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do you grocery shop like an American in your country?
This is a lot better than most of the other grocery posts I've seen from normies doe. That's mostly actual real food.
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no, I grocery shop like an autist, which I am
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is that pre-cooked chicken breast?
h-bomb the united states
I only make $90k a year and still shop like a poor. Those memories don't go away just because you become middle class
Rent in the US is like 3k a month while in shitality it's like 20 dollars
This bitch only responded to comments about how things are crazy and peoples’ control. All the suggestions were ignored and some were even called out by redditors like “you don’t know her situation stop assuming things!”. These people are eternal victims.
out of* peoples’ control
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I've never paid anywhere near $3k a month for rent even if you include utilities + insurance.
No I just eat out.
90k isnt middle class after bidenflation
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why are they like this
Yeah maybe if you rent in fucking NYC or San Francisco.
lol I make 115k a year. After mortgage, property tax, hoa, utilities, internet, and health insurance Much of my monthly check is gone. Remaining goes to food (super expensive right now) and car note (luckily only 380). Im left with 1000 bucks which gets eaten away by needing to save and pay for various frivolities. I’m making a good salary in a mid COL city, so I can imagine anyone under 100k is just dying rn.
expenses increasing by 100% feels more impactful than income increasing by 400%
>I only make $90k a year
My rent is $550 a month
>just make 240k a year bro
>to live in a 600 sqft shitbox and have 400 dollars of spending money every month
they are ungrateful pieces of shit.

They will squander tens of thousands of dollars for OnlyFans, Deliveroo, Uber and then complain about Bidenflation or some shit like that. They literally mog Europe in terms of salaries so badly that the average McDonald worker makes 50k per year which is more than a doctor in Europe.

bullshit. even in commiefornia and maxing out your 401k ($23k per year), you would still be bringing in $5400 per month after taxes
>400 dollars of spending every month
I put $7400 per month into retirement/investments accounts.

I could spend more, but why would I? I have everything I need
You pay your mom rent?
maronn k shkeef
it's the same for me
this year has been the first in my adult life that i actually have to look at prices and deny myself necessary stuff and it's making me so anxious
get a better job
>6 toothbrushes
look at this rich cunt
I live alone
They don't put a picture of raw chicken on the packag
working on it
Theres a subreddit for beggars asking for help, its 95% women and single moms asking for help feeding their babies and shit.

I like to post on there telling them theyre stupid pathetic whores and to get a job, call them useless bums, that i would spit on them if i could, etc
Bro, do you really think 1k disposable income is not that much?
yeah just earn more bro lmao
whats your job now
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>burger complaining about having $1000 left at the end of the month after paying all his bills
$1000 is my entire paycheck (before taxes)
Buying in bulk is cheaper doe, thats actually a smart poorfag strat.
However an even smarter poorfag strat is to grab a bunch of free toothbrushes whenever you're at the hotel or dentist. I haven't bought one ever in my life
why tho get a better job in finlan
This but less aggressive
Depending on where you live that 70k could be effectively going entirely to rent with no option to relocate because your work doesn't allow remote work, or that there are no opportunities for you outside of major cities.
Are rising food costs/the dollar losing value due to covid/global warming/conflicts overseas?

No, I'm not trying to derail the thread so don't come at me with "global warming doesn't exist!" I'm not gonna be a nerd environmentalist, I respect you believe what you believe. I'm just asking for those that believe in it, is the planet getting fucked raising food prices?
what would I even be doing in finland without knowing the language
why does he need to buy 6 toothbrushes?
im a niggardly penny pincher if thats what you mean but i dont see why an american would have to be theyre all millionaires
What's so wrong about that? They're gonna last him a long time
Malding europoors in this thread LMAO
the price for 1 toothbrush ends up being a couple cents cheaper if you buy in bulk
I don't think it's a good decision when you only have $20 to your name though
I think that it is one of the reasons that is also at the same time greatly exaggerated by greedy corporations so they can inflate it even further
A good part of it is due to the increased protectionism we're having, but nobody wants to talk about it.
Another part of "inflation" by which I mean the costs of production have raised by 10% for the company so they increase the goods price by 30%. After all why not screw over the consumer to appease shareholders?
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It's over bros...
buying bags of concrete will also last him a long time.
Does he need those bags of concrete right now when he is 20$ to his name and complaining about starving?
Section 8 african american?
arent the ingredients much cheaper? cant american buy the ingredients?
>big bag of bulk rice
>big bag of bulk beans
>bags of frozen veggies
>some cheap seasonings
You can survive.
Meat, cheese, and butter is a luxury that wealthy countries take for granted.

use your finger and some baking soda.
holy shit you can't suffer in america
fuck off vegan.
>no beans
why are americans so bad at poverty
Even so I wouldn't wish that on the worst of people.
Had to live that way for a couple weeks while abroad when I ran out of money. After the first week I just didn't eat for 3 days straight because I was so sick of rice and potatoes.
Eventually got straightened out when I started my job, but dear god that second week of it was hell on earth. First meal after it was a taste of heaven though.
What would this cost in Poorland?
>my monthly check
americans get paid biweekly, proxyfag
you shouldn't buy meat if you're poor. buy a shit ton of legumes instead
>it was so bad
>I was bored out of my mind and stopped eating due to boredom
>ahhh I got a good taste
notice this poster talks about flavor and willingly chooses not to eat. he does not suffer.
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>tfw I can still save 500 and invest 500 each month after paying all my bills because my Chinese in laws paid for my house and also bought me a brand new car
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Here's another
hard to say without the measurements but its atleast the same if not more for sure
It's not about boredom, it's about having to eat the same shit for days on end. If you haven't gone through it maybe you don't get it, but it really made me appreciate how good meals help make life worth living.
>No Advice/Criticism!
Try and be a little more sensitive Anon
>It's not about boredom, it's about having to eat the same shit for days on end.
yes, it's boredom.
I eat the same thing literally year round.
>If you haven't gone through it maybe you don't get it,
look at this american, and laugh.
What is the singular meal you eat year round anon?
meat, vegetables, eggs, cheese, milk
White Wine Vinegar - 500 ml
Cottage Cheese - 680g
Sour Cream - 454g
Unsalted Butter - 454g
Half and Half - 946ml
Penne - 454g
Ground Cinnamon - 67.2g
Sliced Pepper Jack - 212g
Shredded Mozzarella - 454g
Yellow Potatoes - 2.5kg
Sodium Broth - 907g
Pantere - this is shampoo
Large Eggs - dozen
Beer Brats - 538g
Cheddar Brats - 538g
That's not a meal that's a set of ingredients.
And a much more diverse set than the two I had to work with too.
I'm a poorfag making $77k a year my first year out of college
It sucks. I can barely afford shit
>buys a pack of 5 toothbrush
Egg fried rice all day every day.
It's cheaper to buy in bulk
just the shampoo and white wine vinegar is already around 10 dollars here
too joever for me to do the rest
>That's not a meal that's a set of ingredients.
HOLY SHIT! AMERICAN! DO YOU NOT KNOW HOW TO COOK?! Do you think the value of the ingredients changes around depending on how you cook or mix them?!
>And a much more diverse set than the two I had to work with too.
Meat +butter/eggs/cheese/milk then.
I remember when things started getting bad, there were people shocked by how much corner delis increased the prices for bacon, egg and cheese sandwiches.

A shitty Mcdonalds hashbrown costs way too much!

Can you spoonfeed me on protectionism pls?
why are you so rude to him despite him replying to you like a normal person would
Okay at this point I'm convinced you only half read everything I posted.
Let me recap. I'm not trying to be all "Waah wahh, I suffer!" Like it seems like you think I am. I was using an example of something I went through to explain why I don't envy or wish for someone to be forced to eat survival shit for weeks on end. It's awful to have to live like that. I had to survive on rice and potatoes. White sticky rice, and potatoes, for two weeks. After the first I just couldn't do it anymore. There's only so many ways you can even prep that shit, especially in the tiny ass Japanese kitchen I was working with.
But again, my point was that having to live off of 2/3 bulk bought ingredients for all your meals is suffering.
Now please get off your fucking high horse, you're not better than other people. In fact you seem to have a lower reading comprehension than most.
because he said something incredibly retarded. >>200219908

He is claiming he is suffering, but willingly chooses not to eat food out of, yes, "boredom"
It's basically just trade limitations to protect local businesses. It can help protect jobs from going away due to be outcompeted by foreign businesses, but at the same time it for sure increases domestic prices since you're not forced to buy them instead of the cheaper foreign options.
In the past 10 years there's been a pretty noticeable increase in protectionist policies around the world, but especially in the US.
I'm guessing his point is that it's not a priority when you're on your last 20 bucks. You could still use your old one until next month's pay check. Yeah, you should change toothbrushes regularly but not at the expense of a meal. If you don't eat there's no need for brushing, right? How much is that toothbrush pack anyway? Could he buy more rice, pasta or potatoes instead?
>Like it seems like you think I am. I was using an example of something I went through to explain why I don't envy or wish for someone to be forced to eat survival shit for weeks on end
And I'm telling you that you are delusional, because you got "bored" of the same food in three days and willingly stopped eating.
>I had to survive on rice and potatoes. White sticky rice, and potatoes, for two weeks.
I had to survive on brown rice and eggs for a year.
Guess what, I didn't stop eating food because I was "bored" of it.
Sure, I wished I had more protein for example but at no point was the issue "damn, I wish I had more flavor"
>There's only so many ways you can even prep that shit, especially in the tiny ass Japanese kitchen I was working with.
yeah again, see you are complaining about flavor.
>Now please get off your fucking high horse, you're not better than other people. In fact you seem to have a lower reading comprehension than most.
You assume that I disagree with you because I can't understand you. The irony is that you can only think this if you don't understand my post and what it's criticizing.
Please reread the second sentence of my post >>200220615
And then either apologize or fuck off with your autistic screeching.
>Beer brats
Second sentence of the second line I mean. My bad.
But I'll just spell it out again I suppose since reading is hard, i get it.
I made 12,000$ last year lmao
good chance to loose your weight desu.
Different standards
Americans are used to 500 sqm houses, eating out in restaurants 10 times per week and driving Range Rovers and F150 trucks everywhere with free gas, so anything below that is literally extreme poverty to them
It really opened my eyes to how different lifes we live
And? I'm not about pity. It's about your brain being fucked, if you are so pampered that you stopped eating food because you were "bored" of it after 3 days.
no it doesn't. It's sub optimal, but people are so fucking pampered that they will complain about a meal being boring.
Get a different job than trans porn film in film in hen
Okay cool. You're right. How dare I have pity on people who have to eat bland shit every day. How dare I be so weak as to dislike it. I should be the big manly man like you and just eat bowl of fucking nails for breakfast because it's all the same, and a true man can just live like that eh?
God I hate cunts who just want to try and feel big online.
are the eurogays ITT forgetting
>americans have car payments
>plus insurance
>plus commute money (more expensive than public transit btw)
>food is dogshit quality
>less vacation every year
>only home ownership route is mcmansions in ugly areas
>women are disgustingly fat and also entitled
our suffering index is 1000/100. You cannot even begin to imagine what it's like living in this shithole
>t. moved to the med
What are you going to do with half a dozen tooth brushes? Are you a mormon or something?
>How dare I have pity on people who have to eat bland shit every day
Yes, because being so pampered that you feel pity over a loss of luxury rather than necessity is ridiculous.
>How dare I be so weak as to dislike it.
> I should be the big manly man like you
>eat bowl of fucking nails for breakfast because it's all the same
try concrete instead, to harden the fuck up
>God I hate cunts who just want to try and feel big online.
I don't feel big online, you feel small online. There is a difference. When I tell you this shit, I don't think I'm doing something extraordinary, I think you are a pampered fuck who needs to stop living in lala land.
my car is paid off
my job pays for my insurance
i work from home
we have the best, freshest food in the world
i get 30 days + holidays
houses are pretty expensive, that's true
only poor and black (poor) women are fat. or old women
Nah man I'm not a part of your little ego masturbation anymore. Go piss off someone else. Don't (You) me again.
americans and millennials share the same issue. they like to roll around in the mud and shit instead of getting out of it. it's like they have a sick twisted pleasure of being in a constant state of "war" with themselves, or anybody else
>we have the best, freshest food in the world
signal you've never been out of the states, and are some midwest cletus. you exist in a shithole of torturous blandness and are none the wiser. I pity and envy you, since you are so ignorant to the ambrosia of actual food that tastes like such, but also are so arrogant as to believe it doesn't exist. your staunch callousness of understanding the faults that exist outside of the debaucherous western dictatorship of america is saddening. please see the world, you will understand the both the pros and faults of that shithole country you live in
I was able to survive on $100 worth of groceries a month pre-Bidenflation, now the same amount of money gets me a week’s worth of food max.
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Anon, Americans don't forage. They literally can't eat without spending money.
>Vent/Rant (no advice/criticism)
They just wanted to vent it seems
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All my American friends make decent money (80-90k/year) yet they all live hand to mouth and are one poor financial decision or accident away from bankruptcy. It's wild. Then they think I'm some savant for making a pot of pea soup for six bucks that'll feed me for four days like it's completely beyond them to live within their means. I think yanks are just too accustomed to their lifestyle and refuse to downgrade a little no matter what.
>No Advice/Criticism!
fragile smoothbrain retard has been bullied a bit too much it seems kek

I dont do "grocery shopping" at all. I am too lazy to cook despite knowing how to cook some bomb ass shit. If I pop into the supermarket its for basic toiletries and the only food I take are takis or deli fried chicken.
I eat most meals at work and doordash during the weekend. I'm not fat
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my groceries
$40 in argentina
This but more aggressive
I feel like in Shitaly that's definitely part of the reason
The weather keeps getting worse every year, prolonged periods of drought and frequent hailstorms, rising temperatures
Not to mention, in a globalised economy if a "food basket" region is affected by climate change, the rest of the world could suffer
I'm scared of the future mates
They can't stop buying.
Time to buy some land in the green area, Giovanni.
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it's full of arsenic, it's very very bad for you
some protein but almost no fat and micronutrients, i assume it's gonna be overcooked anyway

an absolute slave
>some protein but almost no fat and micronutrients,
just buy chicken thighs? plenty of fat and micros
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70K is abysmal when houses are 300,000 AT MINIMUM. Both adults usually work so If you are earning 70k USD with only one earner you are still semi screwed. It's all relative. Here's the median price of a house in my suburb in AUD

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