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Do real ethnic Turks look a bit Asian?
people in ottoman painting have asian features because it's derivative from persian painting which was influenced by chinese painting after iran was occupied by the mongols
Not anymore. Nearly all Central Asian Turks interbred with Anatolians.
One notable exception are the yörük people.
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Pic for reference
>do people from the continent of Asia, look Asian?
Europe is also part of Asia, by the way, alongside the "Middle East". There is no distinctly "Asian" appearance.
What does it mean if I see a Turk with Asian features then? Like a woman with slight asian eyes
OG Turks were purely mongols. Everyone in history knows this besides Turks themselves.
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this nigga has mostly likely has altaic dna

how common is this phenotype in turkiye?
It means her Central Asian descent is strong (probably ~50%). Likely yörük.
There is a sub-group of extreme far right Turkish nationalists that hate Islam and see themselves as Turkic-Mongols and worship Turkic Pagan deities.
>excuses and copes
The Persian also described their features in writing, who do you think used the term mongol against Turks? Most importantly, why is Indian with Mexico VPN, obsessed with Turk, Persian, Arab history so much?
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there are some
but remember that turk is not an ethnicity
it is a nationality
I’ve heard of them which is hilarious, because Turks were the only group to willing convert to Islam, no one forced them unlike what happened to Persians, Levantines, etc.
The Roman Emperor converted to Christianity and nobody forced him into it. Decisions are done for reasons of power and political influence.
Chinky eyes is all over west Asia, it’s not as uncommon. The mongols/turks left quite large genes.
>Turks were the only group to willing convert to Islam
>what are bangladeshis, sahelians, indonesians, etc.
My Türkiye gf has these features. She even has a dress like that but in a different colour.
The most retarded thing I’ve ever read. The Chinese never occupied Persia, the mongols did for a quite a while but this was before the Turks arrived. The Persian painting is based on actual evidence as they were the very first to see them. Pajeets suck at lying, it hurts my brain.
I just didn’t mention them because they’re not really humans to me, let’s be honest.
I do
completely false, persians have been painting so called miniaturs for over 2000-3000 years and they only depict turks or other casian tribes and their descendants who ruled them& lived with them like this
>Not anymore. Nearly all Central Asian Turks interbred with Anatolians.
>One notable exception are the yörük people.
ortalama batı anadolulu türkte %30 civarı bir doğu avrasya mirası var illaha yörük olmasıan gerek yok herkes senin gibi anadolulu olmak zorunda değil
I've asked the same question like 10 minutes ago or so, idk what attracts a mexican this much to oriental culture
you really don't have to speak if you have nothing to bring to the table
Yes, after they killed Christ. The rest of European were kinda forced into Christianity.
>hundrends of thousands of turks from central asia immigrated to anatolia a sparsely populated region because of neverending wars but somehow made no genetic impact and completely vanished for some reason
You people are retarded
It’s definitely not a Mexican, I can’t imagine Mexicans caring about the history of ottomans.
Jesus was a Jewish conman and cult leader. The Joseph Smith of his day, pre-printing press, so he didn't get exposed.
>hundreds of thousand of Turks
It was way less than 500.
Jesus was never a kike, but if you’re going in that route, don’t reply to me at all. Jews and Roman’s teamed up to kill Christ, never forget that.
Less than 500 dudes took over all of that territory?
>the mongols did for quite a while but this was before the turks arrived
This is not true. The Ghaznavids first conquered Eastern Iran in the 970s, then the Seljuk Turks conquered all of Iran following the Battle of Dandanaqan in 1040. The Mongol conquest of Persia began in 1219
lmao what are you saying
Read your Bible, retard. First page of the New Testament is his genealogy, which claims he's related to all the Jews in the Old Testament. Then he spends the rest of the 4 books preaching exclusively to Jews, minus the bit about Samaritans, which is explicitly shows his Jewish ethnocentrism. There is a whole book in the New Testament, called the Acts of the Apostles, where Christians (i.e. a sect of messianic Jews) first start preaching to Gentiles and explain why. Have you even read the Bible lol?
>pajeet Jew
Didn’t read any of it, I’ve heard all the lies kikes/abbo pajeets spout out daily.
Yes I can tell you've never read the Bible.
I’m saying you’re not a real turk, you’re like a Jew, you have no real identity.
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Which versions? The kike versions? No I haven’t.
wikipedia: the person
Any version, it's all the same. King James or a modern translation. Doesn't change the fact Jesus was a Jewish rabbi preaching to Jews in Jewish temples.
its true, I was there
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>it’s all the same
Something a kike or their puppet pajeets would say. Does this mean Levantine Christians are the descendants of Jesus?
I obviously edited it ya stonehead
twitter kullanıyor musun
You've never read the Bible. You're just one of these retarded 4chan Christianity Identity LARPERS.
i already saw the dna results, majority turks are anatolia+armenian. Minority are balkan turks, and small minority are the turkic. Not counting kurds as turks

Inside the balkan turks/anatolian+armenians you have small varying levels of turkic (0-5%).
Am I pissing you off kike? Does it make you angry knowing that Levantine christians are legit descendants of ancient Israelite?
tagını bıraksana
You people are more retarded than I thought. Yeah anon 500 people conquered anatolia and made everybody there speak their language and take their religion
You worship a jew lol
That guy is a retard
hacı hesabı açsana takip atmadan incelemem lazım + transeksüel misin bu nasıl bir header
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This is what real original Turks looked like
neyini takip etçen amk 25 kişi çemberotuzbiri yapıyorlar sal gitsin
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mehmet be like
>my ancestor :)
Paternal asian haplogroups already confirmed only ~10% of the population descended from them. C and O haplogroup. They really did force everyone to speak turkish
Only about 500 spainards were recorded Arriving into Latin America, you fucking retard, how is that impossible?
He is only a Jew in the mind of a kike and abbo pajeet. Lol pajeets and kikes also like to claim that Greeks stole their accomplishments from pajeets.
>persians have been painting so called miniaturs for over 2000-3000 years
do post a 3,000 yo persian miniature painting
lmao. dumb retard
>they only depict turks or other casian tribes and their descendants
is that why this depiction of the shahnameh has asian looking people? or is this the part where you turk monkeys retcon yourselves to be the protagonists of the persian epic?
bekliyorum hadi aç hesabını uğraştırma
Can you mind your own business street shitting pajeet?
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Instead of fixing your shithole nation, you’re here worrying about Turks under Mexico VPN then you abbos wonder why people hate you.
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autosomal impact is way above 10%. for comparison Anatolian Greeks are like 1% Greek
Turk mongols were extremely self hating about the way they looked, hence the reason why they MASSIVELY stole Balkan children to upgrade their genes.
It's weird how Turks get so much disparate hate on 4chan.
>do post a 3,000 yo persian miniature painting
persian silver plate from 6th century where nor turks or islam hasn't arrived persia yet
people depicted with non-slanted eyes and without a perspective so miniatur
>is that why this depiction of the shahnameh has asian looking people?
show me asian looking people in şahname and their names
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>on 4chan
>It is estimated that during the period 1492–1832, a total of 1.86 million Spaniards settled in the Americas, and a further 3.5 million immigrated during the post-independence era (1850–1950); the estimate is 250,000 in the 16th century and most during the 18th century, as immigration was encouraged by the new Bourbon dynasty.[6] The indigenous population plummeted by an estimated 80% in the first century and a half following Columbus's voyages, primarily through the spread of infectious diseases.
You really are a fucking retard. Oghuz Tribes migrated to Anatolia to escape Mongol invasion. There were people arriving even hundrends of years after the battle of manzikert that started everything. The tribe of the guy in the op's pic was large and powerful enough to fight and defeat byzantine empire
forgot the pic
push this pic deep down through your anus and never pull it pack
That's centuries ago
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nah they still use it on their coat of arms
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here's an example from serbia, literally looks like wojak
you dumb turk realize that persian miniature painting is a specific art tradition from mostly from the 15-16th centuries and not just any random small depiction from iran, right
you are a dumb evil turk
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That’s like 0.001% of all Turks. I’ve been to Turkey many times, this is what an average male looks like
I meant nobody thinks in those terms
10 dakika aç sadece merak ettim
>you dumb turk realize that persian miniature painting is a specific art tradition from mostly from the 15-16th centuries
yes that style came from the sky and revealed to the persian people there is nothing called tradition and it doesn't derrives from the past, you are right
>you are a dumb evil turk
tell me the name of the character in picrel
>10 dakika aç sadece merak ettim
30 zilyon tane porno ve anime hesabı var, git bak
Been travelling to the Syrian border?
>30 zilyon tane porno ve anime hesabı var, git bak
sapık orospu çocuğu ölü hesabını vermiş son mesaj 3 yıl önce
sure a peasent westoid knows more than us about our own country, every single time
he is saying the FEMALES were turkic, since the Y-DNA impact of the asiatic turks is los
>sapık orospu çocuğu ölü hesabını vermiş son mesaj 3 yıl önce
ne bekliyodun ?
sağlıklı bir insan evladı bekliyordum
amk salağı sal dedik sana 25 takipçili anime ppli kapalı hesapta ufkunu açacak dünya görüşünü değiştirecek bişeyler görmeyi mi bekliyordun sikik
He wears Hinomaru on his head.
In other words, Turkey = Japan.
Since Japan = Asia has already been proven, Turkey = Asia.
orospu çocuğuna bak sana noluyor kudurmuş piç git halatla kendini as
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4chan? twitter? sağlıklı bir insan evladı?
yes they will after I move to turkey and inseminate all turkish girls, this will also decrease balding genes in the western hemisphere
based if true
sorry sanddogs aren't allowed here
I think you have more sand in you than me, it can be fixed after one sex session with your sister
sorry sanddogs aren't allowed here
I don't need a permission from incels
What about the Kyrgyz girls?
no I like big nosed girls
Ghaznavids were slaves of Tajiks and couldn't speak t*rk.
Balkan slaves had no genetic impact on their Anatolian masters. Oghuz upgraded their genes with Anatolians, not Balkan subhumans.
Reminder Turk bros.
Seen this guy live.
What about Israeli or pakistani girls? They have the biggest schnoozers.
I don't think pakistan is safe for me after a anti pakijeet pogroms in my country, but israel is fine, they have some specimens with the biggest noses in the world
What's the appeal of a big schnoozer?
they are usually good at sniffing bad smells like a week old underwear, I need someone who tells it's time to change them
Why are you wearing boxers for a week m8
I like it when something is fermenting down there, reminds me of kumis, a fermented horse milk
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Did Babur look east asian with slanted eyes?
Kek stfu chang
You know full well what is meant by asian appearance
my parent a's asian features didnt appear on my for some reason and i look like fucking jewish i dont even like turks anyways but still i would like to look unique among sandniggers here
lol 500 people with muskets can beat wild tribesman with no metal or horse. turks were fighting persians and byzantine pipo that were technically superior
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Why this nigga dressed like toad
That's a Pontid phenotype so not likely.
>ortalama batı anadolulu türkte %30 civarı bir doğu avrasya mirası var
Hangi batı anadoluda var amk çepniler tatarlarda bile yüzde 30 yok. Maks yüzde 20 gördüm ben. Onlar da sonradan gelen çepni tatar göçebelerinden.
En azından orta asya mirasını arttıracak koçum adam işte xddd R1a'yı verecek, sintaşşağı da alacaksın.
>3000 years old

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