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Why do Russians worship a Jewish, Georgian cult that killed them off en mass.
Because in communism, everyone is equal, but some are more equal than others. That's why if grain needs to be stolen, it will be stolen from Ukraine. You should know how this goes. Are they not starving to death? That means they are hiding grain and therefore deserve to be skinned alive by the NKVD (look it up)
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>Why do Russians worship a Jewish
like rest of the world is doing anything different
because he led Russia to victory against Germany and made it into the de-fact second world superpower for decades
>his shithole is rotting away filled to the brim with subhumans
>proceeds to make a thread seething at Russia
Top fucking kek
I hope you get stabbed by Mohamed and then get the wound penetrated by ngubu
zamn London looking diverse af no cap
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he forgot to ask brazilianx russiaboos
>>his shithole is rotting away filled to the brim with subhumans
Moscow has tons of muslims, and the largest moscow was constructed well over 100 years ago. Not only that but the country has tons of muslims as well+browns+asiatics.


Why do BRs simp for them so much? I understand Serbs somewhat due to WW1 + Serbian claim of Kosovo
Only boomers who didn’t catch the debunking of Stalin’s personality cult and zoomers who never lived in the USSR, unfortunately there are many of them
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Disgusting goblino, filling your entire country with Muslims would be an improvement compared to the current west
How many cocks have you sucked today? How many times have you shoved your arm inside your rectum this evening?
>Mosques in London: 30
>Mosques in Moscow: 2
no more than in other Eastern European capitals, despite the fact that Islamic peoples are literally local to Russia
>Disgusting goblino

I'm not an angloid so I don't care about london.
Why do Latinx love sucking off Russia?
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nigga you live in the most globohomo country on earth
Kys low iq macaco
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yea sure
Yeah tbqhwy idrc about some slums in Europe or Pakistan or whatever. I don't care about your problems
>Why do Latinx love sucking off Russia?

How is being against landlord parasites (kulaks) being pro russian?
Why do mutts love sucking off Israeli dick? That's the better question
I hope you're trolling and I wish I could post video of the kulak mass killings. In the USSR any farmer who wasn't dirt poor was declared a kulak and killed in horrifying ways. As a mexican you must be chomping at the bit to murder gringos but surely you realize that if you're not dirt poor (and if you're posting here you're not dirt poor) communist death squads would get you too. But it's all fun ang games, NKVD deserves to skin kulaks alive rite? As a mexican you should be used to cartel violence so getting skinned is no big deal why not make it state policy
Until the Georgian in question slaughtered (almost) all of them.

The kulaks withheld grains in order desestabilize the planned socialist economy.

They had it coming. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.
> local to Russia
Well no shit you fought 2 civil wars to keep them inside your federation lmao. And you importing them all the same at least now the muslim migration has gone it's now all jeets these days
Isn't it a bit problematic to for you to say bad things about muslims since monke loves them and has implemented a law where it's forbidden to hurt feelings of believers
Fair enough I don't know what it's like to skin people alive. Maybe it's fun. Can I try it cartel amigo
>The caved in portion for ww2
They had their pick back home and yet they STILL raped a bunch of Germans?
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>Russia is white
They believe that if Russia runs the world their countries will somehow stop being violent shitholes
The more pain and suffering you inflict on Russians the more they respect you and even worship you if it's one of theirs doing it
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>They believe that if Russia runs the world their countries will somehow stop being violent shitholes
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> ardent supporter of parasitic landlordism
> caricaturization of the collectivization period to the point of comparing soviets with cartels
> prejudiced simpleton views against whole nations

Yep, typical poltard
Brazil has been a tranny paradise for decades dude. No one is falling for your weird little larp
the planned economy was doomed from the start. Collectivization was counter productive to the soviet union.
"Grain withholding" is a myth started by the retarded communist government who couldn't accept production was low. They didn't know production was low by the way, because the officers responsible for the production quotas were lying left and right to not be punished for meeting them (the same would later happen in the great famine of china). Who could have predicted farmers are not thrilled to farm above a subsistence level when you force them to do it for no money?
cope & seethe
Mexico was unironically a single party socialist state for 90 years. It shouldn't surprise anyone to hear trash opinions from them
Not like Russians are doing too hot either
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