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We'll take that firstie card now, thanks.
>ugly tall concrete & glass buildings everywhere
Every single third world city has ugly copy paste buildings. A real top 100 most beautiful skylines would only rank European cities
Skyline was cool in the 90s, its all about walkability now
I hate your gay cities
at least we own a home, while you eurofags are always crying and moaning.
just lay some bricks you lazy fucks
looks like shit
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Thailand is already considered First World.
The future is Thai.
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>just lay some bricks you lazy fucks
Because you're fat and weak
You live in a favela inside the equivalent of a garden shed with a plastic roof
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You don't even have a skyline.
I rode 20 miles today, on bike paths
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>american homes
>unfinished house collapses
oh my science
dude the humidity kills all the enjoyment
Bangkok is like wet Dubai, like you only go from one air conditioned space to another and the only way to enjoy the city is either through the windows or from the rooftops due to wind making it somewhat bearable

comfy and let me say it cyberpunkish skyline tho
I like it
We don't have our skyline ruined by ugly concrete buildings like you do
Instead we have good living conditions in beautiful cities while you live in concrete jungle shithole
This is what a real skyline looks like
There's buildings like these everywhere here and I hate them.
Huge towering glass buildings only look good in photographs. When you walk past them you only get a sense of trepidation mixed with disgust. Especially if they are in a residential area - in the CBD you don't get the same feeling
Then why do you hate Europe?
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>Bangkok is like wet Dubai
Dubai isn't built for its people, just meant to look good for investors. Bangkok actually has practical, working infrastructure and sanitation system and public transportation.
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I'm glad we can agree, Moroccan :)
When I was in bangkok it smelled like shit everywhere and the traffic is some of the worst in the world
You have horrible infrastructure
Why are thirdies so easily impressed by concrete buildings?
Do they really think that having copy paste ugly buildings makes you first world?
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kek you know nothing, we lead the world in green space and adoption
You were smelling yourself kek
>When I was in bangkok it smelled like shit
That was probably you, moroccan :)
>Look! This third world city is doing better than that third world city!
Pathetic. You need a reality check
Hes a paid burmese/malingshit immigrant shill. Ignore him.
Talked to an actual White Dutchman who was here, he said he was blown away by how advanced Bangkok is compared to any city in the Netherlands. But maybe it's impressive to you because you're from morocco.
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Hello nafri! How are you enjoying Paris?
Are you so accustomed to the smell of your shit-smelling city you can't even recognise the smell of shit anymore? Cars in bangkok smell disgusting. There is something wrong with the way you guys handle cars because a car should not smell horrible. I took many tuktuks in bangkok and had to cover my face whenever I was behind a bus because it smelled horrible
On the streets it is also like an open sewage. Every step you take in bangkok you smell something different. Sometimes good (from restaurants) sometimes really bad (shit)
I don't understand why you thai fucks are denying reality. You live in a third world country and cities in third world countries always smell like shit
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I'm very accustomed to moroccan with the dutch flag, yes. I don't even read your posts beyond the first few words, so you'll have to keep your points concise.

Still, you should be grateful I read them at all.
I was not impressed. It's a third world city everywhere you look. That's fine for tourists but I am not going to pretend as if it's a beautiful first world modern city because that's not what bangkok is
Bangkok is a smelly third world city with a lot of problems and that's fine if you expect that. There were many interesting things to see and I enjoyed my time there
You have no arguments. You can't say anything to me at all because you know I am right
That's why you can only cope with the moroccan bullshit even though I am 100% Dutch
That's all you can cope and all you can say
I accept your concession
Judging the beauty of a country's scenery/landscape is like judging the cuisines of a country.
It almost completely depends on the personal taste after all. I often feel it's very rude to judge.
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>I was not impressed.
You clearly are.

>You have no arguments.
I disagree.
Talking to a thais tranny is like talking to a talkable delusional brick. You might as well just ignore them.
Being first world is more than just having a gay ass tranny skylines.
Soy overload
Also, you have a basic misunderstanding of skylines
Other cities have apartments that are a few stories tall too. They just don't plop them downtown.
I'll keep that in mind next time I see a thai post
>Beautiful city filled with nature, trees, clean flowing water, flowers and wildlife perfectly integrated into the city along with amazingly preserved 2,000 year old temples and monuments to make you feel like you are exploring an ancient civilization making it easy to forget that the city houses 1.5 million people
>Any random city but with more drugs and prostitutes than normal
You think those skyscrapers were there for hundreds of years?
Third world countries tend to have skyscrapers as their city center instead of old buildings
Yes, most of canada except Quebec is third world
based migrants, fuck whites
This Thai guy is the very person who ruins reputation of Thailand. I was neutral about Thailand before but after I encountered this Thai guy, I dislike that country.
I encourage his activities, the more obnoxious the better
imagine naming a city BangKok
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See >>200231233

Thailand is firstie by every metric.
firstie used to satire or criticism of their country, leader and society , but people like the Chinese, Thai and Vietnamese, they become nationalist and patriot even at online.
It's actually named Krung Thep Mahanakhon Amon Rattanakosin Mahinthara Ayuthaya Mahadilok Phop Noppharat Ratchathani Burirom Udomratchaniwet Mahasathan Amon Piman Awatan Sathit Sakkathattiya Witsanukam Prasit
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This. The nafris with euro flags only love europe because they can freely rape and get gibs there. They hate Asia because we don't allow unemployed behavior.
Both of these look like shit.
are such a Jewish psyop
Cities are not supposed to be pretentiously pompous and grandiose from afar. They're supposed to be walkable, beautiful and comfy from up close
Luckily we got both. All truly successful nations should be capable of this.
>self-hating Thai
>is trans
Checks out
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You don’t have the share with the rest of us we already know you offer double service for mother son combo
do you think anyhing should be a way or another? Its all relative and subjective.
it's alright bro
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>self-hating thai tranny deleted his own posts

Nationalist Thais keep winning
send bobs gorgeous hnnnn SEND I am white British saar
What is it with bug people and other thirdies being so attracted to skylines?
There's no first world anymore though.
>at least we own a home
>In Shitzil, in 2024

>inb4 "Dude just move to the middle of fucking nowhere lmao"
I believe it’s because for generations their countries haven’t been able to emulate a European or American city so now that they are becoming wealthier, they associate a large city with a ugly skyline as being first world and wealthy. They end up overcompensating. Atleast in Europe we mix new infrastructure with all the old buildings. They just bulldoze over them, seeing as how almost all of their old buildings were made of wood in Asia.
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get in line saar
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Europe is in decay, Asia is the one to be emulated. No one wants to emulate Europe with its failing economies, unchecked immigration and crumbling infrastructure.
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>They just bulldoze over them
>that projection
Thailand has working universal healthcare while the UK NHS is on its last legs.
Is this something we should emulate?
wouldnt that picture be in our favor then?
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It would... until your host nations become just like the shitholes you ran away from.
good, as long as wh*tes die and go extinct. thats all that matters. why arent you on our side? when they are all dead they cant fuck your women anymore
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They haven't been coming here much for some time. Anyway, if you want whites extinct that's your business. But Asia will remain pure.
>why arent you on our side?
Nafris are even worst tourists than whites.
You have the same GDP growth rate as Singapore and the US with a fraction of the GDP per capita
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even retired thai sex workers have jobs in thailand.
thats better than first world
Your countries will be islamic too in the future
haha you will get cucked by strong Arab bulls just like wh*tes get cucked by us
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>You have the same GDP growth rate as Singapore
Nice. Don't forget much lower prices and cost of living as well. And net speeds rivaling SG and HK despite not being city-states like them.
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Muslims can't even take over Israel, I'm not worried. As long as a country is aware, it survives the savage hordes.
Why? Singapore and the US are developed economies which naturally grow slower than developing economies.
Thailand has one of the lower growth rates in SEA (dwarfed by Malaysia of all countries), and an aging population. You need to up your game.
Well, it can be a useful benchmark to see how a developing country has been developed
It's heteroskedastic
>Why? Singapore and the US are developed economies
Like Thailand then.
Thailand is first world but not developed
Same as Argentina, Turkey, Ukraine, etc
We having a saying in the UK about the NHS not being a National Health Service but an international health service. Foreigners love to exploit it. The NHS actually used to be great, doctors would actually come to your home if you were unable to go to a GP. Now you’re lucky just to get an appointment.
>Same as Ukraine
I doubt it.

Sounds rough.
There’s also a narrative of diversity and foreigners being the workers of the NHS and that the natives should be thankful but if you simply look up .gov statistics and seeing with your eyes which demographic makes up the NHS, obviously it’s native Brits.

The NHS worked better when the UK didn’t have the entire world coming here straining our resources. I’ve literally seen third Worlders waste NHS time and resources just for a cold or the common flu
Wonder what they'll do when the well runs dry.
swim away like rats on a sinking ship. The default state of Britain is the average person living in terrible conditions. It didn’t start to improve for the working class until post-WW2. Britain going into decline is just the natural state of Britain returning. The UK isn’t a rich country, it’s a poor country attached to a few rich cities like London, Manchester, etc
Thailand is already better than South Korea about culture

Korea has zero culture except copying from usa and japan
SEAs are gods unironically. (Except Malaysians and Indonesians)
Looks like a generic US city skyline with no landmark buildings.
Too bad you're a retarded monarchy,
bang cock lol
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I like Bangkok but the air quality is so fucking bad. Sad because I would love to live there
This one's sort of interesting
Looks colorful but my dog has more living space than your people.
You really don't want that First World status, anon. Refugees and Indians are going to migrant to your country by the millions and lower your quality of life to the same status as the countries they left. I visited of the cities in Bali and BGC before, and those places are honestly safer, cleaner, and friendlier than cities like Toronto or Brampton.
What even factors into this selection of countries? Just seems schizophrenic.
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There's only one range of skylines that's worth a shit and it's got nothing to do with buildings you fucken gay cunt.
Those buildings are indeed quite beautiful. I'd go as far as saying that Bangkok, at least in that image, looks better than New York.
For me it's the R32
See now this is a man of culture.
European cities have nice architecture but they don't even have fucking skylines. They're just flat with the exception of a few factories peaking out over the horizon.
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I think taller buildings are much more common now, not like 300 meter ones but 100-200 meters. On the other hand most Euro towns are in like the 1-2 million population range, there's not really any market driven incentive for a massive amount of highrises in cities like that. And no one in the world is going to be like finally there's some uggo towers in Helsinki, that will really put it on the map

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