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Turkish Gen-Z was characterized as "freedom loving, liberal, secular" before the elections but now Gen-Y describes them as basically a form of racist chud which hates LGBT, feminism and freedomz n shiet
Is it true, Erdodog will kill all the dogs? I saw they passed a law to round up dogs and put them in shelters and kill them unless they get adopted?
you're describing gen alpha

all gens suffer from the "i hate the current thing" syndrome where they go against the cultural values of the previous gen for no reason at all
No one cares about your pathetic homo rage, buy a rope and end it
honestly that's probably more first world than whatever they're doing now
First world is catching the dogs and sterilizing them. Until the numbers drop down naturally.
Wish we'd kill dogs owned by people. They are worse behaved than strays on the streets.
stray dogs live like 10 years and we have 5 million of them. plus not enough money to spend on doggos.
From what I understand, there is a policy to sterilize them right now for a long time. That's why you see dogs with ear tags. But it has not been followed properly.
turkish iq is 80 they worship ataturd or erdogan turks dont have their own opinions on anything so they always divide between two camps and shit talk each other wish i was born in africa atleast they have their own unique culture and probably chill and they dont take foreskin of you DESPITE not practicing PISSLAM like t*rrrrrrks
I wonder when we'll get a generation that truly hates premarital sex and actively avoids it
never. premarital sex feels incredible
Never because gen alpha and gen z know that marriage is assrape of men
But millennials hated marriage, so surely they gotta like it now!
Or is this whole "current generation likes/hates what the last one hated/liked" logic just pure bullshit?
dönme puşt turks no more rule balkans you can drop your pisslamic act and return to christianity
so will Erdogan just rule forever?
theres no difference between erdo supporters or seculars. they are same shit with different colours. theres no difference between dogmatic and npc people and erdogan is not reason of our problems hes literally embodiment of turkish nation in one person.
Yes, because newer generation always tries to find problem in their current thing, not just chimp out for no reason. But they are kinda dumb as the general population and always were influenced by wrong people and wrong ideas.
you and I both know that's not true
dont believe roach propaganda and dont argue with me if you never lived in turdkey you pos
so you're saying an atheist college student in izmir and a hijabi from konya who prays 5 times a day have basically the same views about where the country should go?
Both can be true.
>hijabi from konya who prays 5 times

hijabi people dont pray though and yes they have same views with slight differences

> atheist college student

they are atheist because pisslam forbids adultery and alcohol dont think they have "deep" opinions on religion.
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you can see a women with pisslamic costume and naked "secular" people right next to each mother/daughter or just friends all the time in t*rkey if they had any different opinions they wouldnt be like that and we would have civil war
I think that's bullshit
And really every generation just goes whenever they're herded
Because I'm born like last year millennial/first year gen Z and I've always disliked LGBTQP and honestly believe a cure exists
And I rather someone principled exist to side with me, than some dumbass just being rebellious just to be edgy
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That guy you quoted seems based as he is redpilled on pisslam
Good, don’t give faggots an inch.
even blackest brownest dumbest average turko now redpilled on pisslam right now its blue pill of blue pill right now. eal redpill is questioning if turks are actually homo sapiens like rest of us, do they have functioning brain, do they feel empathy? do they have capability to create their own opinions or they are just cultists who worship ataturd or erdog?
google whats köçek.... turks are faggot as it gets. its turkish culture.
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I would very much like all Turks to die
I'm sorry but that's probably just because you've all been influenced by pisslam for centuries.
You're going to have to go nuclear on Islam, deislamify your culture, then live out centuries without it influencing your culture at all to heal.
same. t*rks produced nothing good for rest of the world.
The correct answer is of course "no", which is why they need to let in high IQ tall white foreigners like me to breed brown girls
the thing is anatolians are turkish because they accepted pisslam. turk meant muslim in anatolia and balkans, not turkic, basically greeks would call heretics who converted into pisslam "turk" and now those people cant replace pisslam with anything meaningful once you remove pisslam theres nothing to fill void. this deadend of t*rkishness.
I know, I mean corporate western faggotry.
Noooo you can't just euthanize strays because they're more trouble to deal with than they're worth, you need to give them mental health and addiction treatment along with subsidized housing and maybe job placement programs and then they will all reform on their own and that will correct the problem
It's not just edginess, edginess period ends after highschool or college.
spotted one of the cringe soyjak posters from the raids
nigbulls and a few other breeds are euthanized basically upon arrival at dog pounds in the US if they don't have a collar
You mean muslim?

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