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Previous. >>200151898


>Udmurt Kyl
canada from walmart
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I do prefer Alternative (Non-Official) Flag.
my nigga black canada
my nigga egyptian canada
was it you talking about udmurt and çavaş at the latest thread?
>my nigga egyptian canada
more like yemeni canada
yemen doesn't have any symbol on the center but egypt does
tmm ama mısırdaki sembol sarı bu bayrakta sarı renk yok yemende en azından hiç sembol olmadığından yemen bayrağı bu bayrağa daha yakın demek
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Yes that was me :)
tamam da bunda da ortada sembol var mısır bayrağında da ortada sembol var. Yemende hiç sembol olmadığı için daha farklı
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People say I look Tatar, is it true?
No but you look finnish/swedish
That depends on where the native speaker is from. The "and" in numbers is very common in the UK. Googling around tells me it's less common in the US. Americans relate stories of their teachers telling them that the "and" is incorrect and not to use it. It sounds a bit like the "rule" that you mustn't end a sentence in a preposition. Taught by many, but ultimately merely a prescriptivist fetish.
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Strange because I have brown head hair with blonde roots but ginger moustache.
Thats... interesting.
True, we say "add" too but is considered more child-like to say "and".
i think it's because you are overweight and squinting your eyes but you look a bit nordic maybe
what's your ethnic background?
yeni /tr/ açın zaten diL miL örendiğiniz yoq aq
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Mostly Irish/Cornish. This is me not smiling.
>yeni /tr/ açın zaten diL miL örendiğiniz yoq aq
bra saat 9 gibi baktım tr kapanmış dedim bu ibnalar sızdı herhalde ben de bir daha açmadım bu saatte de açılmaz millet yatmıştır yav
he w*LL@x ztn 5 kişiyiz tr'de yaw tam bitmiş. sHen diL öğrenion mu??
It was a wall of text followed by another wall, etc.
he vallah doyçlandça öğrenmeye çalışıyok sen nabıyon?
BOKmanca pHen de brem donkeyLemek farz artıq
Strange fact: Udmurt despite being Uralic actually lost vowel harmony at the Proto-Permic stage.
okay desu you look finno-tatar with your little eyes and rare facial hair.
im half ethnic tatar and you would pass as a local here
>BOKmanca pHen de brem donkeyLemek farz artıq
iyi hacı nabacan iltica mı edecen + seviye olarak nerelerdesin naptın nettin?
>iyi hacı nabacan iltica mı edecen
adam gibi iş bulmayı denicem ilk önce yoksa iltica yaw sHen napacan????
>seviye olarak nerelerdesin
A1 oqLim yeni başLıyom pLan kuLuçkadan yeni çıktı
>adam gibi iş bulmayı denicem ilk önce yoksa iltica yaw sHen napacan????
vallah ben daha 18 yaşındayım üniye başlamadan önce hazırlık olsun diye + keyfi öğreniyom ileride muhakkak işime yarar erasmus vb diye
>A1 oqLim yeni başLıyom pLan kuLuçkadan yeni çıktı
iyi keke hayırlı olsun planlar ne nabacan nereden çalışacan
I think I descend from the Qazan Tatarlar who escaped Tsarist Russia and ironically converted to Christianity in Britain, I am Muslim though, albeit not strict at all.
>üniye başlamadan önce hazırlık olsun diye
dutch ney oqLim üni içinse fransızca fLn öğren hem qızLara havan oLur napacan gidip kıza "ik ook" mu dicen
>nabacan nereden çalışacan
o daha tam beLLi değiL önce diLi haLLetmeye bakıyom işi sonra haLLederim o koLay
>I think I descend from the Qazan Tatarlar who escaped Tsarist Russia and ironically converted to Christianity in Britain, I am Muslim though, albeit not strict at all.
>claiming to be irish/cornish
>thinking he might has a tatar origin who escaped russia then britain and converted to christianity
>now muslim
really interesting story, someone might write your biography after you pass.
were you born muslim or are you a convert? why?
>dutch ney oqLim üni içinse fransızca fLn öğren hem qızLara havan oLur napacan gidip kıza "ik ook" mu dicen
yaw keke doyç diyoruz bokmanca yani senin gibi öğreniyorum ben de
nörd piçi olduğumdan seviyorum böyle şeyleri ünide de dediğin gaysızca öğrenirik dil öğrenme faslımızı kapatırık artık
>o daha tam beLLi değiL önce diLi haLLetmeye bakıyom işi sonra haLLederim o koLay
yaw önce dili halletsene oglim dili öğrendikten sonra işi bulamadan kalırsan nabacan önce işi hallet dili orda da öğretiyolar sana
aslyum a başvurursan orada sana bebek gibi bakıyoralr dil öğretiyorlar tabi son çare olarak ona başvurursun yoksa bayağı aşağılayıcı bir şey mlsf
do you love poccию?
It's definitely an improvement over the West but it isn't without problems. I think a lot of the problems are very old however and no government be it Tsarist, Soviet or Post-Soviet has tackled them.
I was baptised Roman Catholic but it makes no sense in comparison.
>ginger facial hair
>I am muslim
What the fuck is it with this meme. I've seen at least half a dozen of you weirdos now. Pick a real religion or don't. Just stop this cringe.
I just believe in one God and refrain from Alcohol and Pork, I am privately religious.
yaw bu maLLar da biri deutsch demiş diğeri dutch demiş karaşıyo amqq sHenin sewiye kaç???
>işi bulamadan kalırsan nabacan
en kötü akrabalar ayarlar işi ama her türlü önce dili halletmem lazım
>refrain from Alcohol and Pork
>yoksa bayağı aşağılayıcı bir şey mlsf
akraba PİÇLeri ters yaparsa yapacak bişe yok brem red yemeyelim de ne yaparlarsa yapsınlar bıktım burda sürünmekten
Just trying to get right with God. I try to be nice to people IRL and often online too.
People tell me I look Finnish too. It's because I'm fat
I have Lactose-Intolerance.
is this /lang/ or some ethnic ghetto in western germany?
Out of interest, why are Oto-Manguean languages so complicated?
/tr/ died so you'll have to put up with underage screeching today
I'm NOT underage I wish I was tho
whachu gon' do 'bout it nigga???
NGL Erdoğan went from mildly based to extremely cringe within a month.
killing dogs is a good thing I used to poison some salami and feed it to the street dogs here. Solved the stray dog problem in 2 weeks
No I mean when he backstabbed Turks for daring to confront Syrian rapists, typical Laz merchant bordering on Kurd.
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I do not want to learn French anymore mes amis
What language should I learn now?
Udmurt Kyl or Çăvaşla.
I like refugees more than the turks. They're more civilized and they're actually hardworking. Our general is literally 90% slacking middle aged man leeching off their parents, like the entire country.
Lel no they are disproportionately represented in crime and unemployment statistics in both Germany and Türkeli, I accuse them of conspiring with other Non-Turkic minorities in trying to destroy the Turkish State. Alawites keep to themselves so are alright, it's those Salafi Bedouin sorts which are a never ending cause of problems.
>they are disproportionately represented in crime and unemployment statistics
So do turks in germany, what about that?
>>ginger facial hair
>>I am muslim
>What the fuck is it with this meme.
British converts to Islam are very disproportionately ginger
Never was "based", he's literally just larping as a muslim so he can use the uneducated old muslim population to get a shitload of votes and treat the country as his own little kingdom. You know what happened to the economy, all thanks to him. We've imported well over 5m immigrants in the last 10 years and he's still intent on forcing more in. His attitude towards immigrants isn't some new thing either, he forces us to cuck to them at all opportunities. He's not even Turkish by the way, a fucking Georgian.
>They're more civilized and they're actually hardworking.
Absolutely delusional, you can't make a Turk work for more than a few hours a day, sure, but as for the immigrants they're too busy raping and pickpocketing to even comprehend the concept of work.
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Poles diminutize adjectives. What gives them the right to be this cute?
I think I will do Spanish. It is basically the same thing anyways
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spać jak suseł - to sleep like a gopher
(to sleep like a baby, etc.)
>always use compose key to type letters w/ diacritics
>update my PC, switching to Linux Mint while I'm at it
>now keyboard system refuses to let me use a compose key, have to use AltGrv instead
well, atleast I can type in Vietnamese now
imagine not using a mac(tm) where everything just werks
I forgot to do my anki reps and now I need to go to bed :(
What am I even supposed to do to start
I've just been doing the Duolingo for Italian
stop using Duolingo
get a grammar book
welcome to the grind
reading gramar books are so hard, couple youtube videos on basis of the grammar then fully inpoot consoom mod is way better
Try reading this, starting from capitolo uno
Grammar books and anki are worse than duolingo. Grammar books especially since grammar doesn't even exist.
Italian grammar doesn't even seem particularly hard
Just need words
what does this sentence mean
Book grammar and anki is bad duolingo. Book yes grammar not here.
it's 10 degrees hot here and we are sucking each other's cock to cool down a bit
I'm thinking of trying out the Navajo Duolingo course. I heard it's the shortest course
Don't die
I'm back!
Does this mean what I think it means?

Polish mixtape for cooling down lmao
Once you learn Diné Bizaad, you learn all Athabaskan Languages.
"Tasiemka" is never used for most of these meanings, its only meaning is "decorative ribbon".
No in this instance means "Seed Lover".
That's what i thought it meant. Well, maybe with a different meaning of "seed"
I just made an anki card for the word handcuffs
God it'll take me forever to become competent with this language
get a free bump you stupid useless faggots
buenas dias
just saying good morning to my language learning frens and giving a bump
What I'm wondering is why it's plural at all. Why isn't it buen día, it's singular in every other language.
buen día is actually valid afaik
I have decided I'm going to pick a TL name
It's clicking for me. Im able to read german comics without searching up every other word
What are you reading?
Where's the challenge fks
Poorly written (in quality) webtoons, another comic of some guy trapped in the desert where things just happen. And I'm also listening to a german vtuber
Actually the most cringe shit unless your TL requires you to do so.
One day I can read comfortably without pausing or looking up as many words, and the next I lose it and can't make it through a sentence. What causes this?
Native speakers can't pronounce my original name and I will want to integrate into their country as smoothly as possible.
Jakie masz polskie imię?
Just daily variance. Maybe you didn't sleep that well, maybe it's your hormonal cycle (men have that too), maybe you're not hydrated enough, maybe you're subconsciously preoccupied with something else etc. Some days I fly through the pages of a book, others it takes me like 15 minutes before I can get through a page without constantly re-reading sentences.

Eh, idk. If a typical TL speaker would really struggle with your name, then I guess it's fair. Is there a TL equivalent for your name or are you coming up with a new one? In any case, you'd still have to use your actual name for official documents unless you get a name change.
>Is there a TL equivalent for your name
No (not in meaning/origin), but I picked the name that resembled it the most.
That is private info.
I have been ridding myself of my various language dictionaries & textbooks from my dabbling days one-by-one. Yesterday evening, I donated my Collins Irish-English dictionary to the apartment mini library. Brought more books down this morning, and apparently, the Irish book flew off the shelf already. Do people really want to learn Irish that bad? Why are people so handsy with language dictionaries & textbooks?
Some people just like a nice varied bookshelf. My shelf has a bunch of beginner language textbooks but I'm not going to learn them (mainly because my method is anki drills/grammar playlists and inpoot, not textbooks)
Haven't learned numbers in one of my TL yet. Perhaps I should make half my daily 20 new cards numbers
should I drop french after today's tranny worship?

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