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too early chud
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>visible nipples
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aseanbros best bros
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too big and too early chud.
Too small and too late chud.
is this conveying happiness or fake happiness with inner rage
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>another nasty and saggy hag OP
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Today's Caturday?
I like big size and small size
I love them all.
what is that rabbit thing on her waist for...?
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Oh well, that's enough of break time. gotta finnish my morning cycling routine. cya chuddies
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>aseanbros best bros
which country is he from, bros
i've sweden, israel, then japan
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outskirts ride is nice, but I hate cycling in the city
I'm thinking of buying a peloton desu....
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just random guy with vpn
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hex sag
he is pinoy

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Where are the malay?
saw a muslim irl for the first time in my life, very fulfilling and irrelevant experience
>Where are the malay?
beauty sleep
> I thank You Saturn-sama, for my Total-Gòngfěi-Death:
> I thank You also Shani Dev, for my Total-Israeli-Bharatification:
AMEN: I am all-finished.
is peru a real person
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pagi pogi/selamat siang
yes but a VPN
there's nothing like the wind blowing in your face tho
you now know who to bet for in bet365

nothing ever happens, btw
Heh, once I have extra wagiemonies, I'll use the website.
>>>200226658 (cont'd)
The pic's source is in this livestream in its first 30mins.

i was joking, i don't know if bet365 offers political gambling.

i can't really check because it's illegal in my cunt, i must use vpn
Damn, okay.

I checked it earlier but I can't see the election betting.
after researching with vpn i didn't found anything except PredictIt, but they only operate in america
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nvm, https://polymarket.com

it's crypto-only website and the TOS says its "legally not gambling but a service to trade digital shares," lmao

>buy share of winner
>winner wins
>stock goes up
>believing the 13 keys
he's gotten 3 wrong before
Yu have to understand that native tai animism, hindu, and buddhist beliefs are syncretized and seen as not conflicting to a certain extent, historically. Rama 4 did a sort of massive reformation that wiped out if not most of all so-called unorthodox practices. Modern orthodoxy is actually based on visuddhimagga instead of the tripitaka. That said most respected monks in the forest tradition today who are widely believe to attained enlightenment report and teach differing details in comparison to tripitaka. For example ajahn mun himself said that several buddhas visited him.
We'll see on November, I'm ready to bleed some money

Please come to my cunt and fuck out women
i want to fuck in women though
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>UK post office scandal
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what happened to /asean/, are they in jumat

i didn't expect /asean/ to be religious at all, considering the amount of coompics, but my calculations say that jumat starts at 12:00 jakarta time
jum'at is yesterday, today is saturday!
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kek'd. zoomers and boomers on fb are having a field on their toktok and eff bey
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the average malaysian male be like
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maybe i'll finally play blue archive but college is taking my time and the community is incredibly hostile for some reason

never played gacha before either
its just a femoid with a blond ponytail
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I love big fat tits that is all.
Hey guys, welcome to my /general/. Today we're gointg to BGC to have lunch. We need to ger out of the house every weekend for our mental health.
what are your pronouns
Why do you like Big German Cocks?
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found your twitter acc
Nice try, NBI

I falter and my mouth waters at the sight of their unadultererad, unmutilated cocks. I wish my grandma never got me circumsized :(
I just finished TOEFL test, and it was all fine until the speaking part, it started to go downhill as it was such an awkward situation I couldn't handle
what's the unofficial score?
The same thing happened to me in the IELTS test couple weeks back. I had to conversate with some Brit geezer in the zoom call. Real fucking awkward.
It hasn't been revealed yet, they told me to wait until next Wednesday at 12:00 PM
Can relate, I'm a fucking closeted person that someone asking for basic question such as my name, truly gets on my nerves. I wish I could really answer "4chan" when they interviewed me with these following questions, such what my favorite social media site, when the first time I did use it, how benefits did I get, and so on.
>I wish I could really answer "4chan"
you could have said "none" and elaborate on it: "i don't like social media, it's too toxic, etc."
Because you had to be next to india?
>you could have said "none"
That wasn't on my mind at that time. In reality, why would I say "4chan" as my favorite media site to the interviewer as
>it'd make me stand out as a weird faggot
>it's a violation on both the rule 1 and 2
>4chan is banned here
So I just said a generic statement like "My fav site is Jewtube", etc.
yes, not only next, but behind them.
As consolation it means no one took thier name change to bharat seriously
turkey was displayed as turkiye
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jan lupa ashar~
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where bob ?
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you look like both?
while being a male?
>manlet manager is mad at me again
too tired to deal with his shit
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Another thread, another page.
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How do you respond, /asean/?
But I have a job
If i continue, mods will smash my head again.
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why are jannies so sensitive?
Orang kalau pergi pacaran itu ngapain aja?
Makan terus ngobrol? Capek nggak sih?
hapa subhuman reported me to janny tranny keeeeek
>Makan terus ngobrol?
>Capek nggak sih?
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Just found out that vitamin can make your skin brighter and more reddish and I bought three bottles of it. My obsession with getting rid of all my flaws might end killing me at this point.
Pic unrelated, maybe
*vitamin c haha
I use sunscreen before I go outside.
I only use it in the morning
Aren't you happy being brown?
I am but I’m more like a chameleon. If I stay away from the sun long enough, my skin will turn brighter.
I don't see the problem? You guys should be proud of who you're

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