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In Egypt, it's Islamism. Although it's declined considerably, but it's still number 1.
Hedonism in chile
Talking to some coptic Christians right now, beautiful and godly.
right wing parties have the most seats at the parliament
Overall, pretty conservative but with some more progressive bits here and there. So center right I think it's called.
Evangelicalism, the religion where the priests fuck the wives of the devout
when are they going to remove russian language from bishkek? They could atleast to that, it's kinda of akward that you guys don't speak your own language
Neoliberalism and Jewish supremacy
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While the middle east is stuck in endless religious fundamentalism, israel is colonizing the stars

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On this disgusting communist island where I live there is only one ruling political party thanks to that idiot Fidel. And if you think differently from the rest you are screwed.
>t. landlording family
Te voy a acusar con Diaz Canel
>And if you think differently from the rest you are screwed.
Wh-what does this mean? Do you get cancelled or something?
50% left wing 50% right wing

i don't really pay attention to local politics, i just voted for petro for the lulz and make twittards seethe
Neoliberalism these mfs still believe the trickle down theory
Neoliberalism these mfs still believe all races have equal potential if you just give them money
That’s just liberalism
Neoliberalism these mfs still believe in open borders and undercutting the wages of citizens with cheap foreign labor
Gay race communism with Spanish characteristics.
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Islamism is over represented in alternative media, reddit newfag
Reported to DI
Liberalism probably. I'd imagine same for most countries in the West
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This thing
Rare but somehow already had this flag
Phisically yes.
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cancelled with a 556 or 762 haha

Tribalism lol
eventhough theres indian muslims and chinese muslims, we still prefer our own kind
The British kind of set up a caste system here where
>Malays get villages
>Indians get estates
>Chinese get cities
so now we have predominantly chinese cities scattered all over, and those guys don't assimilate at all
Self loathing
Capitalism disguised as christianity.
russian language goes away and we all speak chinese, thats what youd want huh chang
consumerism and virtue signaling
Ideally its supposed to be national socialism, but in reality its just thirdie cosooomerism
mutual scamming
The ideology of "hihi levei vantagi. But non-Portuguese speakers wouldn't get it. So there this other one: Gibsmedatism, where this nation of subhuman chimps will be devout to anyone who gives gibs (commies typically).
chud hindu nationalism
America is ground zero for it.
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"Who will make the Döner and bring you the Pizza when the foreigners are gone?"
"Nazis raus - let´s support Palestine"
"What´s your problem with gays?"
I think ''we don't have any particular political ideology'' is the dominant political ideology in post war Japan
And it stopped working well like 20 years ago
"Talking to some coptic Christians right now" sounds like a fun ideology

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