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Will spend it here, just drinking tea and eating from the fridge occasionally, because I'm demoralized again. Today was not bad, not my day, and I lost expectations. Will you be around just to spend time? Post here because bant is a dead board and I don't like /soc
I hope tomorrow is better for you anon
I had some ales in the local pub with my parents, pretty wholesome
whats on your mind, Ilya? whats bothering you?
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He's eepy sleepy
I'll not be alone tonight, I have my friend ethanol
what are you eating though? looks like compot of some kind
Thanks! Good for you, I'm non-drinking as my father and grandfather (was)
I might lost a chance to meet again with some person. Bad luck
And my name isn't Ilya but who cares
It's cherry jam, yummy
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You should go out and have a smoke, helps me calm down
Well, I planned to post my little story later on r9k, but now the whole state of that board is not very healty because of constant baits
Might just tell it here
What kind of tea?
I hope you'll eat a proper meal if you haven't today
Also don't smoke. Don't do drugs even. Drink energetics sometimes though. Will make myself coffee after drinking that tea
Cool Egyptian glass
What kind? Average, bagged tea, "chinese green" it's said
Thanks. Do you have a fancy glass too?
What do you do today/tonight? I will listen to some music and chat on 4chan
Music I'm currently listening to
My most prized possession is my Metal Gear Diamond Dogs coffee mug. It actually appears in the game. I mean, one like it, not the one I have
I've made myself a little night snack: eggs and bread with mustard.
Nothing wild drove through the city with my friends just chilling now back home
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Forgot to attach it though
What's the passtime entertainment in Germany like? I lost contacts with my childhood friends, so it would be interesting to know
Well depends overall probably not much different from russia. But for me its going out with friends chilling at different spots. Now in summertime doing barbecue alot ,going to the local see (but nowadays kinda shit because its full with migrants) going out with girls or going to the gym. Or simply just chilling with the guys in ps5 party. But this time around i am kind of busy with work so i just want to chill on the weekends because i also work on saturday.
> I lost contacts with my childhood friends, so it would be interesting to know
You have any work, uni friends? Or are you Neet?
Also looks dope anon. I have nothing in the fride right now so i munch frozen blueberries i had
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i am going to drink tea and watch anime alone.
Wtf when a ukranian told me russians drink tar like it's water, I didn't believe them, but now I see... soulless monsters!!
>You have any work, uni friends? Or are you Neet?
Was dropped out of uni and neeting for 3 years. Now I attend to other university again. I will not have a will to blend in new companies and make actual friends with people now, fell washed out and lack of self-respect
2AM and i drink tea with candies.
It's jam lol
My little bros love to eat them from the fridge too, but I personally prefer them fresh or with tea
I drank my tea already, will make coffee now. My kot is not helping, I gave him fish from the fridge, but he refuses to eat and just bites my legs
What do you do in your freetime as a neet? Do you go outside?
Hello man, good night to you! Will you stay awake all night long or go to sleep?
Yes, I go outside to do manual tasks as taking out the trash, buying groceries etc. Mostly I stay at home, watch shit on the Internet, fap. Laptop has been broken recently, so no games. Recently tho I started to go to the beach, but it wasn't so refreshing as I think it would be.
What anime?
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He's watching me eating. Bro, I've already gave you food, why so zesty
You have a warm beach near you? The black sea ?
No, it's near the artificial lake, water is pretty clean. We have a river nearby, but it's dirty
Probably, can't sleep.
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We have such also but its basically impossible to go there though. There are so many turks arabs and what else there no space at all i don’t know how they even enjoy it like that
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i will have coffee or tea in a day but not both

jujutsu kaisen. it's ok so far.
Also i started this russian series. Its okay but kind of cool to see another country in older times
I feel you, that's why I'm not a big fan of normie tier "going to the sea". Also today I saw a Caucasian nationals swimming in the lake too. They were giggling and shouting high-pitched like a schoolgirls on vacation lol
Oh, I might watch it too someday. The girl from here, Nobara, is looking nice and I fapped to her in doujins
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this type of character is not normally my preference, but i like maki the best out of the girls.
I'm demoralized today because i went out and there were pretty women around and that made me angry
Literally me all the time on the streets in summer, but I can write a greentext itt to explain the reason of my recent demoralization, also will make myself coffee now
Based late night coffee enjoyer
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Explain the demoralization bro
Why did this made you angry ?
Because women don't like me and even if i manage to snare one it will be a shit relationship that ruins my life
I tagged along to a gay club once with my homo coworker and there were fucking normal straight women everywhere i fucking hate them
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So, is that ogre or not?
>go to the beach near neighbouring town
>i met a pretty attractive lady there, exactly my favorite bodytype
>can't tell about her age, but she was pretty thick and with the adult face features so I assume she's above 18
>visibly retarded and talking silly to me
>I've had a smalltalk with her but didn't ask her for socials or contacts because I thought I will look like a creep
>she tells that she goes to this beach "sometimes in a week"
>three days have passed, and I had my buisness to do, but now I freak out because I might have lost all chances to meet her again
>when I'm free, I was going to the beach
>one, two, three days, she hasn't been shown off yet
>it's now a whole week and I haven't seen her
>despite me not feeling anything personal to her and just gambling to see what happens, I feel really insecure and pissed off
Like, I will go here tomorrow too, but it will be just me casually swimming. Something I can do not so often, but I have my casino fever right this moment. Maybe it will be, but I know that's not and I just lost my chance. I need to learn letting things go
How did you get into talking with her?
Don't worry women are evil and she would ruin your life
Uhh, she was making sand castles, I walked nearby and suddenly have said that it looks nice. "Why do adult woman builds sand castles", I asked myself back then. But she have responded, and that made things clear for me
I've tried to search her page on VK (russian fb), but nah, too many women, and it's really hard to find by just face
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I've eating good, now drink my coffee in the bed. Will read 4chan for a while, it's already half of the night here
>I might lost a chance to meet again with some person
Girl? Former gf?
>It's cherry jam, yummy
Take care with sugar my man
My brain does that to me as well
>Girl? Former girl?
You can read greentext itt
>Take care with sugar
I will try to minimise it, thanks
any plans for the weekend ? what can you do over there ?
When I was in high school a girl asked me to sit with her on lunch.
I said no I'm fine here

Autismos is a terrible curse. I've improved a lot but the dreadful memories remain
I will probably continiue anything I was doing earlier, no change in plans
It's already dawn out here. Night will end soon, it was nice to chat with you, guys

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