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How do i escape this failed state?
I forgot to mention it but I'm a furry, dunno if it matters
Go back achmed
Is it related to the olympics? Don't worry, it's impossible to be worse than covid tokyo 2021
why dont you go to italy?
Come to Romania.
did you see the opening?
Just wait for our ceremony and you'll be forgotten.
I'm not leaving a 3rd world country for a 4th world country, sorry
No. I haven't seen tokyo's ceremony, either, since I know it's painful to watch.
You need a vagina to move here
you made this same thread a couple days ago and said you wanted to move here tho
France has the highest quality of life on the planet with 3 months PTO and 4 hour work weeks.
I am the op ,the poster above is a butthurt nafri
Id pick guatemala over franceshit any day of the week
Said noone ever its a third world qhithole and the worst country to live in the west by far
>3 months pto and 4 hours work weeks
More like 2 weeks and 50 + 10 unpaid overtime hours per week
>More like 2 weeks and 50 + 10 unpaid overtime hours per week
The legal minimum in France is 5 weeks PTO, and it is illegal to work more than 50 hours a week in France (and those 10 extra are paid overtime).
Its 30 days which most companies do not give and where people work a second job
>its illegal to work more than 50 weeks
Noone cares everyone does more
>those 10 extra are paid
Overtime isbalmost never paid here. If you sont do them youre fired. You work 60 hours a week+ they can even call you on saturday/subday for 1700 euros and houses are 500k
You cant suffer in paradise america franceshit is hell
good don't watch it, i wish I hadn't
If those companies don't give you those six weeks you can sue them for a ton of money. You are lying. In America you get negative 50 days PTO.
are you a woman (biological)?

yes:live with me
no: fuck off were full
You cant. Even if you manage to find a legal loophole proceedings take 5 to 20 years on average. You are lying again.
Pto doesnt exist in franceshit necause noone can afford it while americans work 34 hours and make 350k
You dont suffer
You dont suffer
post your place and I'll consider it
Fuck off achmed al faggotistani
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Saar come to india If you're white
You'll be in top 1% here
PTO is inherently PAID! You are LYING! You get PAID for six week vacations while having all of your healthcare, college, and rent paid for by the government. PLUS you live in beautiful cultured cities surrounded by gorgeous women. YOU. DO. NOT. SUFFER.
I will bear your children
>it is paid
Its not most of the time because employers cant afford it or dont want to. You are speaking out of your ass
>six weeks vacations
Only americans can take several months of vacations per year, we cant evzn afford a one week vacation in franceshit
Doesnt exist
Garbage and guarantees unemployment, also 80% taxes
>rent paid
>beautiful culture cities
France is a garbage dump and looks like shit
>gorgeous women
Instathots, why should i care about 2 instagram celebrities
You get PAID for six months vacations while having all of your healthcare, college, and rent paid for by your company. PLUS you live in beautiful cultured nature surrounded by gorgeous women.
You cant suffer in america
franceshit is hell on earth
well theres call centers for french speakers or you can teach french
i only believe it when i see it

modern france is ass as witnessed yesterday but that doesnt seem really true
All of thisis completely true and yes france is garbage
I wish but you dont take in nonindians especially not on indian companies
Where do ifind those calm center jobs. Id pick quetzĂ ltenango over franceshit any day
Thanks. I know this company i will give it a try. Would you recommend i try looking for a jobs in your neighbour countries (belize, mexico, Honduras).and in which sectors?
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The Tokyo Olympics are currently the second worst Olympics in history
What the fuck are you on about, you are in shengen zone, you can go to like 20+ countries today.
You need to spend 20+ languages to live there. Also its a sinking ship with no good areas.
Mexico, el salvador, costa rica or panama. Idk what sectors
by stopping making those stupid fucking threads every day
I enjoyed Tokyo. The boxing was good, as was the women's rock climbing.
They are all better than here anyway
>bearded women & midgets
Absolute Cirque du Soleil
Get me out of this shithole
Bro you literally have colonies you can fuck off to. Go to fucking Tahiti, touch grass and never ever post here again. Honestly why the fuck haven't you done this already
>global hyperpower with colonies on all continents
>inheritor of Rome, nuclear power
>controls the Minitel, controls most art galleries
>"failed state"
>have colonies you can fuck off to
Wtf are you on about. This shithole doesnt have colonies.
We are litteraly not allowed to move there, work or do anything unless we are doctors, teacher or high ranking civil servants and natives have all the rights and hate our guts
All of our islands are like this so we are stuck in this shithole
>global hyperpower with colonies on all continents
Wtf are you talking about this shithole is isrrelvant af oir army is the weakest in nato and doesnt have colonies
>inheritor of Rome, nuclear power
Its a third world african shithole, Russia or america is the third rome
>controls the Minitel, controls most art galleries
Noone cares about some meme african tech and art belongs to the chinese
Those islands arent open to us , we cant work or live there, cant find a job, cant purchase real estate unless we pay 100 times normal price. Also its 10 to 50 more expensive than the mainland and you get beaten up by locals. Not like your colonies where americans can just move there as they please.
>see a cringeworthy opening ceremony
>failed state, millions must die
>our entire country is a shithole slum
>no jobs
>no culture
>no scenery
>500k for a house
>1700 average salary
>no state services
>sky high (50 to 80) taxes
>terrorist groups and gangs run amok, the army is too weak to spot them
>entire swaths of the country are under sharia law
The list goes on. Fr*nce is hell on earth
Go to kosovo bro
If you are a native female under the age of 25 and under the weight of 60 kilograms you can come to my place.
Otherwise it's likely that you are a nafri, a Jew and Italian or a combination of these - like Bardella. In that case please stay in you country
100% auvergnat/savoyard
Seethe more
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I dont even care about what county i should move to: tanzania, cambodia, guatemala, laos , peru, zambia, Mongolia, oman, ethiopia, the congo, i just want to get tf out of this shithole and preferably of europe.
You guys ever see the same schizo/bait thread for the 215647128 time and wonder what specific mentall illnesses the OP has?
Not a bait. Fr*nce is a shithole. Project more schizo.
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by hopping on a plane?
It's just mentally ill diasporas like every western flag
Youre the only diaspoo here achmed. My family has owned the plot of land i have for centuries.
The other one that comes to mind is the brazilian retard with irish flag, spamming the board 24/7. I think he unironically must have made hundreds of threads by now
Stay in your shit mountain.
I saw his mountain village though.
>I saw his mountain village though

So what, you can live in a mountain town and still be a complete loser making bait threads every day to cope
It doesn't even disprove that he's brown, there are brownies in the Alps
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I think he posted his farm in another thread. Doubt a goatfucker would own one.
>Doubt a goatfucker would own one.

Quite the contrary that means he's got plenty goats to fuck
Delete. This is doxing. I am litteraly whiter than all of you bougnoules.
Fr*nce is a shithole everyone knows it. I will sell the house and escape from this ugly dump.
You gonna ask mummy if you can sell her house next time she goes down the basement for your daily tendies ?
Seethe more achmed. I own a farmhouse in this shithole no matter how much that makes you seethe
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But you are the one constantly crying about owning things in France instead of anywhere else
Because owning a house here is worthless whereas a house in asia or latin america would be good.
You have been making this threads for over a year.
Even I told you a step by step list to leave the country you would fail because you're a fucking useless neet.
Project more mamadou
>step by step
>just have a remote job bro
>Project more mamadou
You're 100% browner than me, I'm white and I can't tan.
>just have a remote
I didn't say anything about WFH. You're not making any sense.
You're so much of a failure, you've been making those threads for a year while in the meantime you could have learn another language and change country.
I'm starting to think you really are schizophrenic with this idea of leaving the country, like the finnish schizo tranny.

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