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I wonder what kind of person you are behind that screen
Do you consider yourself a good person?
i'm neutral. i don't do anything
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Nothing? No charity work, no giving alms to the poor? At the very least, did you help the old lady cross the street?
I consider myself good in a sense that I didn't do much bad things and did some good. I wasn't put in situations where me being bad would benefit me a lot so my experience pretty much meaningless
I've done some unforgivable things in life but I try to be just and good to everyone while keeping myself out of trouble.
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thats how i feel too
some would say its a privilege, because i've never really tasted hunger in my life
all my cares were taken care of

is it "good" then to not do bad things? or is that just the expected norm of someone in a civilized society?
Yes, I try to be nice IRL
I just like getting angry over inane shit on 4chan, I don't even care that much about my country or yours, Im sorry for sperging out sometimes at you guys
I think I called a malasian flag in here a goatfucker, it's probably you so Im sorry :)
unforgivable in the eyes of man or god(s)?
some would say you must DO, despite it all
DO be just and good, despite the situation - do you agree, even if it costs you your life?
I am not a person
Merely an idea
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this place is an outlet, for sure
no offense is taken because none was ever given (not me i think, probably someone else)

the personification makes it easy to generalize, is all - like the Georgian anon, said - its an idea, easier to scream at the abstract than a concrete person in front of you
I'd be ready to go to extreme heights for my friends and family. I've always assumed it's the same for everyone else.
>Do you consider yourself a good person?
Nah, morality is a spook. I may do "good" things occasionally but really i am entirely amoral.
>everything is a le spook
pseud spotted
and what is the ideal Georgian, in your opinion? Brave, just, zealous perhaps?

The history of Sakartvelo is filled with strife, tenacity, and independance - do you embody them, oh Georgian Idea?
Being a pseud is also a spook you fool you've played right into my hand
There is an idea of the ideal Goergian, some kind of abstraction, but there is no real me, only an entity, something illusory.
What "sins" have you committed?
based on your pic, its the sin of ignorance. But a commendable sin because it keeps you happy, out of sight and out of mind.
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This is good. Loyalty is a trait seldom found nowadays. Although, some people would rather themselves than their friends and family - why do you reckon they've become so? A sort of hyperindividualism, if you will
A hypothetical - would you rather your mother or a random stranger?
Abandon all morals, all ideas of a judgemental society who'd cast their sights on you

Would this "amorality" extend to someone who's wronged you without intent?
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A Greater Georgia, booming with fervor and pride
No and the worst kind of people are those who think they're good
I've been told I'm a terrible person online.
I am a demon
>Do you consider yourself a good person?
i'm egoistical and i have no principles
i adapt my morals for my psychological needs. if i need to justify something wrong i will twist my reality and ethics to make it acceptable
I'm evil (and brown)
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I did military personality tests and I'm anormal everywhere, kek
I have low self esteem and low ambition.
However, I'll make it. I think that's the most important trait.
I'm a bad person and I don't give a shit
you are russian therefore evil
I do my best, but I don't consider myself "good".

>Mark 10:17-18: As he was setting out on a journey, a man ran up and knelt before him and asked him, “Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” Jesus said to him, “Why do you call me good? No one is good but God alone.
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If you come to my country, I will buy you ramen.
>Do you consider yourself a good person?
with the help of Jesus and Mary i am constantly improving.
Neither bad nor good. Only bad thing I do is being rude and a dick on here.
Irl I am a yes man, a floor mat afraid of confrontation. At work I do every thing I'm asked
I also don't feel strongly about others, so if a stranger asks me for help I usually will.
For example once at midnight my 60 year old neighbor who I barely know asked me if I could drive him to a cannabis dispensary. I immediately agreed
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i am an evil bad person. hard to find worse than me
Mixed bag. Some good, some bad.
I'm bad tot the bone.
No, I am evil.
No. I'm a monster. It is not the time yet, anons, but someday I will tell you what I did.
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i look like this
fat fuck
do some push ups
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frogs don't do pushups
I think so. Maybe somewhat egoistic, but I am (almost) always honest, courteous and try to help anyone who comes to me with a problem, never expecting anything in return.
I reported my (ex)girlfriend's father for skipping confinement during Covid. Don't ask me why I did it, I don't know. That's how I lost her for good. I'm a shitty person. I deserve the rope
I dont believe in being helpful
I consider myself more like a series of systems rather than a unified "person" whatever that means
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no, the world needs villains
I fought to protect this world
I'll just say that I fully deserve every bit of suffering
I feel pressured to be good and do nice and charitable things. I give beggars money out of anxiety and narcissism. I volunteer weekly. I donate anything I "throw away" unless it's unusable. But it's not sincere.
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I dunno, I consider myself to be closer to George Costanza than anything although I'm neither bald nor bespectacled. Not a sperg but not normal and I'm increasingly resentful of people.

I've tried to do the right thing with two friend groups and ended up ghosted both times because the people I stood up for weren't the type to engage in social manipulation nonsense. Plus my family are annoying (even if I love them).

Anyway I try to do little things like leaving public spaces in better condition than I found them, helping my grandparents etc. I'm not even rude the internet.
There is truth to these words
Its like when you meet crazy folks, they never call themselves crazy - other people do
I do not consider myself to be a good man, but I do strive to be better even at rock bottom. I wish I could go back in time to stop myself from doing the things I did, but I can't. I must move on.
probably not a good one, I don't care anymore either way, I don't bother people and they don't bother me
Bad or good is something that you do everyday, and I'm not a good person.
No. I would like to, but I would like to have and be a lot of things that won't happen. I have to live with my mistakes and the knowledge that I can and have done awful things to people I care about.
I don't exist
I only do things if they are amusing to either me or other people. Badically, I do everything for the lulz.
Well yeah, i've never heard of your country before, surely you are right. Probably it's just another jewish invention.
I wish I could be a good person, and I tried to be, but unfortunately I am clearly a broken person that stopped giving a shit (not in a "cool" way) in order keep my stress levels low.
By nature, I just want to be left alone, life is less stressful that way, albeit more lonely.
same. I'm gonna get the neutral ending

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