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France is so brat
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fucking stop making these threads
fuck you
Looks like Hindu god
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what a travesty
Blue Dyonisos was kino though, Philippe Katerine is incredible

AND MOST OF ALL Gojira playing on the castle was coomtastic
Philippe Katerine https://youtu.be/nLN8pvR8hDg
Gojira https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0WyhJseftI&pp=ygUNZ29qaXJhIHdoYWxlcw%3D%3D
what's brat? every girl on social media has that green brat profile picture nowadays, i feel like a boomer even though im a zoomer myself
Leftists will be gloating about this travesty of an opening ceremony for months if not years. I don't know if they actually genuinely like it or if they're entirely motivated by petty hatred for right wingers.
dogshit pop album made for gay people
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I'm sure Russians felt terrible looking at that amazing western show. We are so superior westie sisters
Hey I too was in Paris that week
Nice shot
>dogs looking away in shame
my hotel was near where some terrorists stabbed some people up the week before or some shit
Marie Antoinette continues to be defamed to this day. Why aren't people like that to the burgouise, who are clearly more corrupt?
Paris is hardcore like that
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average day in paris
Is this a new nigger, faggot or woman "meme"?

It's supposed to represent Dionysus.
this is pure satanism
We are culturally stuck in 2016.
French and France worship ugliness. That's why they flooded the most beautiful city in the world with Algerians who turned it to France's true god: Shit and ugliness
Thought Muricans believed in freedumbs?
Freedumbs isn't just tax cuts for billionaires and corps. It's also social and cultural freedom.
white people shouldn't be allowed to exist
Akshually it's freedom to pump your food with harmful chemicals and shitpost on xitter but if you take it in your ass you should go to jail. Such is the land of the free
Luckily the Arab countries will stone, hung and shoot even more faggots condamned to death after seeing this ceremony in order to prevent this cancer to even have a chance to spread in their homelands.
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The UK is also brat desu
Nobody actually likes drag queens.
They are viscerally disgusting in a such a grotesque manner that would irk even those with the highest disgust tolerances.
Some people just pretend to like them to score political "owns" against people they hate.
The sort of European that is perpetually stuck in 2009 and thinks America isn't as openly perverted and grotesque as this is a truly fascinating creature.
There are drag queens in the right wing party here now, you know? Whatever Bible thumping protestant you're imagining in your head right now was routed and obliterated across the country with breathtaking haste in the past decade.
How nice of the governent to assist them with designated suicide stations and trains.
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What happens if you get caught with something like this in Bongistan or the Paris caliphate? If I brought it on holiday would I get into big trouble? In free countries you can carry something like this almost anywhere.
France IS brat
Didn't you just banned abortion because it makes Jesus weeps or something?
why is dionysos blue
Not a ban, it just lifted a national mandate that forced every state to allow abortion in some form.

It also didn't matter because the cultural and social consequences of mass abortion already had half a century to take effect. So the conservatards got a meaningless consolation prize after losing to the march of progress.
Pierre bro, what is all this?
Charli XCX album thing it's like that " giving mother" thing but with Brat now and the giving part also gone
Just say Bacchus like the rest of us you disgusting hellaboos

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