Shotokan Karate.

>Korean sword
They often showcase the single-blade Wadao (meaning Japanese sword). The original Korean sword was a straight double-bladed sword, similar to the Chinese sword.

Originated from Maki sushi.

Originated from Manga.

It's an Americanized rebranding of idol J-pop. In fact, the word K-pop was derived from the word J-pop.

>Squid Game
Originated from Japanese death game survival shows. Also, the folk games in Squid Game originated from the Japanese annexation era.

>korean national flag
It's incompleted ying yang and Bagua.
Symbol of Chinese culture.

>Korean modernization, urban design, infrastructure
All copied from Japan.

>Even all of Korea’s major companies were created through technological transfers and capital aid from Japan after WWII, without exception.

>also Anti-Japan politics are always mainstream in Korea.
Such as "Dokdo is Korea! Not the Sea of Japan but the East Sea! Tsushima is even Korea!" And Engaging in "No Japan Movement" on a national scale, regardless of age.

Korea has no interesting culture except for copying Japan.
No, thats literally your projection. Sad that you've been at this for over a decade and now you can't even determine that your delusions are your own not ours. Literally take your meds.
you are talking about a different poster
I just meant there's a zainichi too
Current style of sushi is started edo era of japan.
naresushi(old sushi from south east asia) and sushi (modern Japanese sushi)is totally different.
Old sushi is basically rotten fish. No one care.
Sheet form of nori(gim) is invented at edo era of japan before that people was eating nori(gim) as psste form and Korean civil people has no custom of eating nori daily
Before japanese introduced it to korea.
how is it my projection that you download the images he posts and spam them? this tranny midget has a massive complex about his height and masculinity and spams that image of a korean soldier taller than the jap soldier, which you've posted. he spams screenshots of jap men being gay, which you've downloaded and spammed
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Glad your bf sent you the link to this thread. Welcome!
here we go again
Why do you assume that he makes them? Who's this 'he' that you constantly seethe over? How many people do you believe are involved? Do you really know?
Okok noice go telling those shitty korean excuse and let people to know Korean is hopeless liers

This is clearly the world standard view in facts>>200225116
you're devastated that this fucking tranny is your only friend.
but besides that, consider this: no korean flag has ever backed you up. why do actual koreans think you're an underdeveloped low IQ retard? i'm guessing you don't dispute this because you're focused on this tranny.
do you have a non-schizo explanation why korean flags think you're retarded? are they all secretly japs as well?
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So, you're saying that you've seen all of the threads I'm in? And you say I'm here 24/7? That means you're the one who's constantly monitoring all of 4chan for koreans. ROFL! I told you your life is meaningless! lol!
i'll take this to mean you're conceding. thanks.
Likewise. Btw, someone said something bad about japan on that other board that triggers you. Better go call him some korean shill before he gets away with it!
He'd probably call him a retard or a gay. or both
you have no idea what a childish retard you sound like.
are you mentally disabled? i'd hate bullying you if you weren't such an annoying faggot that shits up this board
Those diaspora asians usually don't even admit they are diaspora asians even when it's obvious
It's pretty disturbing
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Yeah yeah, we get it. You're uncontrollably mad as usual. Anyway, never forget Koreans civilized Japan and thank Korea like your emperor (who has Korean DNA himself, just like you) did.
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Current style of sushi is started edo era of japan.
naresushi(old sushi from south east asia) and sushi (modern Japanese sushi)is totally different.
Old sushi is basically rotten fish. No one care.
Sheet form of nori(gim) is invented at edo era of japan before that people was eating nori(gim) as psste form and Korean civil people has no custom of eating nori daily
Before japanese introduced it to korea.
>As for the Japanese emperor

Korean media misinterpreted and distorted his words to suggest that the first Japanese emperor is a descendant of the Baekje Korean royal family

The Japanese emperor did not claim that the first emperor was from Baekje at all

>Emperor Akihito mentioned that Emperor Kanmu's mother was one of the CONCBINE of a Japanese emperor and that she was descended from the Baekje royal family.

However, there is no primary evidence indicating a direct blood connection between the Japanese imperial family and ancient Korean kingdoms.

Why would it imply that the Japanese emperor is Korean just because he had relations with one of the concubines of the Baekje princess?

The Baekje royal family are distant ancestors of Emperor Kanmu's mother . However, his father is Emperor Konin and all of his ancestors are Japanese. The Baekje royal family are not direct ancestors of the Japanese imperial family. The direct ancestor of the Japanese emperor is the 27th Emperor Keitai, whose existence is considered certain.

He was Japanese from today's Shiga Prefecture. The imperial family is from the Wa (Yayoi) Japonic race and not Koreanic speakers. It is unclear why some Koreans take pride in this fact, considering all emperors are Japanese.

However, there is strong evidence that several members of the Baekje royal family fled to Japan after Baekje was destroyed in the war with Silla, becoming one of the clan under the Japanese emperor and forming the Kudara no Konikishi clan.

>They were treated as low-ranking "barbarian guests" (蕃客).

>This single fact suggests that the Yamato Japanese were not from Baekje. Do you believe that the Japanese would treat their own direct imperial family line as "barbarian guests"?

The Kudara no Konikishi (百済王) was a Japanese clan founded by Zenkō (善光 or 禅広), a son of King Uija, the last king of Baekje in southwestern Korea.
Source: Kudara no Konikishi clan

Kudara no Konikishi clan - Wikipedia
I hope they both die of heat stroke.
As a kimbap lover they actually put a lot of stuff that sushi doesn't,look it up, but I love the vegetable version plus they use sesame oil on top while sushi doesnt
Tonsul. Made from fermented human shit.
In Korea, ramen means instant ramen, and even restaurants serve instant ramen.
In Japan, even ramen from street stalls uses fresh noodles and liquid soup.
How did they make kimbap in Korea, which didn't have the method to make ita-nori (sheet laver) in the first place?

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Gim existed before Japan was developed. It was in sheet form from the drying process.
That's exactly the fantasy of Koreans.
i went to a japanese restaurant recently and the waiters were speaking korean
And kimchi and bibimbap are on the menu.
nah they know better than that
who asked you stupid slav faggot? why bump this shit thread from page 10?
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Korea vs Japan threads are easily the lowest quality threads on /int/, and it's always the same 2-4 people
*always the same 2-4 people posting the same thing every thread

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