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Just reverted to Islam after being atheist for 15 years
More the fool you
Why the fuck? Explain
May Ataturk smite you
I read Quran and hadith with interpretations and realized it's the truth
Name specifics
What truth
The truth that you're an apostate? And that even if you come back you're dammed to hell for rejecting your skydaddy? Man I knew that ppl that fell for the organised religion scam were idiots, but imagine going back to something that will literally give you eternal torment
It is common. When you are a child you are religious because your parents are. Then you become sophomoric in mindset and realize that you know everything. One day you deign to look into things for yourself and find there are open doors you never noticed before. Good luck on your journey.
For me it went like this: atheist -> christian -> agnostic -> christian
Wdym? He came back to the religion.
I am curious, I am not really a big fan of religion at the moment and people think I am an atheist but I never rule out the possibility of me becoming religious again after, hopefully, reading the works of st. Augustine or ibn Sina and generally becoming a well read person. Hence my question: what makes you so convinced?
While modern islam is a bit more permissive of it (as are all abrahamic religions since they don't like to lose converts) there are multiple hadiths and verses of the Qur'an that indeed mentions that apostasy (leave the religion or blaspheming too hard)=immediate death, no two ways about it.
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You in your country (if you were based instead of cringe [mahometanism is cringe])
this nigga finna jake bilardi us all
My great great grandfather reverted from Islam to Christianity but seeing how much Jews and the world hates Islam, I am so close to becoming a Muslim. I’m starting to think Arabs and Jews were the problem, not Islam.
Pajeets are always jealous of Caucasians.
>dirty pajeet
Ewww can you abbos leave us alone? Holy shit
I'm starting a new religion, which will be a branch of Islam that also accepts the Book of Mormon in addition to the Quran. You are all welcome to join.
There are too many to count. You have to read it yourself but also read tefseer too. You might be confused by specific parts if you don't.
There is a part about needing 2 female witnesses or 1 male witness to prove a crime. I was confused by it at first but after reading tefseer, I realized it was the correct approach. Women are more emotional and can't be as objective as men. I've seen so many women who think handsome criminals shouldn't go to prison. Ted Bundy killed like 20 women but still received love letters only because he was handsome. Allah created them this way and that's why he wants 2 female witness so that one of them can stop the other if she gets carried away
Allah forgives eveything. He's the most merciful
There's no need for that.
Read Spinoza.
Add in the Vedas and I'll consider joining
Not according to the books he claims to have given this world
Where in Quran does it say that? It only says that in hadith. Vast majority of hadith are made up and conflict with Quran.
Quran recommends you to say ''I follow my religion and you follow your religion'' when you encounter a nonbeliever
so you are a quranist
Literally check Wikipedia dude, some are indeed "don't mind them" others are like "yea, permanent hellfire" nowhere does it say "forgive apostates" so yea eternal hell for you for leaving islam
Mostly but I believe some hadith are true. Most of them conflict with Quran and even with each other
Just tell me which verse. Check wikipedia dude isn't an answer
Az-Zamur 53
>Say, ˹O Prophet, that Allah says,˺ “O My servants who have exceeded the limits against their souls! Do not lose hope in Allah’s mercy, for Allah certainly forgives all sins.1 He is indeed the All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
Which one should I believe Quran or wikipedia?
i did that once and called it moronism
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Based destroyer of turkey
Wants arranged pussy.
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welcome back, brother.
I had similar issue 5-7 years ago, until it became clear that Islam is the clear choice.
Sadly, a lot of people who claim to be Muslims are very horrible people.
If I converted based on current people, then I would have left Islam but that's not how it works.
He's talking about some weird hadith where if someone left Islam he can never come back. I forgot which one was it.
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Why are Muslims like this?
>Worshipping a pedophile who fucked a 9 year old
Could never be me
Mo also says that he split the moon in half despite no historical record of that happening, you are a useful idiot who got emotionally attached to some old and retarded superstitions
every major religion will have " truths " if you read into them and you will realize a lot of things but that doesn't make them the ultimate religion because of some truths. Sorta like astrology, they'll say some vague bullshit and when you hear something you agree with you think all of astrology is right. Judge a religion by how it's impacted a society to be throughout the years. You can see how the middle east is all aggressive and violent even though Quran is supposed to teach you to be peaceful.
here is what a 1000 AD muslim scholar said

> It has not been said of any people on the earth that the Moon was observed that night such that it could be stated that it was not split. Even if this had been reported from many different places, so that one would have to exclude the possibility that all agreed upon a lie, yet, we would not accept this as proof to the contrary, for the Moon is not seen in the same way by different people... An eclipse is visible in one country but not in the other one; in one place it is total, in the other one only partial
Just took a massive diarrhea shit on a quran and wiped it with a picture of the pedo muhammad
the moon and crescent was a byzantine symbol, chosen by the ottomans as they claimed to be the rightful heirs to the roman empire by right of conquest, and did not become a muslim symbol until after the ottomans conquered mecca

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