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EdiciĆ³n mariachi
Man 3D women really just cannot compare to 2D women even when they try to imitate them
Who asked?
I'm afraid I don't need your permission to write what I want buddy
poopy thread
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She looks 100% Aztec
She comes pretty close though
Rather 3D women put in that much effort to look good
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What's an Israeli even doing in a Mexican thread?
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thats classified
why did YHWH never try to contact the Aztecs?
My ancestor were oblivious to Noahide Laws, does that mean all of them were thrown into hell without a trial?
why does she look indian
buenos dias compi
thats not how it works nothing like the pop-culture idea of 'hell' exists in our tradition. those who had a brit (pact) with hashem and who did mitzvot (religious obligations, good deeds) are rewarded in the afterlife.

imagine its like those freemium vidya games those who did good deeds in this life start from level 80 with all the good shit unlocked while everyone else or those who did bad deeds start from lower levels depending on their life

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