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Why are Europeans able to speak English fluently?
Is it because they have high IQs, or are they culturally dominated by America?
Indo-European language similarity and English being an imperial language, which means it got utterly simplified in order to teach it to the lowest common denominator.
Culture and linguistics. I know many Chinese who speak 日本語 better than English.
For Poles, English is like a caveman speak. Very little conjugation and absolutely no inflection. We speak highly inflected, purest Indo-European language, so speaking English is like talking to baby.
Language similarities aside, they're less populated than America or even Japan so they rely on English-language media for a lot of their information and entertainment
>Is it because they have high IQs, or are they culturally dominated by America?
>I know many Chinese who speak 日本語 better than English.

spanish dont know english at all
you should listen to them speaking
english is related to other european languages so its easier to learn for them. same with >>200228082, someone who is chinese would have an easier time learning japanese than someone who is american because the languages are related
Jewish Israelis have higher verbal IQ than entire Europe+Highly influenced by America too and yet majority don't speak English fluently.

It's language similarities 100%, Hebrew and English practically have nothing in common.
Chinese is closer to English than to Japanese.
The only similarity between Chinese and Japanese is in their vocabulary.
You say that like vocabulary isn't a big fucking deal kek
>European = Northern Europe
culturally dominated by America
southern/eastern europeans are not that good with english.
High IQ but only some European countries because there are also countries where people only know their own language
We also know French and German
All languages are not the same. The ones geographically closer to each other typically share vocabulary, grammar, and a shared culture with it.

A good chunk of Japanese and Korean vocabulary is based in Old Chinese, which is why they can pick up Chinese faster than English which they have ZERO CONTEXT for.

Chinese and Japanese share common vocabulary and a shared tradition. That matters so much.
They're taught it young
And also most can't speak English very well at all other than the Swedes
They'll say they can speak it but then spill massive spaghetti when a native English speaker asks em anything
grammar is much harder than vocab. vocab you can just memorize and its even easier as japanese doesn't conjugate nouns and their adjective conojugation has like 2 rules lmao. chinese doesn't have any at all. basically vocab is mainly just memorizing and repeating stuff while grammar requires a lot more study and practice and actual comprehension
Nope that higher verbal IQ is only true for Ashkenazis
Ask a European person about their favorite TV show, movie, music and there's a good chance their favorite is American
I know a few Germans who's very into Sponge Bob and can quote it
>native English speaker
unless its american or london RP, that's because of their horrendous accents. to be honest, I don't even think brits themselves understand some British accents
You speak the ugliest most ridiculous language. English is going to look simplistic if you speak a schizophrenic language.
At least they're better than Japan
>>200227407 (OP)
Maybe it's because we have an adequate education system and not an indoctrination program. Apologize for WW2 already.
I like to pretend I don't when I meet tourists
fake,He's just a weeb with low self-esteem
you have too low IQ to understand its beauty but it's not your fault
It's because English is a European language perhaps
Frenchman speaking in English
>high iq scores
>jewishh test and scoring metrics
schlomo.. i ....
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Whenever there's a thread about the English language, there's always a Pole and/or Russian seething about it and desperately trying to convince everyone to take them seriously because their languages 'have 131 cases an sheeeeit'. It's similar on other sites too btw so it's not a couple of posters on /int/, it's a genuine reflection of Polacks and Russkis.
Why is that? Nobody else does it. The Italians might insist that their language is more beautiful, the French might claim that they have the greatest literature, but none of them seethe so autistically about grammatical cases and whatnot.
internet, anyone who was socialized before the 2010s (anyone who isn't a young millennial or zoomer) doesn't speak any English apart from a few words
>Is it because they have high IQ

>are they culturally dominated by America?
Europeans love hiphop
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>purest Indo-European language
Its because Euros are heavily americanized + high IQ + we learn it at school
>be me
>be young
>watch Hollywood movies
>with subtitles and not dub
It's not hard to remember few words.
We are not good at speaking it, but English is very easy to understand because it's a bastardised version of Latin.
> Europeans
Greek/Latin word
> English
> fluently
Latin word
> IQ
two Latin words
> culturally
Latin word
> dominated
Latin word
> Italian word
this. the english of my parents and especially my grandparents is atrocious while i played runescape so i pretty much had to learn it
but their french is excellent while mine is a disaster. probably would have been way better if RS was a french game
America and Europe shouldn't really count, as they're eponyms.
You need to improve your recognition though, as 'able' is also derived from Latin.
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You're not wrong desu. In the like 10 years it took me to reach full English fluency, I probably could have cut that time in half or more if I had studied grammar. Learning grammar intuitively through pure immersion takes a lot of time.
its easy to learn. the grammar is easy and the vocabulary is similar.
German ist alot more complicated.
Also internet access makes it extremly easy. To just talk or listen to english speakers. (best way to learn any language)
i dont
Learning in school is a meme though. Japanese spend even more time learning English in their schools and can't speak or understand it for shit (apart from their myriad butchered loan word monstrosities). If you're not constantly immersed in media from the language you're learning you will never properly learn it, and they watch, listen and read everything in Japanese.
Your language is the dumbest slavic language I've fucking heard, I am able to understand almost all slavic languages to some degree besides polish because every word sounds like it was written by a monkey smashing his fists on a keyboard
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You dream something of what you don't have
Because you are uncivilized savages that had to be civilized by the white people who had artificially written your alphabet. Polish is organic language with medieval script adopted from latin right away, with very minor changes through the year, only y was replaced with j and basically the written language didn't change for many centuries.
Stupid fucking English teacher
Japanese are the worst in speaking English even among Asians.

Most Chinese I encounter can speak good/fluent English, Koreans speak ok English, Indonesians sound like Pinoys when speaking English, Malays/SG sound like British English combined with Indian English lah
>Japanese are the worst in speaking English even among Asians.

but why?
They need it because they have shows in English, books in English... Some European countries need it less because they consume less foreign media, Japan has really bad English because it only.comsumed its own media and English is far from Japanese
I kneel, or even better, I genuflect
Because we don't need to. In the end, most people don't learn another language unless they have a real need for it.
In Europe, the local entertainment industries aren't as developed as in Japan, so people there end up consuming American media out of necessity.
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Because we have no culture of our own. The low amount of fluent English speakers in Japan and Korea is an actually positive symptom of cutlural self-sufficiency.
at least you can speak english
I have one and it needs cleaning zbigniew
it's just exposure, the same reason Portuguese people can understand english and spanish from an early age and the contrary is not true, it's just that tv often plays content in those languages and people naturally learn languages that they are exposed to.. if china started making more movies, anime and series catered to western audiences i bet mandarin would also become more mainstream in the west, but you would need to have content for kids like those learning cartoons all the way into adulthood with growing levels of complexion.. european languages are so similar to each other that if you know English and a latin language you can pretty much learn any other big european language in a couple months, like if you know Portuguese you can pretty much understand basic spanish, Italian and Catalan, it's literally just dialects of Latin
>The only similarity between Chinese and Japanese is in their vocabulary.
Then how come japanese and chinese sound nothing like each other?
Japanese and Chinese share some vocabulary, especially in written form, due to the historical influence of Chinese characters (kanji) on Japanese. However, the two languages belong to different language families, with Chinese being part of the Sino-Tibetan family and Japanese being a Japonic language. This difference in language families means that their phonetic systems, grammar, and pronunciation are quite distinct. For example, Chinese is tonal, meaning the pitch or intonation can change the meaning of a word, while Japanese is not tonal in the same way. Additionally, Japanese has a syllabary system (hiragana and katakana) that is unique to it. This results in the two languages sounding very different, despite sharing some vocabulary.
english is a branch of proto-germanic, which has its roots in southern sweden. you’re all speaking swedish

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