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nipple edition
japanese females taking it up the arse
I would go out tonight, but I haven't got a stitch to wear.
is that Limahl or Sharleen Spiteri?
why is it when you cry and you feel like you're underwater what is that why does it happen?
would always feel like I was semi drowning as a child when I cried myself to sleep every night
waterboarding would give you some perspective
When you get older
Your wild life will live for younger days
Think of me if ever you're afraid."
He said, "One day you'll leave this world behind
So live a life you will remember."
My father told me when I was just a child
These are the nights that never die
My father told me
made a commitment to myself to not drink (and obviously not leave the house cos of that) this weekend
wish me luck
first weekend without booze since the middle of june
sucking a coffee and a niccy pouch this lovely saturday morn’
Might drink tomorrow and get wasted.
Wish me luck.
good luck lad
need a break from the booze as well but it always draws me back in after a week of toil.
consumed a lot of the alcoholic jew last night
now considering turning to the pornographic jew to have a couple of hangover wanks
should've just learned to swim dickhead
how do you drown in a pool nigga get some floaties
it's beautiful precious keanu
i thought the opening ceremony was pretty good
Feeling shoot based this morning, brother
always thought the micro-smg in gta 4 was a mac-10 but apparently it's a micro-uzi, and i liked it more than the other SMG when the whole time it was a jewish weapon
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Four scrambled eggs and cofeee for breakfast
>scrambled eggs
poverty food
It was an abomination
well little man it's 5 scrambled eggs and a stronger coffee for me
i love this film iam from india
eggs are a good source of protein and keto
official egg ranking
poached > omelette > boiled >>>>>>>> fried >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> scrambled
He was 4 years old when Brexit was voted
He was 8 when Covid hit
Hes now starting year 8 of secondary school

scrambled with mayo
yeah but real men with jobs eat boiled or fried eggs
hyacinth bucket types have omelettes
decent cooks have poached eggs
poshos have coddled eggs once a year
nasty sick miserable fucks
Why are you talking like that about a 12 yo lad, mate?
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white girls' boobies
I think you'll find boiled and marinated quail's eggs are the best
I put the bred in the toster

I put my hand in the spread container

I put my hand spread on the hot crunchy bread

It melt

It melts
i tried "boiled" eggs in air fryer it wasnt the same
japanese god-given egg ranking
raw >>>>>>>>>>(only allowed for chosen people)>>>>>>>>>>> poached > omelette > boiled >>>>>>>> fried >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> scrambled
lol how's that then
Having a Saturday morning suicide dream
i know mate
i fucking know
so boring and lonely at the weekend sober and alone but gota stop
it's too much
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How that happen
Jajaja hey gringo
Its coming for us too
Hope I'm dead before that
can't say otherwise i'll be labeled anti semitic
bare man rinsing the border innit
Fentanyl Jived Beef
phased plasma rifle in the 40 watt range?
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any pocklington man in
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Taking the sobaka out on a brisk morning walk
Used this website in order to wake up at the optimal time
Ngl I'm feeling refreshed
did ket last night and had a very weird trip, vaped DMT after and think i might have given myself brain damage
The disembodied spirit of a former tech tycoon calling from the void to not click this link
he was good in fight club
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thinking of adopting a pit bull
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Whats he thinking atm
You can't click it because it's not a hyperlink you spaz
*high five*
>i wish i could be part of the satanic ritual in paris
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>Whats he thinking atm
"these edibles aint shit"
red velvet
Morning team. Got my taekwondo grading coming up soon. Wish me luck x
I Hire 100 Lawyers to Sue My Detractors
kill yourself, ugly tranny
*gay autistic neek voice*
ERM actually its not a browser based hyperlink and therefore not clickable through conventional means errrr
>my Jewish handlers will sort this out, hope I don't have to be the tranny
could spark any one of them oout
>I hope they are desiring my gf, sexually
Bake him away toys
Dog owners are mentally ill and their smelly loud beasts should be confiscated
the more you know
Wouldn't your dad be upset when they cart your mum off?
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Needs to be sent off to Glubokoe asap
took a paracetamol capsule for my hangover, it didnt go down properly and now it's stuck in my throat
if I had an easy means of suicide I would definitely do it now
please stop fighting
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average american transport
done that freak up like a kipper
how old were you lads when you had your first wank?
my preference for egg preparation can vary wildly depending on my mood
oh he's been done
eat a piece of bread and have some hot tea
piss off you reasonable cunt
prefer f15s myself
it's giving scrambled
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prefer flying boats me
*slinks away with my tail buttplug between my legs*
have already done both of those things
i like them hard boiled. much easier to pop in my mouth that way
Might help out Russia when theyre about done taking the last village in whateverland so i can take credit for all the years of blood sweat and tears.
Red velvet is pleb tier here
Never going to push back a slice when it's offered though, same with madiera or storebought sponge
Scrambled > omelettes > fried > boiled
Simple as
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Two blueberry pancakes for the petit dejeuner
used to eat scrambled eggs almost every day until they started giving me migraines :(
The USgay can't build that any more lol, they have to cannibalise other planes to keep it flying.
the best thing about summer is how quickly laundry dries
an omelette lives or dies depending entirely on what you add to it, so i don't really think it's fair to rank it so highly
you missed poached
That is very good tbcauf
if im completely frank with you lads, omelettes are grim
It lush
are you incapable of making a good omelette then?
its not worth building realistically
f-35 does most of its roles and can land on carriers
f-22 is like the concorde. god tier engineering that didnt see much real world use
tarqs going on about eggs like there isn't a pandemic
You are grim
What's the difference between scrambled eggs and omelette?
well you could stick your finger down your throat and see if vomiting pushes it out
you shouldn't really be taking paracetamol after a night of binge drinking anyway you don't want to do that to your liver
try aspirin instead and some lucozade
prefer not to say
is google broken?
usually don't have the requisite ingredients to make it good on hand
Omelette is set in one mass
Scrambled eggs you agitate them as they cook so they end up as a mess of soft cooked egg
>On economics, the proposals recommend cutting and restricting the use of food stamps and social welfare programs, creating more eligibility requirements for Medicaid, creating a two-rate individual tax system of 15% and 30%, reducing the corporate income tax rate, cutting rates for high-income investors and canceling federal student loan forgiveness programs.
Turns out fashy Aryan right wingers are just the usual wealthy grifters
scrambled egg has butter and milk and omelette is just whisked egg
people always talk about how taking paracetamol after drinking will ruin your liver but where's the proof
it doesn't exist
just one of those things people like to say
no shit lmao
why the working class falls for populist dogshit is beyond me
scrambled egg doesnt use milk traditionally
Hi y'all. How we all doing here on this fine saturday morning? Getting top surgery tomorrow (finally), im a bit nervous but it's what i want so im not going to back out now.
sorry i didn't think to consider your personal problems in my ranking you IDIOT oh you are a bloody idiot aren't you
I'm shocked, SHOCKED
>Sir, your tax refund
no eggs in arsegaylia?
buying egg
We genuinely are having rationing and when I went to a cafe a little while back the breakfast wraps were made with ersatz egg
Fuck me I hate phoneposting
How bad is the F-35 really or is it not at all and it's just fighter jet 'development hell'
its better than anything china or russia has
aussie niggas be eating jewish eggs
6 eggs and the STRONGEST coffee, I win.
we need to curry favour with the Indians
Not true.
Those countries are capable now whereas even the US secret service is useless.
what's an appropriate dinnertime lads?
i usually eat late (around 9 or 10) these days because i get really tired after a big meal
it's bad mate
binge drinking already taxes your liver and uses up all your enzymes so it can't deal with the paracetamol which is also very taxing
fucking stinks of egg in here
if you don't have at least 8 eggs at breakfast you are undoubtedly a noodle armed communist woke and clownpilled npc faggot
what does the secret service have to do with plane tech.
imagine still running dual engine jets in 2024 lmao
Usually 6pm for me
it's fine
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Do you want to marry me? I want to be an UK Citizen.
my brekkie? Pack of McCoys crisps
somewhere between 7-8pm
children and pensioners eat earlier, foreign freaks eat later
on gym days i eat at 16:30/17:00
Looks like neo vagina discharge
dinner time is exactly 18:11. if you have it at a different time you're probably a paedophile
*hands you a bowl of eggs*
you have to eat these
Just learned that you can make omelette on the electric oven.
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fuck it, gonna make a 'shroom 'lette right now. Those egg council creeps finally got to me
do i get to choose how i prepare them
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a pu pod poei orto rks cy h
*stamps a blue lion on your head*
>'shroom 'lette
*red lion
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>a pu pod poei orto rks cy h
find it bizarre that abortion is applauded, it's literally child murder
From age etc jamboree is the only omelette
AI generated shite
mushrooms are nasty
for me, it's the eton mess
1 pm
It's numbers station steganography noncery
Probably if you've got the right software it turns into a photo of a rottweiler fucking an 11 year old girl
most people are ok with this. you are in the minority. nobody agrees with you
Some of them are tasty and make certain dishes nicer, but they're usually much rarer and more expensive. The generic mushrooms you find in a supermarket are absolutely rank. Also, fungi generally have almost no nutritional value.
a high dose of the psilocybin ones should be required to be taken by everyone at least twice a year
fucking grim
it's a red lion actually x
is that similar to the yale thing
let's see paul allen's american psycho reference
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need an eyebrows gf
the troons won. They have successfully bullied all major networks and media conglomerates into pushing their agendas on pain of being "cancelled" or some shit
Why are you guys up so early?

Me? early bird gets the worm, simple really.
haha christian bale yeah? big fan
Reckon I'd could keep a gf for about 2 hours
might check out trans pride later today
except that isn't really true is it, I meet people on a daily basis that think it's all tedious and overdone
is this shane macgowan's son?
no you don't
make no mistake, you are alone
I'm considering a haircut
>Put Olympics on
>It's a chef talking about cooking in prisons
Literally what
dont have proper blinds/curtains to keep it dark in the bedroom
wake up at ~7 each day anyway
so unless i'm hungover (even then I still wake up then) I wake up at 7ish
and if i'm sober i can't get back to sleep easily so here i am awake since 7.10 on a saturday
been there pal, no good
the female vampire in what we do in the shadows (TV series, 2019-) is fit
you can't cook in prison, all you've got is a microwave and noodles
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Our friend Dimitri has something to say about the french
very sick mind you have
maybe you should go and tell a nurse
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6 rashers and sourdough for breakfast
You need better locks then haha!
she's romanian
she crosses the threshold between "curvy" and "fat" and some point during the show unfortunately
Shitposting on here is better than being addicted to tiktok, right?
you sound like me, I literally cannot have a lie in any more I just auto wake at 6 every day even if I'm tired af
He's right
fucking hate dogs, can't walk outside without hearing these cunts barking from all sides
I let my dog go outside and bark whenever he wants
leagues imo
even if it’s just shitposting you’re still engaging with the site and other anons, tiktok is just brainrotted scrolling
Same but with foreigners
I suspect they're shades of the same illness.

Except most of us here have been addicted since like 2008 with dopamine synapses that look like burnt matches.
I like to think /brit/ is at least an active thing you're participating in rather than mindless scrolling brainrot but it's a bit of a stretch
pipe down colin robinson
Yes, the posters on here are sentient
yeah im always tired have never been able to get back to sleep after I wake up unless it's ridiculous thing like 3am
end up having naps during the day if i'm too tired to carry on
unless i'm hungover then i can sleep ab it lol
Gonna have boiled eggs, only 3, not much of a geezer me.
drinking lots of waterwitz

haha spot on x
f-22 is like a v16 Bughatti that you can only use against other people who use V8 Mustangs
No point, its extremely over engineered relative to what it could face and thats even when its like almost 20 years old now.
f 35 is a more economic scaled down version that the government will also allow to be exported for sale.
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tiktok is brairot but this place is actually really great and only intellectuals post here
me and the gf
i think she's supposed to be a greek gypsy actually
Posting on /brit/ has made me funnier but weirder
plane wanker loves his military planes
I have become more skilled in the art of fooling people
sounds like you've brainrotted too hard bro
think I have the 'vid haha
2 weeks of boring bastards seething about the opening ceremony
got cockrot me
/brit/rot is its own thing.
And ive posted in basically discord/reddit versions of /brit/ in the past
between 5 and 8 anything after your fat and anything before you get too hungry before bedtime
no i'd say tiktok has more creativity and intelligence than brit
brit is below average place average iq here is probably around 90 and creativity even lower
for the odd good post you have to scroll through farm ore posts than you do on tiktok
blog on diego
it's a very good painting
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ah, it's good to see you.
told everyone in toil i had covid so i didn’t have to do to the pride walk the office bender was getting people to attend and now i’ve woken up with all the symptoms of it
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Today's kinography.
looks like every 25-35 year old woman's facebook profile picture
im up drinking coffees and smoking rollies, playing total war
tiktok is a growing platform enjoyed by young and old alike
4chan is a dying platform, only used by the same dwindling group of maladjusted 30-somethings who can't bring themselves to leave
it accrues no new users
I keep my /brit/ consumption at low levels
tiktok has zero creativity, every single thing it farts out is derivative of something else
Any smelly dehydrated wee man in
>maladjusted 30-somethings
Hate them all
Die off pls
inconceivably based
this is a good thing
It’s insane how much power and money is up for grabs in the corporate world for people with some semblence of eloquence.

With the completely butchered vernacular of the average person and no one reading to have some sort of intrapersonal expertise, the ones that do and come across as sharp to the boomer executives is on course for the same fast track through life as the boomers did, unironically
*raises a withered claw*
by that logic neither does brit
You sound like you are a guy who experimented with other guys in college and cross your legs when you sit
was wanking to angela white sticking her tongue up a black chaps arsehole there
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We had the queen skydive out of a helicopter. The French had trannies on a walkway. I think it's fair to say who the better country is.
I struggle to imagine what/brit/ between 3am to 5am GMT is like
Just got called a jew in aldi
well that doesn't sound very appealing
why would you do that?
never claimed any difference, was just refuting the absurd claim that tiktok is creative
noticed a definite uptick an aggressive and butthurt behaviour in /brit/ lately and i can't attribute it all to diego unless he's really working overtime
I’m someone who sees the writing on the wall, and it’s obvious how little you need today to be in the good graces of the people that can springboard you into 10x-ing your quality of life
youtube has ublock origin on the ropes
she stopped being attractive to me when she turned into a BBC obsessed turboslut
We knew that from his flag
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p po por aorc uekh dty is o
anyone going to the big rorke protest in london today? think its dommy robinsons mob
chest in full flake-mode after the sunburn
lovely x
we still had questionable black fellas in the historical section though
I go back and watch the 2012 opening on youtube sometimes, such is the kino
it broke my heart when I found out my favourite porn actress was a slut
nonsense, we get crops of new zoomers every year although admittedly the site in general is in decline
The 2012 opening ceremony was unironically the beginning of the end
im goign transpride x
I have an above average vocabulary and talk eloquently enough and people aren't just offering me 7 figure jobs left and right
do you have nothing better to do in your life than watch 12 year old videos?
I agree with michael owen
films aren't that good
the kind of wank material angela white is in is not regular porn, it's some kind of hyper hardcore goon bait that's becoming normalised instead of being seen as niche
bait teed up nicely here, let's see who takes it

Lavren what's your skincare routine girl
Business idea: Britain should invest in ice hockey. We're quite good at field hockey and we have lots of Pakis who are also good at that. Plus the rules are similar to football so people will understand.
I used to be scared of browsing 4chan in public in case someone recognised it but these days I doubt anyone knows what 4chan is or cares
I have a season ticket for the Dundee Stars. Ice hockey (non arena teams) is so fucking kino in this country
No ice
We can only do slush hockey
I was heartbroken when my favourite aryan trad porn actress got blacked, how could she betray the white race like that?
>dommy robinsons
loves indians that lad
Mad how Australia has ski jumping but it's into a swimming pool
eating porridge
It's inside mate
Every porn actress takes an occasional BBC but only the hideous/fat/jewish ones make it their entire thing
mad going around town on the bus phoneposting and seeing all the expired bans people have had from posting here. more people use 4chan here than I realised
>BBC obsessed turboslut
I don't think she is, I think she's more in that category of supernymph who'll just fuck anything to get herself off
and fwiw her best scene is the asmr one where she's the doctor rimming a guy
>so um it turns out dating a guy that looks and behaves like scum doesn't go well and I had to learn that through experience
why are women so retarded
Actually grim when people say theyre into the normie whore pornstars who are in their 30s and look rancid
For me it's Dillion Harper
kek yeah I stumble on the occasional ancient ban that somebody got for shitposting on /sp/ or whatever a decade ago and I wonder where these people are now
foe me it's hana himezaki
to be honest im just into watching female holes get fucked, don't care much for the visage
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just like me
Caveman 14 yr old brain
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I found out recently that my favourite pornstar that I wanked to so much as a child (Cody Lane) died
ever tried shagging a female hole instead?
as god intended
have yet to have breakfast
think i should start making myself a nice breakfast on the weekends. thinking pancakes, then i can alternative betwen savoury and sweet every weekend.
Coeur de Lain
based monoboob enjoyer
no women are disgusting
manic jew women with elastic arseholes
pancakes are gay, get some meat, eggs and black coffee down you
no I despise all human contact

only ugly people say this
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You could write an entire essay about Englishness based on this picture; the loathing of fuss, the stubborn refusal to acknowledge his mounting discomfort
yes, I am ugly
grim af
Holy fuck this is suppossed to be a SFW board ffs!!!! Fuck you OP

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