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I am too dumb for university in my country
bro I doubt it's that hard
me too, I was doing a philosophy degree and now I'm doing a communications one because I couldn't do shit in philosophy but I think I'm just stupid
I didn't say it was hard
Same but now I'm an industrial refrigeration technician so I guess I really am useful for something..
I did an engineering degree and 60% of people dropped out by the final year.
Dropping out of a STEM degree is understandable, i got kicked out of fucking economics
Is it always cold at your job? Are you constantly sick?
>kicked out
what? how?
Maybe you're just uninterested in it and find it unbearably boring so you don't put any effort into it?
Me too. I think high school simply didn't prepare us of what's coming to, but also that first year is stupidly difficult for some reason imo.
I was too that's why I did a code monkey bootcamp and got a job out of that
I would probably go the tradie route instead these days
By not passing my courses
Maybe the way i phrased it made it sound like i commited some some kind of offense, my bad

Yeah, but what else is there to do, there isn't exactly a huge demand for historians and philosophers lol
maybe 5% of my job, involves me actually having to be inside of the walk-in fridge itself
It wasn't that hard intellectually. It was just the work load. We were in uni 5 days a week, usually from 9 - 5 with 2 and 3 hour lecture slots. Fuck ton of labs, reports, and exams. It grinded people down.
That is kid's numbers, at public university in my country 80% of students drop out after the first semester at engineering careers, the number is 50-60% for everything else.
they cancel your enrolment if you fail too many subjects? in my country you get to stay for as long as you like, as long as you're paying the tuition fees. that's weird
Sometimes in uni until 6. Remember one or two lectures were from 4 - 6.
High drop out rates is considered bad practice here. Instead they increase the entry requirements to ensure people don't drop out. My year was much worse than average for my uni.
he was probably at a public university, it's the same way in mine you'll be expelled if you fail a course 3 times
I think high drop rates are good because university must be hard, yes high school does not prepare us and all but come on, these kids didn't put in any work.
I did one year of accounting at a small uni in my hometown, in march we were around 500 students and by october we were 100.
Are you really telling me High School prepares kids so bad almost everybody drops out from ACCOUNTING? I mean I dropped out to but because of personal choices, I passed most of the classes at first try.
I think you just have to learn how to study for an exam. when you get used to it, it's kinda eassy to manage. You understand yourself better and your capacity. I've ruled out that I need 5-6h of studying/working per day. I feel no stress, it's jsut time consuming my life because 25-32h of studying plus classes and a 16h/week part time job kinda sucks the time. Atleast, I'm enver anxious and get B's. I'm in engineering graduating in 2 semester
Are you talking about public unis?because private ones here are like that as well, whereas in public ones can remove you if you fail too many times
If you increase the entry requirements by a lot, people are less likely to drop out. Places like Oxford have really low drop out rates because the entry requirements are insane. You can have the grades to get in but you still won't get in.
I've only been to public unis as well, afaik there's no failing-induced expulsions here. When you say "fail a course 3 times", do you mean failing at a single subject that many times, or for example, failing to pass 3 or more subjects in an academic year at least a single time?
I think I could get into Oxford THOUGH. Personally I think entry requirements are kind of cringe, unless the college has such a high demand they cannot actually cover for thousands of students. I think it's fine to just let the kids crash and burn once or twice, that's just life.
Many people here take 7-8 years to finish a degree, because uni is actually hard, and they might not have been able to start the degree in the first place because of lack of economic opportunities or stupid requirements.
Yeah, public.
>Many people here take 7-8 years to finish a degree
that seems a little much, which fields is that more prevalent in?
There are several ways you can be expulsed, but yeah failing the same subject 3 times is one of them
to put it simply say if you fail calc 2 three times you're out, at least in my uni it's that way don't know how others handle that but I mean it's only fair for other people I guess, imagine if the school didn't expel anyone and students kept giving 0 fucks about school and took 10 years to graduate, the school would have to shut the doors for newcomers and it'd stagnate, most public universities are really cheap so everyone wants to get in. It's the private ones that have less students so they don't expel you for failing, you're good as long as you keep paying.
Every single one of them, even bullshit degrees like Communications take like 6 years for most students.
Bear in mind grade degrees here are usually 5 years and they cover content that is seen in masters degrees in most first world countries.
If you have a grade degree from Argentina you can start a PhD in the USA, because they count it as a masters.
I got my degree but it's been useless for me so far anyway
>to put it simply say if you fail calc 2 three times you're out
I see.
>it's only fair for other people I guess, imagine if the school didn't expel anyone and students kept giving 0 fucks about school and took 10 years to graduate
I understand, but at the same time, it seems rather excessive, at my old uni there's a 1st year subject that's known as a sort of pleb filter, so what happens often is students failing it on their first year, and then just not giving a shit about it until their last year, and by then you'd have failed it 3 times already, it's a common strategy. It nearly happened to me with a 3rd year subject, failing it the that year, not even trying to do it the next year, and because I did an extra year, only then was I able to pass it, and had it happened otherwise, I'd have failed it 3 times, and it would be unfair (imo) to expel me for a single subject with the the remainder all done. Also, we have programs with other portuguese speaking countries whose students might not be as academically prepared, so you'd often see them flunking the same subject 5+ times.
I see. Integrated masters is not really common here anymore.
Im in a public university and I never heard this
has de estar en una bien fifi pues
>Universidad pública
>Mexicans will enrol at Universidad Pública de Los Zetas
>if they fail a class 3 times they end up on liveleak
what an incentive to get good grades, kek
it really do be like that
Depends on how hard you tried. It's normal to fail any subject if you don't ever actually learn the material.
I got into a """prestigious""" private university in Mexico, but I dropped out shortly because it sucked. A guy was telling me how he spent months studying for the admission exam, meanwhile I got in after spending the whole summer getting fucked up on drugs and alcohol
Gymmaxx and marry a lonely wine aunt.
Here they got rid of the entrance exams and zoomers can't pass basic courses. There's mfs who havent read a book in their life
>There's mfs who havent read a book in their life
Including yourself.
Me too but that didn't stop me from getting mediocre grades in a state school for a meme degree I'm not using
It's not a matter of intelligence it's a matter of work ethic
>it's a matter of work ethic
That's only true for post-WWI unis. Universities used to be elite learning.
True, I've read about what Harvard's enrollment requirements used to be compared to now and they used to require students to be fluent in Latin and Greek and a bunch of other shit. Back then university wasn't as structured where you sign up for a degree and have a specific curriculum to learn and passing grade it was much more self directed individual study and people would spend many years in university researching whatever interested them
la universidad es un meme hoy en día. Un título no es garantía de nada. Los trabajos están culerísimos y mal pagados, título o no.

hay oficios y trabajos de low skill que pagan más que empleos profesionistas.
Are you a woman?
>used to require students to be fluent in Latin and Greek

i mean yeah here you need to know it too if you study history, medicine or law
Échale ganas
I have to write a 90 page philosophy thesis for my undergraduate degree and my iq is 100 and I barely went to class the entire time (I stopped caring about philosophy half way through the thing) This year will be a massive humiliation ritual
I studied engineering, it is my love and my passion, but my ADHD makes it so that I failed 1/5 of the subjects
The fuck, you still need that here if you want to do history/theology/archaelogy/modern languages/romance language studies/romance language education
Apply for an apprenticeship at your nearest audi/vw factory OP.
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Upupupu you should go to the Reserves
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I have two bachelors degrees and still feel retarded
Is this a european thing
That’s not bad
Yes, and we have been successfully exporting it to other countries such as Mexico.
It is though. My class was full of drooling fucking retards, and 75% of them are in the US, Canada or Europe and every single lecturer we had loved me and said I was the most talented guy in my batch and I'm posting on a Vietnamese basket weaving forum
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I got the best grade in my engineering bachelors but I live with my mom and am a complete failure otherwise and in 2020 I almost killed myself because I was scared of failing exams.
Also I doubt I will get a good job anyway because no experience and a social retard and already 25 years old because I dropped out of multiple degrees before
don’t worry, everyone goes to uni now so it’s not worth as much as it was when your parents were young

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