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>oy vey you have to accept being a wage slave
Both parties are cucked, what did you expect
It's going to be glorious when Iran raises their flag over Jerusalem because Americans are too fat to fight.
I work. After work I relax. Bite me, jew.
That's what the jew wants albeit
But why Moshe? Modern femgroids are just holes that absorb your money.
>works for the jew
>gives money he got from the jew back to the jew
Do danecucks really
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Danes are the most retarded peoples of europe. Shitty peninsula produces nothing but freaks.
And what does senator Josh Hawley do that provides value to his country?
Politicians are the first ones to be pointed out so they stop destroying our countries first.
>We've got to say
Yeah and do you think any men like that will listen? And why should they listen?
How sick a society must be to actually breed people like her?
she's right. making ice cream cones at dairy queen is a job for teenagers who want to bump up their allowance, it's not a job a 40 year old should have trying to provide for a family.
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i do the bare minimum in life, why should i do anything more? if im forced to try to do anything more ill lay down and just die.
the fact that the person who made this image thinks this is an 'own' is pretty sad man
>you literally pay for israel with your taxes shut up nigga
>Unskilled labor should be for child labor so they can be indoctrinated into being a slave for jews early on and go through mandated reeducation which they will spend the rest of their lives paying off debt for!
yeah sure why not. do you hate capitalism or something?
What do right wingers and conservatives actually do for the common man except for preaching for family values and muh tradition? Do they provide affordable family housing, support maternity leave? Do they fight for single family income that allows fathers to be sole providers while women take care of kids?
the working class keeps voting for them so they must be doing something right? :P
Yes they do all of this just for their own families unlike eurosissies who let the gubbamint do it for them.
but what about shitposting on the 4chans while drukking?
they're right, it's not good for you, but that doesn't mean that instead of porn and video games you should be giving them what they want. they'd rather you work and consume porn and play video games all the time as long as you're contributing. that's where anons get it wrong. it's not the porn and video games that's upsetting them, it's the not contributing.
Majority of working class is dumb as fuck and keeps voting against its own interests over and over.
Do left wingers do any of that? Home prices increased 300% under Bliben. They're just flooding my country with Venezuelans and Africans.
You didn't answer the question, does the right wing do that?
They give money to Israel, which is good enough for me. God bless hallelujah jesus.
The states with the most homelessness, drugs abuse, single father homes and wealth inequality are blue states, saying 'muh working class dumb' is just pure projection
I mean at least globohomo liberals don't even try to pretend they're not henchmen of Satan. I just think it's funny when conservatards pretend they're all for family values despite shitting all over them. Here recently the minister for family welfare from a so called "conservative" party called demands for better conditions in maternity wards "campaign against birth rates in Serbia".
if you think good scores in school amount to intelligence you might be more dumb than the people you look down on
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well yeah, it's definitely not good, but I'm still gonna keep doing it, and frankly, it's none of your business
Being responsible is a good thing, and nobody likes a flake or a leech, but is there any evidence that men are somehow "less responsible" than they were before? Men still work jobs, they still start families (on a more "responsible" basis than they did before!), they still serve in the military, what are you talking about?

He talks about going "back to responsibility" and that men are only into games/porn because da evil libs "bashing masculinity" (aka saying rape is bad). But men have always been into games and porn, if not video games and internet porn. "Call them back" to bull-baiting and their local whorehouse, maybe. "Call them back" to responsibility? What does that look like? And why do I think its yet another GOP-led attempt to cut our meager social services, rather than holding the men in power responsible for tyranny and oppression?
You're a leech on society
No they do not start families which is why there's room in the school system for the government to cram illegal aliens in the tens of millions.
I agree, but what he is calling for in this quote will eventually result in overthrowing the government, because a nation of responsible proactive men will first and foremost get rid of a rotten corpse of a democracy, governing institutions and establish new way of living. What he's actually saying is "hey goy go back to the factory".
>No they do not start families
that's on women, not men
obviously not, but they prevent massive inflows of niggers and venezuelans. they also don't like kids being brainwashed into being trannies. good enough for me.
Not my problem
>No they do not start families
Plenty of people are starting families. They are just being more "responsible" about it. Having 1-2 kids once "they can afford it". Not just having kids they neglect because its "the thing to do".

Men back in the day were not "starting families" because they were just so darn "responsible", I'm sorry.
No, everything is on men, women have to be controlled.

You're making this up, the reality is that replacement migration wouldn't be possible if there were an abundance of American children.
>You're making this up, the reality is that replacement migration wouldn't be possible if there were an abundance of American children.
"Replacement migration" is a meme.
We had higher rates of immigration and less restricted immigration at the turn of the 20th century.

Having an "abundance of American children" does not imply men being "responsible". In fact it implies the opposite. If you want a ton of kids encourage men and women to be irresponsible, and simply have as many kids as they can, period.

No work, no pussy. You are not entitled to demand anything, if you have no value.
We see right through you, Mr Shekelburg.
I see why you're using the word responsible, because that's what you personally plan to do. You being a manchild who can't wrest himself away from media addiction, so you justify your procrastination by thinking that you're not ready for a child when biology says you're wrong and thousands of years of history says you're wrong.
I have 2 children, and I am not having more because it would be irresponsible of me.

>thousands of years of history
Nobody cared about being responsible when they had kids, they fucked, they had kids they barely gave a shit about, the end.
Sure sure always the convenient anecdote when you need it most.
No you accused me of not having children because of "media addiction" (as if that would matter one way or the other when it comes to having kids). I have 2.

My grandfather had 9.
Do you think he was super responsible?
>Le heckin gender equality!
>But men need to work until they die
Being a wagie doesn’t give you value.
He's not whining about unemployment there, and he's not one of the rightoids bold enough to go after the boomer bennies. In fact he blames gender equality for making men like porn/gaming in general, since sometimes feminists talk about "toxic masculinity" and therefore??

Bitching about sex and recreation is what right wingers love to do. It plays extremely well to their conservative base, who may well like sex and recreation for themselves but not so much for everyone else.
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I've noticed a lot of American Republican boomers give their sons constant shit but allow their precious little daughter to get railed by a nigger as long as he is a college football athlete.

What creates this pathetic behaviour
Early life on this witch
>Do they fight for single family income
To be honest, this is an IMPOSSIBLE agenda to fight for since 51% of the electorate is female
He means an income that is enough to support a family on, not forcing every family to have a single earner.
t. doesn't work, spends his time on video games, watching porn online.
Honestly, they're right about everything except
>spending your time with video games
There's no problem with video games and they are a valid, good artistic medium that requires attention span.
The problem with people like this senator is that they don't understand that this (a kind of male "nihilism") is an effect that proceeds from a cause, and not the first cause.
"call back to responsability" is a non statement
porn should be banned not because of moral reasons but because its all shit anyway pornhub is a joke and should be banned just because of that. id rather jerk off to old benny hill reruns that any slop on the internet
and video games are shit too so i dont know anyone whop plays them accept for gambling addicts. if your bored go play pool or whatever atleast then you can meet people and die of lung cancer
if you're older than 18 and you're stuck 8 hours a day making ice cream cones you might aswell go back to your home country.

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